By: Dunnam H.B. No. 4444
  relating to campaigns for and the election of the speaker of the
  house of representatives, and the punishment for offenses committed
  during a campaign or election.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 302, Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 302.011.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Speaker candidate" means a member of or candidate
  for the house of representatives who has announced the member's 
  [his] candidacy for or who by the member's [his] actions, words, or
  deeds seeks election to the office of speaker of the house of
               (1-a)  "Contribution" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 251.001(2), Election Code.
               (1-b)  "Expenditure" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 251.001(6), Election Code.
               (1-c)  "Labor organization" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 251.001(18).
               (1-d)  "Speaker campaign advertising" means a
  communication that supports or opposes a speaker candidate that:
                     (A)  in return for consideration, is published in
  a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical or is broadcast by radio
  or television; or
                     (B)  appears in a letter, pamphlet, circular,
  flier, billboard or other sign, bumper sticker, button, or similar
  form of written communication; or
                     (C)  on an Internet website.
               (1-a)  "Speaker campaign contribution" means a
  contribution to a speaker candidate or political committee that is
  offered or given with the intent that it be used in connection with
  a campaign for speaker.  Whether a contribution is made before,
  during, or after an election for speaker does not affect its status
  as a speaker campaign contribution.
               (2)  "Speaker campaign [Campaign] expenditure" means
  an [the] expenditure made by a person in connection with a campaign
  for speaker.  Whether an expenditure is made before, during, or
  after an election for speaker does not affect its status as a
  speaker campaign expenditure [of money or the use of services or any
  other thing of value to aid or defeat the election of a speaker
               (3)  "Speaker campaign [Campaign] funds" means the
  speaker candidate's personal funds that are devoted to the campaign
  for speaker and any money, services, or other things of value that
  are contributed or loaned to the speaker candidate for use in the
  candidate's campaign for speaker.
               (4)  "Speaker election cycle" means the period
  beginning on the day after the date a speaker is elected and ending
  on the date a new speaker is elected.
         Sec. 302.0111.  APPLICATION OF ELECTION CODE.  The
  restrictions on contributions and expenditures and reporting
  requirements of Title 15, Election Code, applies to a campaign for
  speaker except as expressly provided by this subchapter.
         Sec. 302.012.  RECORDS. (a)  Each speaker candidate shall
  keep records of all information required to be filed under this
         (b)  The records must be kept separate from the records
  required under the [Texas] Election Code for the speaker
  candidate's campaign for any other public office.
         Sec. 302.0121.  DECLARATION OF SPEAKER CANDIDACY. (a)  Each
  speaker candidate shall file a declaration of candidacy with the
  Texas Ethics Commission as provided by this section.
         (b)  A declaration of speaker candidacy must:
               (1)  be in writing;
               (2)  identify the legislative session as to which the
  candidacy relates; and
               (3)  include:
                     (A)  the speaker candidate's name;
                     (B)  the speaker candidate's residence or
  business street address; and
                     (C)  the speaker candidate's telephone number.
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (e), a speaker
  candidate may not knowingly accept a speaker campaign 
  contribution[, loan, or promise of a contribution or loan in
  connection with the speaker candidacy] or make or authorize a
  speaker campaign expenditure at a time when a declaration of
  candidacy for the speaker candidate is not in effect.
         (d)  A declaration of speaker candidacy terminates on the
  earlier of:
               (1)  the date the speaker candidate files a written
  statement with the Texas Ethics Commission stating that the
  candidate has terminated the candidacy; or
               (2)  the date a speaker is elected for the legislative
  session as to which the speaker candidate filed the statement.
         (e)  A former speaker candidate whose declaration of speaker
  candidacy is terminated under Subsection (d) may make a speaker 
  campaign expenditure in connection with a debt incurred during the
  period the former speaker candidate's declaration of candidacy was
  in effect.
  AND EXPENDITURES. (a)  Each speaker candidate shall file a sworn
  statement with the Texas Ethics Commission listing the information
  required by Section 302.014.
         (b)  Each speaker candidate shall file the statement on:
               (1)  the first filing date after the date on which the
  speaker candidate files the declaration of candidacy required by
  Section 302.0121;
               (2)  each filing date during the candidacy; and
               (3)  each filing date until all campaign loans have
  been repaid.
         (c)  The filing dates are the first day of January, March,
  May, July, September, and November and the day before each regular
  or called session of the legislature convenes.
         (d)  Each speaker candidate shall file the statement by
  computer diskette, modem, or other means of electronic transfer,
  using computer software provided by the Texas Ethics Commission or
  computer software that meets commission specifications for a
  standard file format.
