By: Keffer H.B. No. 4246
  relating to the reporting of lost or unaccounted gas by the first
  purchaser and the tax due by the first purchaser on lost or
  unaccounted for gas.
         SECTION 1.  Section 201.2035, Subchapter E, Chapter 201, Tax
  Code, is amended by amending subsection (b) and adding subsections
  (c) and (d) to read as follows:
  the last day of each calendar month, each first purchaser must file
  a report with the comptroller on forms prescribed by the
  comptroller. The report must contain the following information
  concerning gas purchased from a producer during the preceding
  calendar month:
               (1)  the gross amount of gas purchased from each
               (2)  the price paid for the gas;
               (3)  the leases from which the gas was produced; and
               (4)  other information the comptroller may reasonably
         (b)  If the report the first purchaser is required to file
  pursuant to subsection (a) shows any additional tax due, the first
  purchaser must pay the tax when he files the report.
         (c)  On or before the last day of each calendar month, each
  first purchaser who is either a gatherer, an intra-state pipeline
  or an affiliate of a gatherer or an intra-state pipeline must also
  file a lost or unaccounted for gas report with the comptroller on
  forms prescribed by the comptroller.  The report must contain the
  following information for the preceding calendar month:
               (1)  the gross volume of lost or unaccounted for gas the
  first purchaser who is either a gatherer, an intra-state pipeline
  or an affiliate of a gatherer or an intra-state pipeline reported to
  all producers in the state of Texas;
               (2)  two percent of the gross volume of gas the first
  purchaser received from all producers in the state of texas;
               (3)  the resulting gross volume when (c)(2) is
  subtracted from (c)(1).
  If the report the first purchaser who is either a gatherer, an
  intra-state pipeline or an affiliate of a gatherer or an
  intra-state pipeline is required to file pursuant to this
  subsection shows a positive gross volume reported under (c)(3),
  then notwithstanding any other provision of this act, the first
  purchaser who is either a gatherer, an intra-state pipeline or an
  affiliate of a gatherer or an intra-state pipeline is solely liable
  for the tax on the positive gross volume reported under (c)(3), the
  first purchaser who is either a gatherer, an intra-state pipeline
  or an affiliate of a gatherer or an intra-state pipeline may not
  transfer or contract away this liability for the tax on the positive
  gross volume reported under (c)(3) to any other entity or
  individual by any means and must pay the tax on the positive gross
  volume reported under (c)(3) at the price reported under (a)(2)
  when he files the report.
         (d)  On or before the last day of each calendar month, each
  gatherer, intra-state pipeline or an affiliate of a gatherer or an
  intra-state pipeline that transports gas for a fee must also file a
  lost or unaccounted for gas report with the comptroller on forms
  prescribed by the comptroller.  The report must contain the
  following information for the preceding calendar month:
               (1)  the gross volume of lost or unaccounted for gas the
  gatherer, an intra-state pipeline or an affiliate of a gatherer or
  an intra-state pipeline that transports gas for a fee reported to
  all producers in the state of Texas;
               (2)  two percent of the gross volume of gas the
  gatherer, an intra-state pipeline or an affiliate of a gatherer or
  an intra-state pipeline that transports gas for a fee received from
  all producers in the state of Texas; and
               (3)  the resulting gross volume when (d)(2) is
  subtracted from (d)(1).
  If the report the gatherer, an intra-state pipeline or an affiliate
  of a gatherer or an intra-state pipeline that transports gas for a
  fee is required to file pursuant to this subsection shows a positive
  gross volume reported under (d)(3), then notwithstanding any other
  provision of this act, the gatherer, an intra-state pipeline or an
  affiliate of a gatherer or an intra-state pipeline that transports
  gas for a fee is solely liable for the tax on the positive gross
  volume reported under (d)(3), the gatherer, an intra-state pipeline
  or an affiliate of a gatherer or an intra-state pipeline that
  transports gas for a fee may not transfer or contract away this
  liability for the tax on the positive gross volume reported under
  (d)(3) to any other entity or individual by any means and must pay
  the tax when he files the report on the positive gross volume
  reported under (d)(3) at the closing price at the Houston Ship
  Channel on the day before the date when he files the report.
         SECTION 2.  The revenue derived from Section 201.2035 (c)
  and (d) shall be deposited in the General Revenue Fund and
  one-fourth of the funds collected shall be used for the
  administration of the state's oil and gas conservation laws.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.