81R10571 ALB-F
  By: Davis of Dallas H.B. No. 4271
  relating to regulation of facilities providing certain types of
         SECTION 1.  Section 123.002, Human Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 123.002.  DEFINITIONS [DEFINITION]. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Commission" means the Health and Human Services
               (2)  "Community home" means a community home described
  by Section 123.004 that provides services to persons with a
               (3)  "Department" means the Department of Aging and
  Disability Services.
               (4)  "Executive commissioner" means the executive
  commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission.
               (5)  "Person with a disability"[, "person with a
  disability"] means a person whose ability to care for himself,
  perform manual tasks, learn, work, walk, see, hear, speak, or
  breathe is substantially limited because the person has:
                     (A) [(1)]  an orthopedic, visual, speech, or
  hearing impairment;
                     (B) [(2)]  Alzheimer's disease;
                     (C) [(3)]  pre-senile dementia;
                     (D) [(4)]  cerebral palsy;
                     (E) [(5)]  epilepsy;
                     (F) [(6)]  muscular dystrophy;
                     (G) [(7)]  multiple sclerosis;
                     (H) [(8)]  cancer;
                     (I) [(9)]  heart disease;
                     (J) [(10)]  diabetes;
                     (K) [(11)]  mental retardation;
                     (L) [(12)]  autism; or
                     (M) [(13)]  emotional illness.
         SECTION 2.  Section 123.007, Human Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  [REQUIREMENTS]. A community home must meet all applicable
  licensing requirements, including:
               (1)  an applicant for a community home for disabled
  persons must submit an application to the department on a form
  prescribed by the department;
               (2)  each application must be accompanied by a
  nonrefundable license fee in an amount set by the department;
               (3)  the department may provide technical assistance to
  an applicant by performing brief inspections of the community home
  proposed to be licensed and making recommendations concerning
  actions necessary to meet standards for community homes for
  disabled persons; and
               (4)  prior to issuance of a license, the department
  shall require that an application be approved by the local health
  authority or other local official for compliance with municipal
  ordinances on building standards, fire safety, sanitation, zoning,
  and other ordinances relating to the public health and safety.
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 123, Human Resources Code, is amended by
  adding Sections 123.011 through 123.023 to read as follows:
         Sec. 123.011.  DISPLAY OF LICENSE.  A community home shall
  prominently and conspicuously post for display in a public area of
  the community home that is readily available to residents,
  employees, or visitors:
               (1)  the license issued under this chapter;
               (2)  the name and address of the license holder;
               (3)  the name of the owner or owners, if different from
  the information provided under Subdivision (2);
               (4)  the license expiration date;
               (5)  the types of services authorized to be provided
  under the license;
               (6)  a sign prescribed by the executive commissioner
  that specifies complaint procedures established under this chapter
  or rules adopted under this chapter and that specifies how
  complaints may be registered with the department;
               (7)  a notice in a form prescribed by the department
  stating that inspection and related reports are available at the
  community home for public inspection and providing the department's
  toll-free number that may be used to obtain information concerning
  the community home; and
               (8)  a concise summary of the most recent inspection
  report relating to the community home.
         Sec. 123.012.  ANNUAL INSPECTIONS; INVESTIGATIONS.  (a)  The
  department, or local district attorney, county attorney, or city
  attorney may inspect a community home annually and may inspect the
  community home at other reasonable times as necessary to ensure
  compliance with this chapter or to ensure compliance with municipal
  ordinances on building standards, fire safety, sanitation, and
  zoning and other ordinances relating to the public health and
         (b)  A license holder or a license applicant is considered to
  have consented to entry and inspection of the community home by the
  department, local district attorney, county attorney, or city
  attorney in accordance with this chapter.
  The governing body of a municipality may:
               (1)  prohibit a person who does not hold a license
  issued under this chapter from establishing or operating a
  community home within the municipality; and
               (2)  establish a procedure for emergency closure of a
  community home under the following circumstances:
                     (A)  the home is established or operating in
  violation of Section 123.007; and
                     (B)  the continued operation of the community home
  creates an immediate threat to the health and safety of a resident
  of the community home.
         Sec. 123.014.  INJUNCTION.  (a)  The department, local
  district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney may petition a
  district court for a temporary restraining order to restrain a
  continuing violation of the standards or licensing requirements
  provided under this chapter or violation of a municipal ordinance
  if the department, local district attorney, county attorney, or
  city attorney finds that:
               (1)  the violation creates an immediate threat to the
  health and safety of the residents of the community home; or
               (2)  the home is operating without a license.
         (b)  The department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may petition a district court for a
  temporary restraining order to inspect a community home allegedly
  operating without a license when admission to the community home
  cannot be obtained. If it is shown that admission to the community
  home cannot be obtained, the court shall order the community home to
  allow the department, local district attorney, county attorney, or
  city attorney admission to the community home.
         (c)  A district court, on petition of the department, local
  district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney and on finding
  by the court that a person is violating the standards or licensing
  requirements provided under this chapter or a municipal ordinance,
  may by injunction:
               (1)  prohibit a person from continuing a violation of
  the standards or licensing requirements provided under this
               (2)  prohibit a person from continuing to violate a
  municipal ordinance;
               (3)  restrain the establishment or operation of the
  community home without a license issued under this chapter; or
               (4)  grant any other injunctive relief warranted by the
         (d)  The attorney general or local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may institute and conduct a suit
  authorized by this section.
         (e)  Venue for a suit brought under this section is in the
  county in which the community home is located or in Travis County.
         Sec. 123.015.  FINDINGS AND PURPOSE OF TRUSTEES. (a)  The
  legislature finds that, under some circumstances, closing a
  community home for a violation of law or rule may:
               (1)  have an adverse effect on the home's residents and
  their families; and
               (2)  result in a lack of readily available financial
  resources to meet the basic needs of the residents for food,
  shelter, medication, and personal services.
         (b)  The purpose of the provisions of this chapter that
  authorize the appointment of a trustee is to provide for:
               (1)  the appointment of a trustee to assume operations
  of the community home in a manner that emphasizes resident care and
  reduces resident trauma; and
               (2)  a fund to assist a court-appointed trustee in
  meeting the basic needs of the residents.
         Sec. 123.016.  TRUSTEE APPOINTED BY AGREEMENT. (a)  A person
  who holds a controlling interest in a community home may request the
  department to assume operation of the community home through the
  appointment of a trustee.
         (b)  After receiving this request, the department may enter
  into an agreement providing for the appointment of a trustee to take
  charge of the community home under conditions both parties consider
  appropriate if the department considers the appointment desirable.
         (c)  An agreement under this section must:
               (1)  specify the terms and conditions of the trustee's
  appointment and authority; and
               (2)  preserve the rights of the residents as granted by
         (d)  The agreement terminates at the time:
               (1)  specified by the parties; or
               (2)  either party notifies the other in writing that
  the party is terminating the appointment agreement.
         Sec. 123.017.  INVOLUNTARY APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE.  (a)  The
  department may request the attorney general to bring an action on
  behalf of the state, or the local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may bring an action, for the appointment
  of a trustee to operate a community home if:
               (1)  the community home is operating without a license;
               (2)  the department has suspended or revoked the
  community home's license;
               (3)  license suspension or revocation procedures
  against the community home are pending, and the department
  determines that an imminent threat to the health and safety of the
  residents exists;
               (4)  the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney determines that an emergency exists that
  presents an immediate threat to the health and safety of the
               (5)  the community home is closing and arrangements for
  relocation of the residents to other licensed community homes for
  disabled persons have not been made before closure; or
               (6)  the community home does not comply with municipal
  ordinances on building standards, fire safety, sanitation, or
  zoning, or other ordinances that relate to the public health and
         (b)  A trustee appointed under Subsection (a)(5) has the
  authority only to ensure an orderly and safe relocation of the
  community home's residents as quickly as possible.