         Sec. 302.014.  CONTENTS OF STATEMENT. (a)  Each statement
  must list the following information for the period since the last
  filing date:
               (1)  each contribution of money the speaker candidate
  or the speaker candidate's agent, servant, staff member, or
  employee received for the campaign, the complete name and address
  of the contributor, and the date and amount of the contribution;
               (2)  each contribution of services and other things of
  value other than money that the speaker candidate or the speaker
  candidate's agent, servant, staff member, or employee received for
  the campaign, the nature of the contribution, the complete name and
  address of the contributor, and the date and value of the
               (3)  each loan made to the speaker candidate or to the
  speaker candidate's agent, servant, staff member, or employee for
  the campaign, including all loans listed in previous filings that
  are as yet unpaid or that were paid during the period covered by the
  present filing, the complete name and address of the lender and each
  person other than the speaker candidate who is responsible on the
  note, the date and amount of the note, the intended source of funds
  to repay the note, and any payments already made on the note and the
  source of the payments; and
               (4)  each expenditure of campaign funds that the
  speaker candidate or the speaker candidate's agent, servant, staff
  member, or employee made for the campaign, the complete name and
  address of each person to whom a payment of more than $10 was made,
  and the purpose of each expenditure;
               (5)  the total amount of all contributions accepted and
  the total amount of all expenditures made during the reporting
  period; and
               (6)  as of the last day of a reporting period for which
  the person is required to file a report, the total amount of
  political contributions accepted, including interest or other
  income on those contributions, maintained in one or more accounts
  in which  political contributions are deposited as of the last day
  of the reporting period.
         (b)  A de minimis error in calculating or reporting a cash
  balance under Subsection (a)(8) is not a violation of this section.
         (c)  If no reportable activity occurs during a reporting
  period, the person required to file a report shall indicate that
  fact in the report.
         Sec. 302.015.  REQUISITES OF FILING. (a)  Except as provided
  by Subsection (b), a statement is considered to be filed in
  compliance with this subchapter if the postmark shows that it was
  sent to the Texas Ethics Commission at its official post office
  address by registered or certified mail from any point in this state
  before the filing deadline.
         (b)  A statement required to be filed on the day before a
  regular or called session convenes must actually be delivered and
  in the possession of the Texas Ethics Commission not later than
  midnight of that day.
         Sec. 302.016.  PUBLIC RECORDS. (a)  Each statement filed
  under this subchapter is public information and shall be preserved
  for two years after the election for which it was filed.
         (b)  Unless a court of competent jurisdiction orders further
  preservation, a statement may be destroyed after the two-year
  period prescribed by Subsection (a).
         (c)  The commission shall make each report filed with the
  commission under this subchapter available to the public on the
  Internet not later than the second business day after the date the
  report is filed.
         (d)  The access allowed by this section to reports is in
  addition to the public's access to the information through other
  electronic or print distribution of the information.
         (e)  Before making a report filed under this subchapter
  available on the Internet, the commission shall remove each
  portion, other than city, state, and zip code, of the address of a
  person listed as having made a contribution to the person filing the
  report.  The address information removed must remain available on
  the report maintained in the commission's office but may not be
  available electronically at that office.
  (a)  A [Except as provided by Subsection (b), a] corporation,
  partnership, association, firm, union, foundation, committee,
  club, or other organization or group of persons may make a
  contribution to, or an expenditure on behalf of, [not contribute or
  lend or promise to contribute or lend money or other things of value
  to] a speaker candidate or to any other person, directly or
  indirectly, to aid or defeat the election of a speaker candidate
  only if the corporation, partnership, association, firm, union,
  foundation, committee, club, or other organization or group of
  persons is permitted to make a contribution to a candidate under
  Title 15, Election Code, and only as prescribed by that title, and
  reported to the commission in the manner provided by that title for
  reporting contributions and expenditures under that title.  All
  reports under this subchapter shall be made separately from other
  reports required to be filed under Title 15, Election Code.
         (b)  This section does not apply to a loan made in the due
  course of business to a speaker candidate for campaign purposes by a
  corporation that is legally engaged in the business of lending
  money and that has continuously conducted the business for more
  than one year before making the loan to the speaker candidate.
  OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES. An elected officer or employee of the
  executive or judicial branch of state government may not contribute
  personal services, money, or goods of value to a speaker
  candidate's campaign.
  EXPENDITURES. (a)  Except as provided by this section, a speaker
  candidate may not knowingly accept political contributions from an
  individual that in the aggregate exceed $1,000 in a speaker
  election cycle.
