81R10965 PMO-F
  By: Kolkhorst H.B. No. 4438
  relating to the transfer of certain state property from the Texas
  Department of Criminal Justice to the Texas Forest Service.
         SECTION 1.  (a)  Not later than the 30th day after the
  effective date of this Act, the Texas Department of Criminal
  Justice shall transfer to the Texas Forest Service the real
  property described by Subsection (e) of this section.
         (b)  The Texas Forest Service shall use the property
  transferred under this Act only for a purpose that benefits the
  public interest of the state. If the Texas Forest Service uses the
  property for any purpose other than a purpose that benefits the
  public interest of the state, ownership of the property
  automatically reverts to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
         (c)  The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall transfer
  the property by an appropriate instrument of transfer. The
  instrument of transfer must:
               (1)  provide that:
                     (A)  the Texas Forest Service use the property
  only for a purpose that benefits the public interest of the state;
                     (B)  ownership of the property will automatically
  revert to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice if the Texas
  Forest Service uses the property for any purpose other than a
  purpose that benefits the public interest of the state; and
               (2)  describe the property to be transferred by metes
  and bounds.
         (d)  The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall retain
  custody of the instrument of transfer after the instrument of
  transfer is filed in the real property records of Walker County.
         (e)  The real property referred to in this section is
  described as follows:
         Being 2.195 acres of land, more or less, situated in the City
  of Huntsville, WARREN BIRDSELL SURVEY, Abstract No. 6 and P. GRAY
  SURVEY, Abstract No. 24, Walker County, Texas and being out of and a
  part of a called 515 acre tract as described in a Deed from Ed H.
  Cunningham, et al to the State of Texas (Texas Department of
  Corrections), dated June 23, 1883 and recorded in Volume Y, Page
  181, Deed Records and further described as a 2.19 acre tract in a
  Lease from the Texas Department of Corrections to the Board of
  Regents of the Texas A & M University System for the use of the Texas
  Forest Service, recorded in Volume 84, Page 783, Official Records,
  said 2.195 acre tract being more definitely described as follows:
         BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said 2.19 acre tract
  (Lease tract), same being the south right-of-way of State Highway
  75, as per Volume 209, Page 707, Deed Records and also being
  S75°34'14"E-50.0 feet from the apparent and called northeast corner
  of a 1-1/2 acre tract as described in a Transfer of Title from the
  Texas Board of Corrections to the Texas Department of Public
  Safety, dated February 17, 1982 and recorded in Volume 391, Page
  724, Deed Records and further described by an unrecorded resurvey
  (called 1.500 acres) by N. B. Davidson, Jr., RPLS No. 2066, dated
  June, 1982, found a 5/8" iron rod;
         THENCE S75°35'14"E (Lease Call, S73°23'00"E-250.00 feet),
  with the north line of said 2.19 acre tract (Lease tract) and the
  south line of said S.H. 75, for a distance of 250.00 feet to the
  northeast corner of said 2.19 acre tract (Lease tract), found a 5/8"
  iron rod;
         THENCE S14°22'46"W (Lease call, S16°35'00"W-453.60 feet),
  with the east line of said 2.19 acre tract (Lease tract) and
  crossing said 515 acre tract, for a distance of 453.60 feet to the
  southeast corner of said 2.19 acre tract (Lease tract), same being
  the called and apparent northeast right-of-way line of Interstate
  Highway 45, as per Deed from the Texas Prison Board to the State of
  Texas, recorded in Volume 158, Page 177 (Tract No. 1, call 55.13
  acres), Deed Records, found a 5/8" iron rod, from which a concrete
  right-of-way monument, found for reference only, bears
  S45°57'14"E-0.15 feet;
         THENCE N45°57'14"W (Lease call, N43°45'00"W-287.70 feet),
  with the southwest line of said 2.19 acre tract (Lease tract) and
  the called and apparent northeast line of said I.H. 45, for a
  distance of 287.70 feet to the southwest corner of said 2.19 acre
  tract (Lease tract), set a 5/8" iron rod with an orange, plastic
  cap, marked "RPLS-4066";
         THENCE N14°22'38"E (Lease call N16°35'00"E-311.35 feet), with
  the west line of said 2.19 acre tract (Lease tract) and being 50.0
  feet east of and parallel to the called and apparent east line of
  said 1.500 acre tract, for a distance of 311.35 feet to the PLACE OF
         NOTE: Bearings referenced to the called north line of said
  2.19 acre tract (S75°35'14'E) in Volume 412, Page 149, Official
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.