         (c)  After a hearing, a court shall appoint as trustee an
  individual whose background includes services for disabled
         (d)  An action under this section must be brought in Travis
  County or the county in which the community home is located.
  (a)  A trustee appointed by the court under this chapter is entitled
  to a reasonable fee as determined by the court.  In determining the
  trustee's personal compensation for administration of the
  community home, the court shall consider reasonable a rate that is
  equal to 150 percent of the maximum allowable rate for an
  owner-administrator of a similar facility under the state's
  Medicaid reimbursement rules, if applicable, or another reasonable
  rate determined by the executive commissioner by rule.  The court
  shall determine the reasonableness of the trustee's personal
  compensation for other duties.  On the motion of any party, the
  court shall review the reasonableness of the trustee's fees.  The
  court shall reduce the amount if the court determines that the fees
  are not reasonable.
         (b)  The trustee may petition the court to order the release
  to the trustee of any payment owed the trustee for care and services
  provided to the residents if the payment has been withheld,
  including a payment withheld by the commission.
         (c)  Payments withheld under Subsection (b) may include
  payments withheld by a governmental agency or other entity during
  the appointment of the trustee, including payments:
               (1)  for Medicaid or insurance;
               (2)  by a third party; or
               (3)  for medical expenses incurred by the residents.
  ASSISTANCE FUNDS.  (a)  The community home fund is a trust fund with
  the comptroller and shall be made available to the department for
  expenditures without legislative appropriation to make emergency
  assistance funds available to a community home.
         (b)  A trustee of a community home may use the emergency
  assistance funds only to alleviate an immediate threat to the
  health and safety of the residents. The use may include payments
               (1)  food;
               (2)  medication;
               (3)  sanitation services;
               (4)  minor repairs;
               (5)  supplies necessary for personal hygiene; or
               (6)  services necessary for the personal care, health,
  and safety of the residents.
         (c)  A court may order the department to disburse emergency
  assistance funds to a community home if the court finds that:
               (1)  the community home has inadequate funds accessible
  to the trustee for the operation of the community home;
               (2)  an emergency exists that presents an immediate
  threat to the health and safety of the residents; and
               (3)  it is in the best interests of the health and
  safety of the residents that funds are immediately available.
         (d)  The commission shall disburse money from the community
  home fund as ordered by the court in accordance with department
         (e)  Any unencumbered amount in the community home fund that
  exceeds $500,000 at the end of each fiscal year shall be transferred
  to the credit of the general revenue fund and may be appropriated
  only to the department for department use in administering and
  enforcing this chapter.
         Sec. 123.020.  ADDITIONAL LICENSE FEE.  (a)  In addition to
  the license fee required by Section 123.007, the commission shall
  adopt an annual fee to be charged and collected if the amount of the
  community home fund is less than $500,000.  The fee shall be
  deposited to the credit of the community home fund created by this
         (b)  The commission may charge and collect a fee under this
  section more than once each year only if necessary to ensure that
  the amount in the community home fund is sufficient to make
  disbursements under Section 123.019.
         (c)  The commission shall set the fee on the basis of the
  number of beds in a community home required to pay the fee and in an
  amount necessary to provide more than $500,000 in the community
  home fund.
         Sec. 123.021.  REIMBURSEMENT.  (a)  A community home that
  receives emergency assistance money or trustee fees under this
  chapter shall reimburse the department for the amounts received,
  including interest.
         (b)  Interest on unreimbursed amounts accrues from the date
  on which the money is disbursed to the community home. The rate of
  interest is the rate determined under Section 304.003, Finance
  Code, to be applicable to judgments rendered during the month in
  which the money is disbursed to the community home.
         (c)  The owner of the community home when the trustee is
  appointed is responsible for the reimbursement.
         (d)  The amount that remains unreimbursed on the date of the
  first anniversary on which the money is received is delinquent and
  the commission may determine that the community home is ineligible
  for a Medicaid provider contract.
         (e)  The department shall deposit the reimbursement and
  interest received under this section to the credit of the community
  home fund.
         (f)  The attorney general shall institute an action to
  collect money due under this section at the request of the
  department. An action under this section must be brought in Travis
  County or in the county in which the community home is located.
         Sec. 123.022.  NOTIFICATION OF CLOSURE. (a) A community home
  that is closing temporarily or permanently, voluntarily or
  involuntarily, shall notify the residents of the closing and make
  reasonable efforts to notify in writing each resident's nearest
  relative or the person responsible for the resident's support
  within a reasonable time before the home closes.
         (b)  If the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, city attorney, or a court orders a facility to close and
  the closure is in any other way involuntary, the community home
  shall make the notification, orally or in writing, immediately on
  receiving notice.
  community home commits an offense if the home knowingly fails to
  comply with Section 123.022.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
         SECTION 4.  The heading to Chapter 123, Human Resources
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 5.  Sections 142.004(c) and (e), Health and Safety
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (c)  The board by rule shall require that, at a minimum,
  before the department may approve a license application, the
  applicant must provide to the department:
               (1)  documentation establishing that, at a minimum, the
  applicant has sufficient financial resources to provide the
  services required by this chapter and by the department during the
  term of the license;
               (2)  a list of the management personnel for the
  proposed home and community support services agency, a description
  of personnel qualifications, and a plan for providing continuing
  training and education for the personnel during the term of the
               (3)  documentation establishing that the applicant is
  capable of meeting the minimum standards established by the board
  relating to the quality of care;
               (4)  a plan that provides for the orderly transfer of
  care of the applicant's clients if the applicant cannot maintain or
  deliver home health, hospice, or personal assistance services under
  the license;
               (5)  identifying information on the home and community
  support services agency owner, administrator, and chief financial
  officer to enable the department to conduct criminal background
  checks on those persons;
               (6)  identification of any controlling person with
  respect to the applicant; [and]
               (7)  documentation relating to any controlling person
  identified under Subdivision (6), if requested by the department
  and relevant to the controlling person's compliance with any
  applicable licensing standard required or adopted by the board
  under this chapter; and
               (8)  approval by the local health authority or other
  local official, for any alternate delivery site or other facility
  owned or operated by, or under the control of, a home and community
  support services agency, for compliance with municipal ordinances
  on building standards, fire safety, sanitation, and zoning and
  other ordinances relating to the public health and safety.
         (e)  A home and community support services agency owned or
  operated by a state agency directly providing services is not
  required to provide the information described in Subsections
  (c)(1), (5), and (8) [(c)(1) and (5)].
         SECTION 6.  Section 142.0065, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 142.0065.  DISPLAY OF LICENSE. (a) A license issued
  under this chapter shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the
  designated place of business and must show:
               (1)  the name and address of the licensee;
               (2)  the name of the owner or owners, if different from
  the information provided under Subdivision (1);
               (3)  the license expiration date; and
               (4)  the types of services authorized to be provided
  under the license.
         (b)  A community support services agency shall prominently
  and conspicuously post for display in a public area of the agency
  that is readily available to residents, employees, or visitors:
               (1)  a sign prescribed by the department that specifies
  complaint procedures established under this chapter or rules
  adopted under this chapter and that specifies how complaints may be
  registered with the department;
               (2)  a notice in a form prescribed by the department
  stating that inspection and related reports are available at the
  home and community support services agency's designated place of
  business for public inspection and providing the department's
  toll-free number that may be used to obtain information concerning
  the agency; and
               (3)  a concise summary of the most recent inspection
  report relating to the services.