         (b)  A contribution consisting of personal travel expense or
  personal service to aid or defeat a speaker candidate incurred by 
  [Section 302.017 or 302.018,] an individual other than the speaker
  candidate is not required to be reported under this subchapter if
  the individual receives no compensation for the travel expense or
  the service [may contribute personal services and traveling
  expenses to aid or defeat a speaker candidate].
         (c)  Except as otherwise provided by law, an [(b) An] an
  individual other than the speaker candidate not acting in concert
  with another person may make one or more direct campaign
  expenditures to aid or defeat the election of a speaker candidate
  from the individual's own property if:
               (1)  the total expenditures on any one or more speaker
  candidates do not exceed[expend a total of not more than] $100; and
               (2)  the individual receives no reimbursement for the
  expenditures [for the cost of correspondence to aid or defeat the
  election of a speaker candidate].
         (d)  Except as otherwise provided by law, an individual not
  acting in concert with another person may make one or more direct
  campaign expenditures to aid or defeat the election of a speaker
  candidate from the individual's own property that exceed $100 on
  any one or more candidates if:
               (1)  the individual complies with Chapter 254, Election
  Code, as if the individual were a campaign treasurer of a political
  committee; and
               (2)  the individual receives no reimbursement for the
         (e)  An individual making expenditures under this section is
  not required to file a campaign treasurer appointment.
         [(c)     Except as provided by Subsections (a) and (b), all
  campaign expenditures must be made by the speaker candidate from
  campaigns funds.]
  POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. A person, including a speaker candidate,
  may not make a contribution to a speaker candidate's campaign or an
  expenditure to aid or defeat a speaker candidate from:
               (1)  political contributions accepted under Title 15,
  Election Code;
               (2)  interest earned on political contributions
  accepted under Title 15, Election Code; or
               (3)  an asset purchased with political contributions
  accepted under Title 15, Election Code.
         Sec. 302.020.  PERMITTED EXPENDITURES. A speaker candidate
  may expend campaign funds for:
               (1)  travel for the speaker candidate and the speaker
  candidate's immediate family and campaign staff;
               (2)  the employment of clerks and stenographers;
               (3)  clerical and stenographic supplies;
               (4)  printing and stationery;
               (5)  office rent;
               (6)  telephone, telegraph, postage, freight, and
  express expenses;
               (7)  advertising and publicity, which does not include
  the services of a professional fundraiser;
               (8)  the expenses of holding political and other
  meetings designed to promote the candidacy;
               (9)  the employment of legal counsel; and
               (10)  the retirement of campaign loans.
  ADVERTISING.  (a)  A person commits an offense if the person
  knowingly enters into a contract or other agreement to print,
  publish, or broadcast speaker campaign advertising that does not
  indicate in the advertising:
               (1)  that it is speaker campaign advertising;
               (2)  the full name of the individual who personally
  entered into the contract or agreement with the printer, publisher,
  or broadcaster and the name of the person, if any, that the
  individual represents; and
               (3)  in the case of advertising that is printed or
  published, the address of the individual who personally entered
  into the agreement with the printer or publisher and the address of
  the person, if any, that the individual represents.
         (b)  It is an exception to the application of Subsection (a)
  to a broadcaster, printer, or publisher of speaker campaign
  advertising or to an agent or employee of the broadcaster, printer,
  or publisher that:
               (1)  the person entering into the contract or agreement
  with the broadcaster, printer, or publisher is not the actual
  sponsor of the advertising but is the sponsor's professional
  advertising agent conducting business in this state; or
               (2)  the advertising is procured by the actual sponsor
  of the speaker campaign advertising and, before the performance of
  the contract or agreement, the sponsor is given written notice as
  provided by Subsection (d).
         (c)  A professional advertising agent conducting business in
  this state who seeks to procure the broadcasting, printing, or
  publication of speaker campaign advertising on behalf of the
  sponsor of the advertising commits an offense if the agent enters
  into a contract or agreement for the broadcasting, printing, or
  publication of speaker campaign advertising and does not, before
  the performance of the contract or agreement, give the sponsor
  written notice as provided by Subsection (d).
         (d)  The notice required by Subsections (b) and (c) must be
  substantially as follows:
         Section 302.0201, Government Code, requires speaker campaign
  advertising to disclose certain information.  A person who
  knowingly enters into a contract or other agreement to print,
  publish, or broadcast speaker campaign advertising that does not
  contain the information required under that section commits an
  offense that is a Class A misdemeanor.
