81R11036 KLA-F
  By: Rios Ybarra H.B. No. 4320
  relating to the integration of the application and eligibility
  determination processes for the child health plan and children's
  Medicaid programs.
         SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that it is in the best
  interests of this state to integrate the application and
  eligibility processes for the child health plan and children's
  Medicaid programs in a single application and eligibility
  determination system operated by trained and knowledgeable state
         SECTION 2.  Sections 531.063(b) and (e), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, the
  [The] commission shall contract with at least one but not more than
  four private entities for the operation of call centers required by
  this section unless the commission determines that contracting
  would not be cost-effective. The commission shall operate any call
  center that processes applications for or determines the
  eligibility of a child for the child health plan program under
  Chapter 62, Health and Safety Code, or the medical assistance
  program under Chapter 32, Human Resources Code, using the system
  required by Section 531.192 and using only state employees.
         (e)  The commission shall develop consumer service and
  performance standards for the operation of each call center
  required by this section, including for each call center required
  under Subsection (b) to be operated only by state employees. The
  standards shall address a call center's:
               (1)  ability to serve its consumers in a timely manner,
  including consideration of the consumers' ability to access the
  call center, whether the call center has toll-free telephone
  access, the average amount of time a consumer spends on hold, the
  frequency of call transfers, whether a consumer is able to
  communicate with a live person at the call center, and whether the
  call center makes mail correspondence available;
               (2)  staff, including employee courtesy, friendliness,
  training, and knowledge about the programs listed under Section
  531.008(c); and
               (3)  complaint handling procedures, including the
  level of difficulty involved in filing a complaint and whether the
  call center's complaint responses are timely.
         SECTION 3.  Section 531.191(d), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (d)  Except as provided by Section 531.063(b), on [On]
  receipt by the state of any necessary federal approval and subject
  to the approval of the governor and the Legislative Budget Board,
  the commission may contract for implementation of all or part of the
  plan required by Subsection (a) if the commission determines that
  contracting may advance the objectives of Subsections (a) and (b)
  and meets the criteria set out in the cost-benefit analysis
  described in this subsection. Before the awarding of a contract,
  the commission shall provide a detailed cost-benefit analysis to
  the governor and the Legislative Budget Board. The analysis must
  demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of the plan, mechanisms for
  monitoring performance under the plan, and specific improvements to
  the service delivery system and client access made by the plan. The
  commission shall make the analysis available to the public. Within
  10 days after the release of a request for bids, proposals, offers,
  or other applicable expressions of interest relating to the
  development or implementation of the plan required by Subsection
  (a), the commission shall hold a public hearing and receive public
  comment on the request.
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter F, Chapter 531, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 531.192 to read as follows:
  PROGRAMS. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, the commission shall
  implement a single, integrated intake system for the child health
  plan program under Chapter 62, Health and Safety Code, and the
  children's Medicaid program under Chapter 32, Human Resources Code,
  using only trained state employees who are knowledgeable with
  respect to the eligibility requirements of those programs. For
  each application submitted for one of those programs, the system
  must allow a single state employee to:
               (1)  accept the application;
               (2)  conduct any necessary eligibility interview;
               (3)  determine whether the applicant is eligible for
  the child health plan program or the children's Medicaid program;
               (4)  if the applicant is eligible for either program,
  enroll the applicant in the appropriate program.
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, the commission may not
  contract with a private entity to perform any function specified by
  Subsection (a).
         SECTION 5.  The Health and Human Services Commission shall
  take any action allowed under state law that is necessary to
  terminate or modify a contract prohibited by Section 531.192(b),
  Government Code, as added by this Act, to ensure compliance with
  that section and Section 531.063(b), Government Code, as amended by
  this Act. If the commission is unable to terminate or modify a
  contract in a manner that is allowed under state law as required by
  this section, the commission may continue the contract, but may not
  renew the contract.
         SECTION 6.  Not later than the 30th day after the effective
  date of this Act, the Health and Human Services Commission shall
  submit a report to the Legislative Budget Board and the presiding
  officers of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and the
  House Human Services Committee specifying the number of additional
  full-time equivalent positions the commission needs to comply with
  the requirements of Section 531.063(b), Government Code, as amended
  by this Act, and Section 531.192, Government Code, as added by this
         SECTION 7.  If before implementing any provision of this Act
  a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a
  federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision,
  the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or
  authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the
  waiver or authorization is granted.
         SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.