         SECTION 7.  Subchapter A, Chapter 142, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 142.0066 to read as follows:
         Sec. 142.0066.  ANNUAL INSPECTIONS; INVESTIGATIONS. (a) The
  department, local district attorney, county attorney, or city
  attorney may enter the designated premises of a license applicant
  or license holder or any branch office, any alternate delivery
  site, or other facility described by Section 142.004(c)(8),
  annually or at reasonable times as necessary to ensure compliance
  with this chapter and the rules adopted under this chapter and to
  ensure compliance with municipal ordinances on building standards,
  fire safety, sanitation, and zoning and other ordinances relating
  to the public health and safety. A license holder or an applicant
  for a license is considered to have consented to entry and
  inspection of the premises by the department, local district
  attorney, county attorney, or city attorney in accordance with this
         (b)  The inspection under this section is in addition to the
  survey authorized by Section 142.009.
         SECTION 8.  Subchapter A, Chapter 142, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 142.0125 to read as follows:
         Sec. 142.0125.  TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER. The
  department, local district attorney, county attorney, or city
  attorney may petition a district court for a temporary restraining
  order to restrain a continuing violation of the standards or
  licensing requirements provided under this chapter or a violation
  of a municipal ordinance if the department, local district
  attorney, county attorney, or city attorney finds that:
               (1)  a violation creates an immediate threat to the
  health and safety of a resident or client of the home and community
  support services agency; or
               (2)  the home and community support services agency is
  operating without a license.
         SECTION 9.  Section 142.013, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 142.013.  INJUNCTION. (a)  A district court, on
  petition of the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney and on a finding by the court that a
  person is violating this chapter or a municipal ordinance, may by
               (1)  prohibit the person from continuing the violation;
               (2)  grant any other injunctive relief warranted by the
         (b)  The attorney general, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may [shall] institute and conduct a suit
  authorized by this section [at the request of the department and in
  the name of the state].
         (c)  A suit for injunctive relief must be brought in Travis
  County or the county in which the alleged violation occurs.
         SECTION 10.  Subchapter A, Chapter 142, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Sections 142.0135 through 142.0144 to
  read as follows:
  The governing body of a municipality by ordinance may:
               (1)  prohibit a person who does not hold a license under
  this chapter from establishing or operating a home and community
  support services agency within the municipality; and
               (2)  establish a procedure for emergency closure of the
  home and community support services agency under the following
                     (A)  the home and community support services
  agency is established or operating in violation of Section 142.002;
                     (B)  the continued operation of the home and
  community support services agency creates an immediate threat to
  the health and safety of a client agency.
         Sec. 142.0136.  FINDINGS AND PURPOSE OF TRUSTEES. (a)  The
  legislature finds that, under some circumstances, closing a home
  and community support services agency for a violation of the law or
  rule may:
               (1)  have an adverse effect on the agency's clients and
  their families; and
               (2)  result in a lack of readily available financial
  resources to meet the basic needs of the clients for food, shelter,
  and medication, if applicable, and personal services.
         (b)  The purpose of the provisions of this chapter that
  authorize the appointment of a trustee is to provide for:
               (1)  the appointment of a trustee to assume operations
  of the home and community support services agency in a manner that
  emphasizes client care and reduces client trauma; and
               (2)  the use of a fund to assist a court appointed
  trustee in meeting the basic needs of the clients.
         Sec. 142.0137.  TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT BY AGREEMENT. (a) A
  person who holds a controlling interest in a home and community
  support services agency may request the department to assume
  operation of the home and community support services agency through
  the appointment of a trustee.
         (b)  After receiving the request, the department may enter
  into an agreement providing for the appointment of a trustee to take
  charge of the home and community support services agency under
  conditions both parties consider appropriate if the department
  considers the appointment desirable.
         (c)  An agreement under this section must:
               (1)  specify the terms and conditions of the trustee's
  appointment and authority; and
               (2)  preserve the rights of clients as granted by law.
         (d)  The agreement terminates at the time:
               (1)  specified by the parties; or
               (2)  either party notifies the other in writing that
  the party is terminating the appointment agreement.
         Sec. 142.0138.  INVOLUNTARY APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. (a) The
  department may request the attorney general to bring an action on
  behalf of the state, or the local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may bring an action, for the appointment
  of a trustee to operate a home and community support services agency
               (1)  the home and community support services agency is
  operating without a license;
               (2)  the department has suspended or revoked the home
  and community support services agency's license;
               (3)  license suspension or revocation procedures
  against the home and community support services agency are pending
  and the department determines that an imminent threat to the health
  and safety of the clients exists;
               (4)  the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney determines that an emergency exists that
  presents an immediate threat to the health and safety of the
               (5)  the home and community support services agency is
  closing and alternate arrangements for services for the clients by
  other licensed home and community support services agencies have
  not been made before closure; or
               (6)  the home and community support services agency
  does not comply with municipal ordinances on building standards,
  fire safety, sanitation, or zoning or other ordinances that relate
  to the public health and safety.
         (b)  A trustee appointed under Subsection (a)(5) has the
  authority only to ensure an orderly and safe relocation of the home
  and community support services agency's clients as quickly as
         (c)  After a hearing, a court shall appoint as trustee an
  individual whose background includes home and community support
         (d)  An action brought under this section must be brought in
  Travis County or the county in which the home and community support
  services agency's designated business premises is located or
  provides services.
  (a) A trustee appointed by the court under this chapter is entitled
  to a reasonable fee as determined by the court. In determining the
  trustee's personal compensation for administration of the home and
  community support services agency, the court shall consider
  reasonable a rate that is equal to 150 percent of the maximum
  allowable rate for administration of a similar agency under the
  state's Medicaid reimbursement rules, if applicable, or another
  reasonable rate determined by department rule. The court shall
  determine the reasonableness of the trustee's personal
  compensation for other duties. On the motion of any party, the court
  shall review the reasonableness of the trustee's fees. The court
  shall reduce the amount if the court determines that the fees are
  not reasonable.
         (b)  The trustee may petition the court to order the release
  to the trustee of any payment owed the trustee for care and services
  provided to the clients if the payment has been withheld, including
  a payment withheld by the Health and Human Services Commission.
         (c)  Payments withheld under Subsection (b) may include
  payments withheld by a governmental agency or other entity during
  the appointment of the trustee, including payments:
               (1)  for Medicaid or insurance;
               (2)  by a third party; or
               (3)  for medical expenses incurred by the clients.
  FUND AND EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE FUNDS. (a) The home and community
  support services fund is a trust fund with the comptroller and shall
  be made available to the department for expenditures without
  legislative appropriation to make emergency assistance funds
  available to a home and community support services agency.
         (b)  A trustee of a home and community support services
  agency may use the emergency assistance funds only to alleviate an
  immediate threat to the health and safety of the clients. The use
  may include payments for:
               (1)  food;
               (2)  medication;
               (3)  sanitation services;
               (4)  minor repairs of a facility owned, operated, or
  under control of the agency;
               (5)  supplies necessary for personal hygiene; or
               (6)  services necessary for the personal care, health,
  and safety of the clients.
         (c)  A court may order the department to disburse emergency
  assistance funds to a home and community support services agency if
  the court finds that:
               (1)  the home and community support services agency has
  inadequate funds accessible to the trustee for the operation of the
  home and community support services agency;
               (2)  an emergency exists that presents an immediate
  threat to the health and safety of the clients; and
               (3)  it is in the best interests of the health and
  safety of the clients that funds are immediately available.
         (d)  The department shall disburse money from the home and
  community support services fund as ordered by the court in
  accordance with department rules.
