By: Darby H.B. No. 4219
  relating to the prohibition or disclosure of a fee associated with
  the transfer of real property.
         SECTION 1.  Section 5.017, Property Code, is amended by
  amended subsections (b) and (c) and adding a new subsection (d) to
  read as follows:
         (b)  A deed restriction or other covenant running with the
  land applicable to the conveyance of [residential] real property
  that requires a transferor or a transferee of residential real
  property or the transferee's heirs, successors, or assigns to pay a
  declarant or other person imposing the deed restriction or covenant
  on the property or a third party designated by a transferor of the
  property a fee in connection with any [a future] transfer of the
  property is prohibited. A deed restriction or other covenant
  running with the land that violates this section or a lien
  purporting to encumber the land to secure a right under a deed
  restriction or other covenant running with the land that violates
  this section is void and unenforceable.  For purposes of this
  section, a conveyance of real property includes a conveyance or
  other transfer of an interest or estate in residential real
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), this [This]
  section does not apply to a deed restriction or other covenant
  running with the land that requires a fee associated with the
  conveyance of property in a subdivision that is payable to:
               (1)  a property owners' association that manages or
  regulates the subdivision or the association's managing agent if
  the subdivision contains more than one platted lot;
               (2)  an entity organized under Section 501(c)(3),
  Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or
               (3)  a governmental entity.; or
               (4)  an entity that operates a golf and country club in
  or adjacent to one or more subdivisions where the owners of real
  property in such subdivisions are required deed restriction to
  obtain and maintain a membership in such club.
         (d)  An exemption provided by subsection (c) becomes null and
  void unless:
               (1)  the fee imposed by an entity has been approved by
  property owners at an election on the issue of authorizing the
  entity to impose the fee; and
               (2)  the seller of an interest in real property located
  in this state gives to the purchaser of the property a written
  statement of all fees associated with any transfer of ownership of
  the property, including:
                     (i)  a description of each fee;
                     (ii)  to whom each fee is paid;
                     (iii)  the amount of each fee; and
                     (iv)  when payment of each fee is due.
         (e)  Any property owner who is the owner of record of fee
  simple title to a parcel of land subject to a deed restriction or
  other covenant running with the land applicable to the conveyance
  of the property at the time an election is held is entitled to vote
  in an election on the issue of authorizing an entity to impose a fee
  under subsection (c).
         (f)  A violation of subsection (d) does not invalidate a
         (g)  If a contract is entered into without the seller
  providing the statement provided by subsection (d)(2), a purchaser
  is not required to pay any fees associated with any transfer of the
  property at any time.
         (h)  A seller of real property is not liable for any fee
  associated with the transfer of property if the entity receiving
  the fee under subsection (c) does not timely provide the seller with
  the information required to be given to a purchaser under
  subsection (d).
         (i)  An exemption provided by subsection (c) does not create
  any additional authority on any entity to receive a fee associated
  with the transfer of real property.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.