  (a)  A former speaker candidate may:
               (1)  use unexpended campaign funds to retire debt
  incurred in connection with the speaker candidacy; or
               (2)  remit unexpended campaign funds to one or more of
  the following:
                     (A)  one or more persons from whom campaign funds
  were received, in accordance with Subsection (c); or
                     (B)  the comptroller for deposit in the general
  fund to the credit of the house of representatives [a recognized
  charitable organization formed for educational, religious, or
  scientific purposes that is exempt from taxation under Section
  501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and its subsequent
         (b)  A former speaker candidate may not retain contributions
  covered by this subchapter, assets purchased with the
  contributions, or interest and other income earned on the
  contributions for more than six years after the date the person
  ceases to be a speaker candidate or hold the office of speaker.
         (c)  The amount of campaign funds disposed of under
  Subsection (a)(2)(A) to one person may not exceed the aggregate
  amount accepted from that person in connection with the former
  speaker candidate's most recent campaign for election to the office
  of speaker.
         (d)  Not later than January 15 of each year, a former speaker
  candidate who retains unexpended campaign funds shall file a sworn
  report with the Texas Ethics Commission that includes:
               (1)  the full name and address of each person to whom a
  payment from unexpended campaign funds is made;
               (2)  the date and amount of each payment reported under
  Subdivision (1); and
               (3)  the information required by Section 302.014 as to
  any contribution, loan, or expenditure not previously reported on a
  statement filed under Section 302.013.
         (e)  A report filed under this section covers, as applicable:
               (1)  the period:
                     (A)  beginning on the date after the last day of
  the period covered by the most recent statement filed by the former
  speaker candidate under Section 302.013; and
                     (B)  ending on December 31 of the preceding year;
               (2)  the preceding calendar year.
         (f)  A former speaker candidate shall file the report on an
  official form designed by the Texas Ethics Commission. Sections
  302.015 and 302.016 apply to a report filed under this section.
         (g)  For purposes of this section, a speaker candidate
  elected as speaker of the house of representatives is considered to
  be a former speaker candidate.
         Sec. 302.021.  OFFENSES AND PENALTIES. (a)  A speaker
  candidate or former speaker candidate commits an offense if the
               (1)  knowingly fails to file the declaration of
  candidacy required by Section 302.0121;
               (2)  knowingly fails to file the statement required by
  Section 302.013;
               (3)  knowingly accepts a contribution, loan, or promise
  of a contribution or loan in violation of Section 302.0121(c);
               (4)  knowingly accepts a contribution, loan, or promise
  of a contribution or loan prohibited by Section 302.017 from a
  corporation, partnership, association, firm, union, foundation,
  committee, club, or other organization or group of persons;
               (5)  knowingly accepts a contribution from a person who
  uses political contributions, interest earned on political
  contributions, or an asset purchased with political contributions
  to make the contribution in violation of Section 302.0191;
               (6)  expends campaign funds for any purpose other than
  those enumerated in Section 302.020;
               (7)  knowingly retains contributions, assets purchased
  with contributions, or interest or other income earned on
  contributions in violation of Section 302.0201(b); or
               (8)  knowingly fails to file the report of unexpended
  campaign funds as required by Section 302.0201(d).
         (b)  An individual, agent, officer, or director of a
  corporation, partnership, association, firm, union, foundation,
  committee, club, or other organization or group of persons commits
  an offense if the individual, agent, officer, or director consents
  to a contribution or expenditure[, loan, or promise of a
  contribution or loan] prohibited by this subchapter.
         (c)  A person commits an offense if the person conspires with
  another person to circumvent any provision of this subchapter.
         (d)  A speaker candidate who commits an offense under this
  section is not entitled to have the speaker candidate's name place
  in nomination for election as speaker.  [An individual other than
  the speaker candidate commits an offense if the individual, either
  acting alone or with another individual, expends or authorizes the
  expenditure of more than $100 for correspondence to aid or defeat
  the election of a speaker candidate or expends funds for any purpose
  other than for personal services and traveling expenses to aid or
  defeat the election of a speaker candidate.
         [(e)     A person commits an offense if the person contributes
  personal services, money, or goods in violation of Section
         (e-1)  A person commits an offense if the person knowingly
  makes a contribution to a speaker candidate's campaign or an
  expenditure to aid or defeat a speaker candidate from political
  contributions, interest earned on political contributions, or an
  asset purchased with political contributions in violation of
  Section 302.0191.
         (f)  An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
         Sec. 302.022.  PROSECUTION BY INDICTMENT. Each prosecution
  under this subchapter must be brought by indictment rather than by
  complaint and information, except that the Texas Ethics Commission
  may enforce the provisions of this chapter in the same manner as the
  commission enforces Title 15, Election Code.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.