         (e)  Any unencumbered amount in the home and community
  support services fund that exceeds $500,000 at the end of each
  fiscal year shall be transferred to the credit of the general
  revenue fund and may be appropriated only to the department for the
  department's use in administering and enforcing this chapter.
         Sec. 142.0141.  ADDITIONAL LICENSE FEE. (a) In addition to
  the license fee required by Section 142.004, the department shall
  adopt an annual fee to be charged and collected if the amount of the
  home and community support services fund is less than $500,000. The
  fee shall be deposited to the credit of the home and community
  support services fund created by this chapter.
         (b)  The department may charge and collect a fee under this
  section more than once each year only if necessary to ensure that
  the amount in the home and community support services fund is
  sufficient to make disbursements under Section 142.0140.
         (c)  The department shall set the fee on the basis of the
  number of clients served by the home and community support services
  agency required to pay the fee and in an amount necessary to provide
  more than $500,000 in the home and community support services fund.
  (a) A home and community support services agency that receives
  emergency assistance money or trustee fees under this chapter shall
  reimburse the department for the amounts received, including
         (b)  Interest on unreimbursed amounts accrues from the date
  on which the money is disbursed to the home and community support
  services agency. The rate of interest is the rate determined under
  Section 304.003, Finance Code, to be applicable to judgments
  rendered during the month in which the money is disbursed to the
  home and community support services agency.
         (c)  The owner of a home and community support services
  agency when the trustee is appointed is responsible for the
         (d)  The amount that remains unreimbursed on the date of the
  first anniversary on which the money is received is delinquent and
  the Health and Human Services Commission may determine that the
  home and community support services agency is ineligible for a
  Medicaid provider contract.
         (e)  The department shall deposit the reimbursement and
  interest received under this section to the credit of the home and
  community support services trust fund.
         (f)  The attorney general shall institute an action to
  collect money due under this section at the request of the
  department.  An action under this section must be brought in Travis
  County or in the county in which the home and community support
  services agency's designated business premises is located or
  provides service.
         Sec. 142.0143.  NOTIFICATION OF CLOSURE.  (a)  A home and
  community support services agency that is closing temporarily or
  permanently, voluntarily or involuntarily, shall notify the
  clients of the closing and make reasonable efforts to notify in
  writing each client's nearest relative or the person responsible
  for the client's support within a reasonable time before the agency
  closes or services terminate.
         (b)  If the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, city attorney, or a court orders a home and community
  support services agency to close or services to terminate and the
  closure is in any other way involuntary, the home and community
  support services agency shall make the notification, orally or in
  writing, immediately on receiving notice.
         Sec. 142.0144.  CRIMINAL PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO NOTIFY.  (a)  
  A home and community support services agency commits an offense if
  the agency knowingly fails to comply with Section 142.0143.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
         SECTION 11.  Section 247.022, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
         (d)  Prior to the issuance of any department license, the
  department shall require that an application be approved by the
  local health authority or other local official for compliance with
  municipal ordinances on building standards, fire safety,
  sanitation, and zoning and other ordinances relating to the public
  health and safety.
         SECTION 12.  Subchapter B, Chapter 247, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 247.0232 to read as follows:
         Sec. 247.0232.  DISPLAY OF LICENSE.  Each assisted living
  facility shall prominently and conspicuously post for display in a
  public area of the assisted living facility that is readily
  available to residents, employees, or visitors:
               (1)  the license issued under this chapter;
               (2)  the name and address of the license holder;
               (3)  the name of the owner or owners, if different from
  the information provided under Subdivision (2);
               (4)  the license expiration date;
               (5)  the types of services authorized to be provided
  under the license;
               (6)  a sign prescribed by the department that specifies
  complaint procedures established under this chapter or rules
  adopted under this chapter and that specifies how complaints may be
  registered with the department;
               (7)  a notice in a form prescribed by the department
  stating that inspection and related reports are available at the
  assisted living facility for public inspection and providing the
  department's toll-free number that may be used to obtain
  information concerning the facility; and
               (8)  a concise summary of the most recent inspection
  report relating to the facility.
         SECTION 13.  Section 247.027, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to
  read as follows:
         (a)  In addition to the inspection required under Section
  247.023(a), the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may inspect an assisted living facility
  annually and may inspect a facility at other reasonable times as
  necessary to ensure [assure] compliance with this chapter or to
  ensure compliance with municipal ordinances on building standards,
  fire safety, sanitation, and zoning and other ordinances relating
  to the public health and safety.
         (c)  A license holder or license applicant is considered to
  have consented to entry and inspection of the assisted living
  facility by the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney in accordance with this chapter.
         SECTION 14.  Sections 247.044(a), (b), (c), and (d), Health
  and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may petition a district court for a
  temporary restraining order to restrain a continuing violation of
  the standards or licensing requirements provided under this chapter
  or a violation of a municipal ordinance if the department, local
  district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney finds that:
               (1)  the violation creates an immediate threat to the
  health and safety of the assisted living facility residents; or
               (2)  the facility is operating without a license.
         (b)  A district court, on petition of the department, local
  district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney and on a
  finding by the court that a person is violating the standards or
  licensing requirements provided under this chapter or by a
  municipal ordinance, may by injunction:
               (1)  prohibit a person from continuing a violation of
  the standards or licensing requirements provided under this chapter
  or by municipal ordinance;
               (2)  restrain the establishment or operation of an
  assisted living facility without a license issued under this
  chapter; or
               (3)  grant any other injunctive relief warranted by the
         (c)  The department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may petition a district court for a
  temporary restraining order to inspect a facility allegedly
  required to be licensed and operating without a license when
  admission to the facility cannot be obtained. If it is shown that
  admission to the facility cannot be obtained, the court shall order
  the facility to allow the department, local district attorney,
  county attorney, or city attorney admission to the facility.
         (d)  The attorney general or local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city [prosecuting] attorney may institute and conduct
  a suit authorized by this section [at the request of the
         SECTION 15.  Chapter 247, Health and Safety Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter F to read as follows:
  FACILITIES.  (a)  The legislature finds that, under some
  circumstances, closing an assisted living facility for a violation
  of law or rule may:
               (1)  have an adverse effect on the assisted living
  facility's residents and their families; and
               (2)  result in a lack of readily available financial
  resources to meet the basic needs of the residents for food,
  shelter, medication, and personal services.
         (b)  The purpose of the provisions of this chapter that
  authorize the appointment of a trustee is to provide for:
               (1)  the appointment of a trustee to assume operations
  of the assisted living facility in a manner that emphasizes
  resident care and reduces resident trauma; and
               (2)  the use of a fund established by Section 242.0965
  to assist a court-appointed trustee in meeting the basic needs of
  the residents.
         Sec. 247.082.  TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT BY AGREEMENT.  (a)  A
  person who holds a controlling interest in an assisted living
  facility may request the department to assume operation of the
  facility through the appointment of a trustee.
         (b)  After receiving this request, the department may enter
  into an agreement providing for the appointment of a trustee to take
  charge of the assisted living facility under conditions both
  parties consider appropriate if the department considers the
  appointment desirable.
         (c)  An agreement under this section must:
               (1)  specify the terms and conditions of the trustee's
  appointment and authority; and
               (2)  preserve the rights of the residents as granted by
         (d)  The agreement terminates at the time:
               (1)  specified by the parties; or
               (2)  either party notifies the other in writing that
  the party is terminating the appointment agreement.
