81R11292 PMO-D
  By: Smithee H.B. No. 4179
  relating to health insurance.
         SECTION 1.  Section 542.051, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Subdivision (5) to read as follows:
               (5)  "Provider network" means a health benefit plan
  under which health care services are provided to enrollees through
  contracts with health care providers and that requires those
  enrollees to use health care providers participating in the plan
  and procedures covered by the plan.  The term includes a network
  operated by:
                     (A)  a health maintenance organization;
                     (B)  a preferred provider benefit plan issuer; or
                     (C)  another entity that issues a health benefit
  plan, including an insurance company.
         SECTION 2.  Section 542.052, Insurance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 542.052.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER.  (a) This
  subchapter applies to any insurer authorized to engage in business
  as an insurance company or to provide insurance in this state,
               (1)  a stock life, health, or accident insurance
               (2)  a mutual life, health, or accident insurance
               (3)  a stock fire or casualty insurance company;
               (4)  a mutual fire or casualty insurance company;
               (5)  a Mexican casualty insurance company;
               (6)  a Lloyd's plan;
               (7)  a reciprocal or interinsurance exchange;
               (8)  a fraternal benefit society;
               (9)  a stipulated premium company;
               (10)  a nonprofit legal services corporation;
               (11)  a statewide mutual assessment company;
               (12)  a local mutual aid association;
               (13)  a local mutual burial association;
               (14)  an association exempt under Section 887.102;
               (15)  a nonprofit hospital, medical, or dental service
  corporation, including a corporation subject to Chapter 842;
               (16)  a county mutual insurance company;
               (17)  a farm mutual insurance company;
               (18)  a risk retention group;
               (19)  a purchasing group;
               (20)  an eligible surplus lines insurer; and
               (21)  except as provided by Section 542.053(b), a
  guaranty association operating under Chapter 462 or 463.
         (b)  This subchapter applies to a claim of a health care
  provider who:
               (1)  is in the provider network of an enrollee's
  insurer; or
               (2)  is not in the provider network of an enrollee's
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 1274, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Section 1274.006 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1274.006.  A health benefit plan issuer shall establish
  a secure website that provides an enrollee with real-time
  information concerning:
               (1)  any applicable deductibles; and
               (2)  physician or health care provider network
         SECTION 4.  Section 1369.153(a), Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  An issuer of a health benefit plan that provides
  pharmacy benefits to enrollees shall include on the identification
  card of each enrollee:
               (1)  the name or logo of the entity administering the
  pharmacy benefits if the entity is different from the health
  benefit plan issuer;
               (2)  the group number applicable to the enrollee;
               (3)  the identification number of the enrollee;
               (4) [(3)]  the effective date and expected expiration
  date of the coverage evidenced by the card;
               (5) [(4)]  a telephone number for contacting an
  appropriate person to obtain information relating to the pharmacy
  benefits provided under the plan; [and]
               (6) [(5)]  copayment and deductible information for
  generic and brand-name prescription drugs; and
               (7)  any other information required by the commission
  by rule.
         SECTION 5.  Chapter 1456, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Section 1456.0066 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1456.0066.  NETWORK ADEQUACY STANDARDS.  The
  commissioner shall by rule adopt network adequacy standards that
  are adapted to local markets in which the health benefit plan
  operates.  The rules must include standards that ensure
  availability of, and accessibility to, a full range of health care
  practitioners to provide health care services to enrollees.
         SECTION 6.  Subtitle F, Title 8, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Chapter 1458 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1458.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Balance billing" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 1456.001.
               (2)  "Enrollee" means an individual who is eligible to
  receive health care services under a managed care plan.
               (3)  "Health care provider" means:
                     (A)  an individual who is licensed to provide
  health care services; or
                     (B)  a hospital, emergency clinic, outpatient
  clinic, or other facility providing health care services.
               (4)  "Managed care plan" means a health benefit plan
  under which health care services are provided to enrollees through
  contracts with health care providers and that requires those
  enrollees to use health care providers participating in the plan
  and procedures covered by the plan. The term includes a health
  benefit plan issued by:
                     (A)  a health maintenance organization;
                     (B)  a preferred provider benefit plan issuer; or
                     (C)  any other entity that issues a health benefit
  plan, including an insurance company.
               (5)  "Out-of-network provider" means a health care
  provider who is not a participating provider.
               (6)  "Participating provider" means a health care
  provider who has contracted with a health benefit plan issuer to
  provide services to enrollees.
         Sec. 1458.002.  PAYMENT AT IN-NETWORK RATE. A managed care
  plan must pay an out-of-network health care provider that provides
  a service to an enrollee at the rate the plan pays a participating
  provider for the health care service.
         Sec. 1458.003.  NO BALANCE BILLING.  An out-of-network
  health care provider may not balance bill.
         Sec. 1458.004.  RULES. The commissioner shall adopt rules
  necessary to implement this chapter.
         SECTION 7.  This Act applies only to an insurance policy or
  contract or evidence of coverage that is delivered, issued for
  delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 2010. An insurance
  policy or contract or evidence of coverage delivered, issued for
  delivery, or renewed before January 1, 2010, is governed by the law
  as it existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and
  that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.