81R12896 JRJ-D
  By: Rose H.B. No. 4150
  relating to the collection and provision of information concerning
  public school career and technology education programs.
         SECTION 1.  Section 7.009, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 7.009.  BEST PRACTICES; CLEARINGHOUSE.  (a)  In
  coordination with the Legislative Budget Board, the agency shall
  establish an online clearinghouse of information relating to best
  practices of campuses, [and] school districts, and open-enrollment
  charter schools.  In addition to information required under
  Subsection (e), the agency shall determine the appropriate topic
  categories for which a campus, district, or charter school may
  submit best [regarding instruction, dropout prevention, public
  school finance, resource allocation, and business] practices.  To
  the extent practicable, the agency shall ensure that information
  provided through the online clearinghouse is specific, actionable
  information relating to the best practices of high-performing and
  highly efficient campuses, [and school] districts, and
  open-enrollment charter schools and of academically acceptable
  campuses, districts, and open-enrollment charter schools that have
  demonstrated significant improvement in student achievement rather
  than general guidelines relating to campus, [and school] district,
  and open-enrollment charter school operation.  The information must
  be accessible by campuses, school districts, open-enrollment
  charter schools, and interested members of the public.
         (b)  The agency shall solicit and collect from the
  Legislative Budget Board, centers for education research
  established under Section 1.005, and [exemplary or recognized]
  school districts, campuses, and open-enrollment charter schools[,
  as rated under Section 39.072,] examples of best practices as
  determined by the agency under Subsection (a) and as required under
  Subsection (e) [relating to instruction, dropout prevention,
  public school finance, resource allocation, and business
  practices, including best practices relating to curriculum, scope
  and sequence, compensation and incentive systems, bilingual
  education and special language programs, compensatory education
  programs, and the effective use of instructional technology,
  including online courses].
         (c)  The agency shall contract for the services of one or
  more third-party contractors to develop, implement, and maintain a
  system of collecting and evaluating the best practices of campuses,
  [and] school districts, and open-enrollment charter schools as
  provided by this section.  In addition to any other considerations
  required by law, the agency must consider an applicant's
  demonstrated competence and qualifications in analyzing campus,
  [and] school district, and open-enrollment charter school
  practices in awarding a contract under this subsection.
         (d)  The commissioner may purchase from available funds
  curriculum and other instructional tools identified under this
  section to provide for use by school districts and open-enrollment
  charter schools.
         (e)  The clearinghouse shall collect and provide information
  relating to best practices in career and technology education,
               (1)  model programs that connect kindergarten through
  grade 12 to postsecondary employment or higher education in a
  seamless system that includes the use of quality internship
               (2)  courses that teach the required curriculum under
  Section 28.002 in a manner that may be applied to employment skills;
               (3)  models of course scheduling that allow students to
  participate in a coherent sequence of career and technology courses
  while meeting the requirement adopted under Section 28.025 that
  students complete four courses in each subject of the foundation
  curriculum under Section 28.002(a)(1);
               (4)  counseling that:
                     (A)  assists students in identifying high-demand,
  high-wage occupations appropriate for the student;
                     (B)  diagnoses the current skills of students and
  determines the skills needed for those high-demand, high-wage
                     (C)  assists students in planning courses and
  schedules to acquire needed skills; and
                     (D)  connects students to employment
  opportunities and to institutions of higher education; and
               (5)  the integration and use of Internet courses into
  the career and technology education course sequences.
         (f)  This subsection expires January 31, 2011.  Not later
  than January 1, 2011, the agency shall report to the chair of each
  standing committee of the legislature with primary jurisdiction
  over public education recommendations regarding how to use the
  clearinghouse established under this section as a dynamic technical
  assistance and support tool. The recommendations must include
  recommendations regarding:
               (1)  using the clearinghouse to provide classroom
  teachers, school districts, and open-enrollment charter schools
  with statewide access to high-quality curricula;
               (2)  consolidating similar state Internet web portals
  into a central framework; and
               (3)  providing students access to Internet-based
  academic and career counseling that includes cooperation among the
  relevant state agencies for the purpose of transitioning students,
  including students enrolled in a special education program under
  Subchapter A, Chapter 29, from kindergarten through grade 12 to
  postsecondary employment or higher education.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 33, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 33.008 to read as follows:
  EDUCATION.  (a)  Each counselor at a middle or junior high school,
  including an open-enrollment charter school offering those grades,
  shall advise students and their parents or guardians regarding the
  purposes of and available options for career and technology
  education as part of any information provided to a student for
  purposes of establishing a personal graduation plan.
         (b)  During the first school year a student is enrolled in a
  high school or at the high school level in an open-enrollment
  charter school, a counselor shall provide information about career
  and technology education to the student and the student's parent or
  guardian as part of any information provided to a student for
  purposes of establishing a personal graduation plan.  The career
  and technology information provided must include information
               (1)  obtaining an aptitude or interest assessment;
               (2)  available course and career options, including
  projected future demand for particular careers;
               (3)  certification and licensing requirements,
  including skills needed and coursework required to meet those
  requirements; and
               (4)  postsecondary education and training
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter C, Chapter 61, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 61.0663 to read as follows:
         Sec. 61.0663.  ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY. (a)  To assess the
  economic benefits and preparation for employment provided by public
  institutions of higher education, the board shall identify students
  enrolled in the public education system and collect data on which
  postsecondary program, if any, the students enroll in and the type
  of employment the students obtain following completion of high
  school or the program, as applicable.