         Sec. 247.083.  INVOLUNTARY APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE.  (a)  The
  department may request the attorney general to bring action on
  behalf of the state, or the local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may bring an action, for the appointment
  of a trustee to operate an assisted living facility if:
               (1)  the facility is operating without a license;
               (2)  the department has suspended or revoked the
  facility's license;
               (3)  license suspension or revocation procedures
  against the facility are pending and the department determines that
  an imminent threat to the health and safety of the residents exists;
               (4)  the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney determines that an emergency exists that
  presents an immediate threat to the health and safety of the
               (5)  the facility is closing and arrangements for
  relocation of the residents to other licensed facilities have not
  been made before closure; or
               (6)  the facility does not comply with municipal
  ordinances on building standards, fire safety, sanitation, or
  zoning or other ordinances that relate to the public health and
         (b)  A trustee appointed under Subsection (a)(5) has the
  authority only to ensure an orderly and safe relocation of the
  facility's residents as quickly as possible.
         (c)  After a hearing, a court shall appoint as trustee an
  individual whose background includes assisted living facility
         (d)  An action under this section must be brought in Travis
  County or the county in which the facility is located.
  (a)  A trustee appointed by the court under this chapter is entitled
  to a reasonable fee as determined by the court.  In determining the
  trustee's personal compensation for administration of the assisted
  living facility, the court shall consider reasonable a rate that is
  equal to 150 percent of the maximum allowable rate for an
  owner-administrator of an assisted living facility under the
  state's Medicaid reimbursement rules, if applicable, or another
  reasonable rate determined by department rule.  The court shall
  determine the reasonableness of the trustee's personal
  compensation for other duties.  On the motion of any party, the
  court shall review the reasonableness of the trustee's fees.  The
  court shall reduce the amount if the court determines that the fees
  are not reasonable.
         (b)  The trustee may petition the court to order the release
  to the trustee of any payment owed the trustee for care and services
  provided to the residents if the payment has been withheld,
  including a payment withheld by the Health and Human Services
         (c)  Payments withheld under Subsection (b) may include
  payments withheld by a governmental agency or other entity during
  the appointment of the trustee, including payments:
               (1)  for Medicaid or insurance;
               (2)  by a third party; or
               (3)  for medical expenses incurred by the residents.
         Sec. 247.085.  REIMBURSEMENT.  (a)  An assisted living
  facility that receives emergency assistance money or trustee fees
  under this chapter shall reimburse the department in the amounts
  received, including interest.
         (b)  Interest on unreimbursed amounts accrues from the date
  on which the money is disbursed to the assisted living facility.  
  The rate of interest is the rate determined under Section 304.003,
  Finance Code, to be applicable to judgments rendered during the
  month in which the money is disbursed to the facility.
         (c)  The owner of the assisted living facility when the
  trustee is appointed is responsible for the reimbursement.
         (d)  The amount that remains unreimbursed on the date of the
  first anniversary on which the money is received is delinquent and
  the Health and Human Services Commission may determine that the
  facility is ineligible for a Medicaid provider contract.
         (e)  The department shall deposit the reimbursement and
  interest received under this section to the credit of the assisted
  living facility trust fund under Section 242.0965.
         (f)  The attorney general shall institute an action to
  collect money due under this section at the request of the
  department. An action under this section must be brought in Travis
  County or in the county in which the assisted living facility is
         Sec. 247.086.  NOTIFICATION OF CLOSURE.  (a)  An assisted
  living facility that is closing temporarily or permanently,
  voluntarily or involuntarily, shall notify the residents of the
  closing and make reasonable efforts to notify in writing each
  resident's nearest relative or the person responsible for the
  resident's support within a reasonable time before the facility
         (b)  If the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, city attorney, or a court orders an assisted living
  facility to close and the closure is in any other way involuntary,
  the facility shall make the notification, orally or in writing,
  immediately on receiving notice.
         Sec. 247.087.  CRIMINAL PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO NOTIFY.  (a)  
  An assisted living facility commits an offense if the facility
  knowingly fails to comply with Section 247.086.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
         SECTION 16.  Section 248.022(c), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (c)  Prior to the issuance of any department license, the
  [The] department shall [may] require that an application be
  approved by the local health authority or other local official for
  compliance with municipal ordinances on building standards
  [construction], fire safety [prevention], [and] sanitation, and
  zoning and other ordinances relating to the public health and
         SECTION 17.  Section 248.025(b), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Each special care facility shall prominently and
  conspicuously post for display in a public area of the special care
  facility that is readily available to residents, employees, or
               (1)  the license issued under this chapter;
               (2)  the name and address of the license holder;
               (3)  the name of the owner or owners, if different from
  the information provided under Subdivision (2);
               (4)  the license expiration date;
               (5)  the types of services authorized to be provided
  under the license;
               (6)  a sign prescribed by the department that specifies
  complaint procedures established under this chapter or rules
  adopted under this chapter and that specifies how complaints may be
  registered with the department;
               (7)  a notice in a form prescribed by the department
  stating that inspection and related reports are available at the
  special care facilities for public inspection and providing the
  department's toll-free number that may be used to obtain
  information concerning the facility; and
               (8)  a concise summary of the most recent inspection
  report relating to the facility [A special care facility shall post
  in plain sight the license issued under this chapter].
         SECTION 18.  Section 248.028(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may inspect a special care facility and
  its records annually or at reasonable times as necessary to ensure
  compliance with this chapter and ensure compliance with municipal
  ordinances on building standards, fire safety, sanitation, and
  zoning and other municipal ordinances relating to the public health
  and safety. A license holder or an applicant for a license is
  considered to have consented to entry and inspection of the
  facility by the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney in accordance with this chapter.
         SECTION 19.  Subchapter C, Chapter 248, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Sections 248.0525 and 248.0526 to read as
         Sec. 248.0525.  TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER.  The
  department, local district attorney, county attorney, or city
  attorney may petition a district court for a temporary restraining
  order to restrain a continuing violation of the standards or
  licensing requirements provided under this chapter or a violation
  of a municipal ordinance if the department, local district
  attorney, county attorney, or city attorney finds that:
               (1)  the violation creates an immediate threat to the
  health and safety of the residents of the special care facility; or
               (2)  the facility is operating without a license.
  The governing body of a municipality by ordinance may:
               (1)  prohibit a person who does not hold a license
  issued under this chapter from establishing or operating a special
  care facility within the municipality; and
               (2)  establish a procedure for emergency closure of a
  facility under the following circumstances:
                     (A)  the facility is established or operating in
  violation of Section 248.021; and
                     (B)  the continued operation of the facility
  creates an immediate threat to the health and safety of a resident
  of the facility.
         SECTION 20.  Section 248.053, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 248.053.  INJUNCTION. (a)  The [department may request
  that the] attorney general, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may petition a district court to
  restrain a license holder or other person from continuing to
  violate this chapter or any rule adopted by the board under this
  chapter or by municipal ordinance. Venue for a suit for injunctive
  relief is in Travis County or in the county in which the special
  care facility is located.
         (b)  On application for injunctive relief and a finding that
  a license holder or other person has violated this chapter, [or]
  board rules, or a municipal ordinance, the district court shall
  grant the injunctive relief that the facts warrant.
         SECTION 21.  Subchapter C, Chapter 248, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Sections 248.056 through 248.064 to read
  as follows:
  FACILITIES.  (a)  The legislature finds that, under some
  circumstances, closing a special care facility for violation of the
  law or rule may:
               (1)  have an adverse effect on the special care
  facility's residents and their families; and
               (2)  result in a lack of readily available financial
  resources to meet the basic needs of the residents for food,
  shelter, medication, and personal services.
         (b)  The purpose of the provisions of this chapter that
  authorize the appointment of a trustee is to provide for:
               (1)  the appointment of a trustee to assume operations
  of the special care facility in a manner that emphasizes resident
  care and reduces resident trauma; and
               (2)  the use of a fund to assist a court-appointed
  trustee with meeting the basic needs of the residents.
         Sec. 248.057.  TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT BY AGREEMENT. (a) A
  person who holds controlling interest in a special care facility
  may request the department to assume operation of the special care
  facility through the appointment of a trustee.
         (b)  After receiving this request, the department may enter
  into an agreement providing for the appointment of a trustee to take
  charge of the special care facility under conditions both parties
  consider appropriate if the department considers the appointment
         (c)  An agreement under this section must:
               (1)  specify the terms and conditions of the trustee's
  appointment and authority; and
               (2)  preserve the rights of the residents as granted by
         (d)  The agreement terminates at the time:
               (1)  specified by the parties; or
               (2)  either party notifies the other in writing that
  the party is terminating the appointment agreement.
         Sec. 248.058.  INVOLUNTARY APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE. (a) The
  department may request the attorney general to bring an action on
  behalf of the state, or the local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may bring an action, for the appointment
  of a trustee to operate a special care facility if:
               (1)  the facility is operating without a license;
               (2)  the department has suspended or revoked the
  facility's license;
               (3)  license suspension or revocation procedures
  against the facility are pending and the department determines that
  an imminent threat to the health and safety of the residents exists;
               (4)  the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney determines that an emergency exists that
  presents an immediate threat to the health and safety of the
               (5)  the facility is closing and arrangements for
  relocation of the residents to other licensed special care
  facilities have not been made before closure; or
               (6)  the facility does not comply with municipal
  ordinances on building standards, fire safety, sanitation, or
  zoning or other ordinances that relate to the public health and
         (b)  A trustee appointed under Subsection (a)(5) has the
  authority only to ensure an orderly and safe relocation of the
  facility's residents as quickly as possible.
         (c)  After a hearing, a court shall appoint as trustee an
  individual or entity whose background includes special care
         (d)  An action under this section must be brought in Travis
  County or the county in which the special care facility is located.
  (a) A trustee appointed by the court under this chapter is entitled
  to a reasonable fee as determined by the court. In determining the
  trustee's personal compensation for administration of the special
  care facility, the court shall consider reasonable a rate that is
  equal to 150 percent of the maximum allowable rate for an
  owner-administrator of a special care facility under the state's
  Medicaid reimbursement rules, if applicable, or another reasonable
  rate determined by department rule. The court shall determine the
  reasonableness of the trustee's personal compensation for other
  duties. On the motion of any party, the court shall review the
  reasonableness of the trustee's fees. The court shall reduce the
  amount if the court determines that the fees are not reasonable.
         (b)  The trustee may petition the court to order the release
  to the trustee of any payment owed the trustee for care and services
  provided to the residents if the payment has been withheld,
  including a payment withheld by the Health and Human Services
         (c)  Payments withheld under Subsection (b) may include
  payments withheld by a governmental agency or other entity during
  the appointment of the trustee, including payments:
               (1)  for Medicaid or insurance;
               (2)  by a third party; or
               (3)  for medical expenses incurred by the residents.
  EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE FUNDS. (a) The special care facility fund is a
  trust fund with the comptroller and shall be made available to the
  department for expenditures without legislative appropriation to
  make emergency assistance funds available to a special care
         (b)  A trustee of a special care facility may use the
  emergency assistance funds only to alleviate an immediate threat to
  the health and safety of the residents. The use may include payments
               (1)  food;
               (2)  medication;
               (3)  sanitation services;
               (4)  minor repairs;
               (5)  supplies necessary for personal hygiene; and
               (6)  services necessary for the personal care, health,
  and safety of the residents.
         (c)  A court may order the department to disburse emergency
  assistance funds to a special care facility if the court finds that:
               (1)  the special care facility has inadequate funds
  accessible to the trustee for the operation of the special care
               (2)  an emergency exists that presents an immediate
  threat to the health and safety of the residents; and
               (3)  it is in the best interests of the health and
  safety of the residents that funds are immediately available.
         (d)  The department shall disburse money from the special
  care facility fund as ordered by the court in accordance with
  department rules.
         (e)  Any unencumbered amount in the special care facility
  fund that exceeds $500,000 at the end of each fiscal year shall be
  transferred to the credit of the general revenue fund and may be
  appropriated only to the department for the department's use in
  administering and enforcing this chapter.
         Sec. 248.061.  ADDITIONAL LICENSE FEE. (a) In addition to
  the license fee required by Section 248.022, the department shall
  adopt an annual fee to be charged and collected if the amount of the
  special care facility fund is less than $500,000. The fee shall be
  deposited to the credit of the special care facility fund created by
  this chapter.
         (b)  The department may charge and collect a fee under this
  section more than once each year only if necessary to ensure that
  the amount in the special care facility fund is sufficient to make
  disbursements under Section 248.060.
         (c)  The department shall set the fee on the basis of the
  number of beds in a special care facility required to pay the fee
  and in an amount necessary to provide more than $500,000 in the
  special care facility fund.
         Sec. 248.062.  REIMBURSEMENT. (a) A special care facility
  that receives emergency assistance money or trustee fees under this
  chapter shall reimburse the department for the amounts received,
  including interest.
         (b)  Interest on unreimbursed amounts accrues from the date
  on which the money is disbursed to the special care facility. The
  rate of interest is the rate determined under Section 304.003,
  Finance Code, to be applicable to judgments rendered during the
  month in which the money is disbursed to the facility.
         (c)  The owner of the special care facility when the trustee
  is appointed is responsible for the reimbursement.
         (d)  The amount that remains unreimbursed on the date of the
  first anniversary on which the money is received is delinquent and
  the Health and Human Services Commission may determine that the
  facility is ineligible for a Medicaid provider contract.
         (e)  The department shall deposit the reimbursement and
  interest received under this section to the credit of the special
  care facility fund.
         (f)  The attorney general shall institute an action to
  collect money due under this section at the request of the
  department. An action under this section must be brought in Travis
  County or in the county in which the special care facility is
         Sec. 248.063.  NOTIFICATION OF CLOSURE. (a) A special care
  facility that is closing temporarily or permanently, voluntarily or
  involuntarily, shall notify the residents of the closing and make
  reasonable efforts to notify in writing each resident's nearest
  relative or the person responsible for the resident's support
  within a reasonable time before the facility closes.
         (b)  If the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, city attorney, or a court orders a special care facility
  to close and the closure is in any other way involuntary, the
  facility shall make the notification, orally or in writing,
  immediately on receiving notice.
  special care facility commits an offense if the facility knowingly
  fails to comply with Section 248.063.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
         SECTION 22.  Section 248.109(b), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The attorney general, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may sue to collect the penalty.
         SECTION 23.  Section 249.003, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
         (e)  The department shall require that an application be
  approved by the local health authority or other local official for
  compliance with municipal ordinances on building standards, fire
  safety, sanitation, and zoning and other ordinances relating to the
  public health and safety, prior to the issuance of any department
         SECTION 24.  Chapter 249, Health and Safety Code, is amended
  by adding Section 249.0031 to read as follows:
         Sec. 249.0031.  DISPLAY OF LICENSE. Each maternity home
  shall prominently and conspicuously post for display in a public
  area of the maternity home that is readily available to patients,
  employees, or visitors:
               (1)  the license issued under this chapter;
               (2)  the name and address of the license holder;
               (3)  the name of the owner or owners, if different from
  the information provided under Subdivision (2);
               (4)  the license expiration date;
               (5)  the types of services authorized to be provided
  under the license;
               (6)  a sign prescribed by the department that specifies
  complaint procedures established under this chapter or rules
  adopted under this chapter and that specifies how complaints may be
  registered with the department;
               (7)  a notice in a form prescribed by the department
  stating that inspection and related reports are available at the
  maternity home for public inspection and providing the department's
  toll-free number that may be used to obtain information concerning
  the facility; and
               (8)  a concise summary of the most recent inspection
  report relating to the facility.