         (b)  The board, in consultation with the Texas Education
  Agency, the Texas Workforce Commission, and the comptroller, shall
  use the education and employment data collected under Subsection
  (a), and any additional relevant data, to assess the economic
  impact of secondary and postsecondary training and education. The
  information must be produced in a manner that:
               (1)  demonstrates patterns of postsecondary enrollment
  and employment placement;
               (2)  provides an assessment of the economic benefits of
  institutions of higher education and programs at those institutions
  to students and the state; and
               (3)  provides an assessment of the economic benefit of
  public education programs that prepare students who transition
  directly to postsecondary employment.
         (c)  The information produced under this section must be
  capable of electronic dissemination and made available to the
  public in a format that assists students in making decisions
  regarding education and career choices.
         (d)  This section does not authorize the disclosure of
  student information that may not be disclosed under the Family
  Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. Section
  1232g). The board, in conjunction with the commissioner of
  education, the comptroller, and the Texas Workforce Commission,
  shall adopt rules to protect the confidentiality of student
         SECTION 4.  Section 61.0762, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 61.0762.  PROGRAMS TO ENHANCE STUDENT SUCCESS. (a)  To
  implement the college readiness and success strategic action plan
  adopted under Section 61.0761 and to enhance the success of
  students at institutions of higher education, the board by rule
  shall develop:
               (1)  summer higher education bridge programs in the
  subject areas of mathematics, science, and English language arts;
               (2)  incentive programs for institutions of higher
  education that implement research-based, innovative developmental
  education initiatives;
               (3)  financial assistance programs for educationally
  disadvantaged students, as defined by Section 5.001, who take
  college entrance and college readiness assessment instruments;
               (4)  professional development programs for faculty of
  institutions of higher education on college readiness standards and
  the implications of such standards on instruction; and
               (5)  other programs as determined by the board that
  support the participation and success goals in "Closing the Gaps,"
  the state's master plan for higher education.
         (b)  As one of the programs adopted under Subsection (a)(5),
  the board shall establish education resource centers to create
  within school communities interest in and information concerning
  attendance at institutions of higher education. Each center must
  attempt to coordinate among students, parents, school counselors,
  and institutions of higher education in providing access to
  resources helpful in preparation for attendance at and admission to
  institutions of higher education.  One or more persons associated
  with each center shall be trained and able to assist the families of
  high school students complete the Free Application for Federal
  Student Aid (FAFSA) form. Each center shall provide information
  concerning career and technical education, including certification
  and licensing requirements and available course and career options
  and degree programs. A center under this subsection may be located
  on a high school or middle school campus or at a site within a
  community that is conveniently located to many students, such as a
  public library or local workforce or community center, or may be a
  mobile center that visits schools or other places where students
  are likely to gather.
         (c)  The board shall conduct ongoing evaluations of programs
  developed under Subsection (a) and any other programs developed to
  provide information concerning postsecondary educational or
  employment opportunities to determine the effectiveness of the
  programs in meeting the goals of "Closing the Gaps," the state's
  master plan for higher education.
         (d)  In conjunction with the comptroller, the board shall
  develop an Internet website for the purpose of providing
  information to the public about postsecondary educational and
  employment opportunities. The website shall provide information in
  English and Spanish concerning:
               (1)  career and technical education programs that
  integrate academic, technical, and career skills that lead to a
  license, certificate, or postsecondary degree;
               (2)  available employment opportunities and the
  educational requirements needed for employment at entry and
  advanced levels;
               (3)  which occupations are considered high-demand, as
  determined by the board in conjunction with the Texas Workforce
               (4)  the skills needed and the available avenues for
  obtaining employment in a high-demand occupation; and
               (5)  how to obtain financial aid and what forms of
  financial aid are available to students entering certain
         (e)  For the purpose of developing the Internet website under
  Subsection (d), the board may require the Texas Education Agency to
  provide information on educational programs and outcomes and the
  Texas Workforce Commission to provide information on workforce
  programs and outcomes.
         (f)  As one of the programs adopted under Subsection (a)(5),
  the board, in conjunction with the comptroller and the Texas
  Workforce Commission, shall establish mobile career centers that
  visit schools or other places where students are likely to gather.
  The mobile career centers shall provide students information on
  various occupations including:
               (1)  the potential future employment demand for the
               (2)  the earning potential for a person employed in the
               (3)  the skills and training needed for employment in
  the occupation;
               (4)  a list of courses applicable to the occupation,
  including courses offered in high school, for dual credit, on the
  Internet, and at institutions of higher education, and the extent
  to which those courses are available to the student; and
               (5)  information concerning post entry-level
  employment opportunities in the occupation and, to the extent
  feasible, information concerning the education required to access
  those future opportunities.
         SECTION 5.  Section 2 of this Act applies beginning with the
  2009-2010 school year.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.