         SECTION 25.  Section 249.004, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 249.004.  INSPECTIONS. (a) The department, local
  district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney may inspect a
  maternity home annually or at reasonable times as necessary to
  ensure [assure] compliance with this chapter and compliance with
  municipal ordinances on building standards, fire safety,
  sanitation, and zoning and other ordinances relating to public
  health and safety.
         (b)  A license holder or a license applicant is considered to
  have consented to entry and inspection of the maternity home by the
  department, local district attorney, county attorney, or city
  attorney in accordance with this chapter.
         SECTION 26.  Sections 249.010(a), (b), and (c), Health and
  Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may petition a district court for a
  temporary restraining order to restrain a continuing violation of
  the standards or licensing requirements provided under this chapter
  or violation of a municipal ordinance if the department, local
  district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney finds that the
  violation creates an immediate threat to the health and safety of
  the patients of a maternity home or the maternity home is operating
  without a license.
         (b)  A district court, on petition of the department, local
  district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney, and on a
  finding by the court that a person is violating the standards or
  licensing requirements provided under this chapter or violating a
  municipal ordinance, may by injunction:
               (1)  prohibit a person from continuing a violation of
  the standards or licensing requirements provided under this chapter
  or by a municipal ordinance;
               (2)  restrain or prevent the establishment or operation
  of a maternity home without a license issued under this chapter; or
               (3)  grant any other injunctive relief warranted by the
         (c)  The attorney general, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may [shall] institute and conduct a suit
  authorized by this section [at the request of the department].
         SECTION 27.  Chapter 249, Health and Safety Code, is amended
  by adding Sections 249.013 through 249.022 to read as follows:
  The governing body of a municipality by ordinance may:
               (1)  prohibit a person who does not hold a license
  issued under this chapter from establishing or operating a
  maternity home within the municipality; and
               (2)  establish a procedure for emergency closure of a
  maternity home under the following circumstances:
                     (A)  the maternity home is established or
  operating in violation of Section 249.002; and
                     (B)  the continued operation of the maternity home
  creates an immediate threat to the health and safety of a resident
  of the maternity home.
  FACILITIES. (a) The legislature finds that, under some
  circumstances, closing a maternity home for a violation of law or
  rule may:
               (1)  have an adverse effect on the maternity home's
  residents and their families; and
               (2)  result in a lack of readily available financial
  resources to meet the basic needs of the residents for food,
  shelter, medication, and personal services.
         (b)  The purpose of the provisions of this chapter
  authorizing appointment of a trustee is to provide for:
               (1)  the appointment of a trustee to assume operations
  of the maternity home in a manner that emphasizes patient care and
  reduces resident trauma; and
               (2)  the use of a fund to assist a court-appointed
  trustee in meeting the basic needs of the patients.
         Sec. 249.015.  TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT BY AGREEMENT. (a) A
  person who holds controlling interest in a maternity home may
  request the department to assume operation of the maternity home
  through the appointment of a trustee.
         (b)  After receiving this request, the department may enter
  into an agreement providing for the appointment of a trustee to take
  charge of the maternity home under conditions both parties consider
  appropriate if the department considers the appointment desirable.
         (c)  An agreement under this section must:
               (1)  specify the terms and conditions of the trustee's
  appointment and authority; and
               (2)  preserve the rights of the patients as granted by
         (d)  The agreement terminates at the time:
               (1)  specified by the parties; or
               (2)  either party notifies the other in writing that
  the party is terminating the appointment agreement.
         Sec. 249.016.  INVOLUNTARY APPOINTMENT.  (a)  The department
  may request the attorney general to bring an action on behalf of the
  state, or the local district attorney, county attorney, or city
  attorney may bring an action, for the appointment of a trustee to
  operate a maternity home if:
               (1)  the maternity home is operating without a license;
               (2)  the department has suspended or revoked the
  maternity home's license;
               (3)  license suspension or revocation procedures
  against the maternity home are pending and the department
  determines that an imminent threat to the health and safety of the
  patients exists;
               (4)  the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney determines that an emergency exists that
  presents an immediate threat to the health and safety of the
               (5)  the maternity home is closing and arrangements for
  relocation of the patients to other licensed maternity homes have
  not been made before closure; or
               (6)  the maternity home does not comply with municipal
  ordinances on building standards, fire safety, sanitation, or
  zoning or other ordinances that relate to the public health and
         (b)  A trustee appointed under Subsection (a)(5) has the
  authority only to ensure an orderly and safe relocation of the
  maternity home's patients as quickly as possible.
         (c)  After a hearing, a court shall appoint as trustee an
  individual whose background includes maternity services.
         (d)  An action under this section must be brought in Travis
  County or the county in which the maternity home is located.
  (a)  A trustee appointed by the court under this chapter is entitled
  to a reasonable fee as determined by the court.  In determining the
  trustee's personal compensation for administration of a maternity
  home, the court shall consider reasonable a rate that is equal to
  150 percent of the maximum allowable rate for an
  owner-administrator of a maternity home under the state's Medicaid
  reimbursement rules, if applicable, or another reasonable rate
  determined by department rule.  The court shall determine the
  reasonableness of the trustee's personal compensation for other
  duties.  On the motion of any party, the court shall review the
  reasonableness of the trustee's fees. The court shall reduce the
  amount if the court determines that the fees are not reasonable.
         (b)  The trustee may petition the court to order the release
  to the trustee of any payment owed the trustee for care and services
  provided to the patients if the payment has been withheld,
  including a payment withheld by the Health and Human Services
         (c)  Payments withheld under Subsection (b) may include
  payments withheld by a governmental agency or other entity during
  the appointment of the trustee, such as payments:
               (1)  for Medicaid or insurance;
               (2)  by a third party; or
               (3)  for medical expenses incurred by the patients.
  ASSISTANCE FUND.  (a)  The maternity home fund is a trust fund with
  the comptroller and shall be made available to the department for
  expenditures without legislative appropriation to make emergency
  assistance funds available to a maternity home.
         (b)  A trustee of a maternity home may use the emergency
  assistance funds only to alleviate an immediate threat to the
  health and safety of the patients.  The use may include payments
               (1)  food;
               (2)  medication;
               (3)  sanitation services;
               (4)  minor repairs;
               (5)  supplies necessary for personal hygiene; and
               (6)  services necessary for the personal care, health,
  and safety of the patients.
         (c)  A court may order the department to disburse emergency
  assistance funds to a maternity home if the court finds that:
               (1)  the maternity home has inadequate funds accessible
  to the trustee for the operation of the maternity home;
               (2)  an emergency exists that presents an immediate
  threat to the health and safety of the patients; and
               (3)  it is in the best interests of the health and
  safety of the patients that funds are immediately available.
         (d)  The department shall disburse money from the maternity
  home fund as ordered by the court in accordance with department
         (e)  Any unencumbered amount in the maternity home fund that
  exceeds $500,000 at the end of each fiscal year shall be transferred
  to the credit of the general revenue fund and may be appropriated
  only to the department for the department's use in administering
  and enforcing this chapter.
         Sec. 249.019.  ADDITIONAL LICENSE FEE.  (a)  In addition to
  the license fee required by Section 249.003, the department shall
  adopt an annual fee to be charged and collected if the amount of the
  maternity home fund is less than $500,000.  The fee shall be
  deposited to the credit of the maternity home fund created by this
         (b)  The department may charge and collect a fee under this
  section more than once each year only if necessary to ensure that
  the amount in the maternity home fund is sufficient to make
  disbursements under Section 249.018.
         (c)  The department shall set the fee on the basis of the
  number of beds in a maternity home required to pay the fee and in an
  amount necessary to provide more than $500,000 in the maternity
  home fund.
         Sec. 249.020.  REIMBURSEMENT.  (a)  A maternity home that
  receives emergency assistance money or trustee fees under this
  chapter shall reimburse the department for the amounts received,
  including interest.
         (b)  Interest on unreimbursed amounts accrues from the date
  on which the money is disbursed to the maternity home.  The rate of
  interest is the rate determined under Section 304.003, Finance
  Code, to be applicable to judgments rendered during the month in
  which the money is disbursed to the maternity home.
         (c)  The owner of the maternity home when the trustee is
  appointed is responsible for the reimbursement.
         (d)  The amount that remains unreimbursed on the date of the
  first anniversary on which the money is received is delinquent and
  the Health and Human Services Commission may determine that the
  maternity home is ineligible for a Medicaid provider contract.
         (e)  The department shall deposit the reimbursement and
  interest received under this section to the credit of the maternity
  home fund.
         (f)  The attorney general shall institute an action to
  collect money due under this section at the request of the
  department.  An action under this section must be brought in Travis
  County or in the county in which the maternity home is located.
         Sec. 249.021.  NOTIFICATION OF CLOSURE.  (a)  A maternity
  home that is closing temporarily or permanently, voluntarily or
  involuntarily, shall notify the patients of the closing and make
  reasonable efforts to notify in writing each patient's nearest
  relative or the person responsible for the patient's support within
  a reasonable time before the home closes.
         (b)  If the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, city attorney, or a court orders a maternity home to close
  and the closure is in any other way involuntary, the maternity home
  shall make the notification, orally or in writing, immediately on
  receiving notice.
         Sec. 249.022.  CRIMINAL PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO NOTIFY.  (a)  
  A maternity home commits an offense if the home knowingly fails to
  comply with Section 249.021.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
         SECTION 28.  Section 252.032, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  The department shall require that an application be
  approved by the local health authority or other local official for
  compliance with municipal ordinances on building standards, fire
  safety, sanitation, and zoning and other ordinances relating to the
  public health and safety, prior to the issuance of any department
         SECTION 29.  Subchapter B, Chapter 252, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 252.0335 to read as follows:
         Sec. 252.0335.  DISPLAY OF LICENSE.  A  license issued under
  this chapter shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the
  intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded and must show:
               (1)  the license issued under this chapter;
               (2)  the name and address of the license holder;
               (3)  the name of the owner or owners, if different from
  the information provided under Subdivision (2);
               (4)  the license expiration date;
               (5)  the types of services authorized to be provided
  under the license;
               (6)  a sign prescribed by the department that specifies
  complaint procedures established by this chapter or rules adopted
  under this chapter and that specifies how complaints may be
  registered with the department;
               (7)  a notice in a form prescribed by the department
  stating that inspection and related reports are available at the
  facility for public inspection and providing the department's
  toll-free number that may be used to obtain information concerning
  the facility; and
               (8)  a concise summary of the most recent inspection
  report relating to the services.
         SECTION 30.  Sections 252.040(a) and (c), Health and Safety
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department or the department's designee may make any
  inspection, survey, or investigation that it considers necessary
  and may enter the premises of a facility at reasonable times to make
  an inspection, survey, or investigation in accordance with board
  rules. A local official may inspect an intermediate care facility
  for compliance with municipal ordinances on building standards,
  fire safety, sanitation, and zoning and other ordinances relating
  to public health and safety.
         (c)  A license holder or an applicant for a license is
  considered to have consented to entry and inspection of the
  facility by a representative of the department or a local official
  in accordance with this chapter.
         SECTION 31.  Subchapter C, Chapter 252, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 252.0615 to read as follows:
  The governing body of a municipality by ordinance may:
               (1)  prohibit a person who does not hold a license under
  this chapter from establishing or operating an intermediate care
  facility for the mentally retarded within the municipality; and
               (2)  establish a procedure for emergency closure of the
  intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded under the
  following circumstances:
                     (A)  the facility is established or operating in
  violation of Section 252.031; and
                     (B)  the continued operation of the facility
  creates an immediate threat to the health and safety of a resident
  of the facility.
         SECTION 32.  Sections 252.062(a), (b), and (c), Health and
  Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department, the local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may petition a district court for a
  temporary restraining order to restrain a person from continuing a
  violation of the standards prescribed by this chapter or a
  violation of a municipal ordinance if the department, the local
  district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney finds that the
  violation creates an immediate threat to the health and safety of
  the facility's residents.
         (b)  A district court, on petition of the department, local
  district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney, may by
               (1)  prohibit a person from continuing a violation of
  the standards or licensing requirements prescribed by this chapter
  or by a municipal ordinance;
               (2)  restrain or prevent the establishment, conduct,
  management, or operation of a facility without a license issued
  under this chapter; or
               (3)  grant the injunctive relief warranted by the facts
  on a finding by the court that a person is violating the standards
  or licensing requirements prescribed by this chapter or by a
  municipal ordinance.
         (c)  The attorney general, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney may [on request by the department,
  shall] bring [and conduct on behalf of the state] a suit authorized
  by this section.
         SECTION 33.  Section 252.070, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. (a)  If the attorney general, local
  district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney brings an
  action against a person under Section 252.062 or 252.064 or to
  enforce an administrative penalty assessed under Section 252.065
  and an injunction is granted against the person or the person is
  found liable for a civil or administrative penalty, the attorney
  general, local district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney
  may recover, on behalf of state or local government, as applicable
  [the attorney general and the department], reasonable expenses and
         (b)  For purposes of this section, reasonable expenses and
  costs include expenses incurred by the department and the attorney
  general, local district attorney, county attorney, or city attorney
  in the investigation, initiation, and prosecution of an action,
  including reasonable investigative costs, attorney's fees, witness
  fees, and deposition expenses.
         SECTION 34.  Section 252.093(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department may request the attorney general to bring
  an action on behalf of the state, or the local district attorney,
  county attorney, or city attorney may bring an action, for the
  appointment of a trustee to operate a facility if:
               (1)  the facility is operating without a license;
               (2)  the department has suspended or revoked the
  facility's license;
               (3)  license suspension or revocation procedures
  against the facility are pending and the department determines that
  an imminent threat to the health and safety of the residents exists;
               (4)  the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, or city attorney determines that an emergency exists that
  presents an immediate threat to the health and safety of the
  residents; or
               (5)  the facility is closing and arrangements for
  relocation of the residents to other licensed facilities have not
  been made before closure.
         SECTION 35.  Section 252.094(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A trustee appointed under this subchapter is entitled to
  a reasonable fee as determined by the court. In determining the
  trustee's personal compensation for administration of the
  intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded, the court
  shall consider reasonable a rate that is equal to 150 percent of the
  maximum allowable rate for an owner-administrator of a facility
  under the state's Medicaid reimbursement rules, if applicable, or a
  reasonable rate determined under department rule.  The court shall
  determine the reasonableness of the trustee's personal
  compensation for other duties.  On the motion of any party, the
  court shall review the reasonableness of the trustee's fees.  The
  court shall reduce the amount if the court determines that the fees
  are not reasonable.
         SECTION 36.  Section 252.097(b), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  If the department, local district attorney, county
  attorney, city attorney, or a court orders a facility to close or
  the facility's closure is in any other way involuntary, the
  facility shall make the notification, orally or in writing,
  immediately on receiving notice of the closing.
         SECTION 37.  This Act takes effect immediately if it
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
  effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.