By: Coleman H.B. No. 4680
  relating to mass transit authorities
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 451, Transportation Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter R to read as follows:
         Sec. 451.901.  DEFINITIONS.  (a)  In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Alternate municipality" means a municipality
                     (A)  has a population of more than 60,000;
                     (B)  is located in a metropolitan area the
  principal municipality of which has a population of more than 1.2
  million; and
                     (C)  is not part of the territory of another
               (2)  "Authority" means a rapid transit authority
  created under this chapter or under Chapter 141, Acts of the 63rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1973.
               (3)  "Board" means the governing body of an authority.
               (4)  "Mass transit" means the transportation of
  passengers and hand-carried packages or baggage of a passenger by a
  surface, overhead, or underground means of transportation, or a
  combination of those means, including motorbus, trolley coach,
  rail, and suspended overhead rail transportation.  The term does
  not include taxicab transportation.
               (5)  "Metropolitan area" includes only an area in this
  state that has a population density of not less than 250 persons for
  each square mile and contains not less than 51 percent of the
  incorporated territory of a municipality having a population of
  230,000 or more.  The area may contain other municipalities and the
  suburban area and environs of other municipalities.
               (6)  "Motor vehicle" includes only a vehicle that is
                     (A)  by an internal combustion engine or motor;
                     (B)  on two or more wheels; and
                     (C)  over a roadway other than fixed rails and
               (7)  "Principal municipality" means the municipality
  having the largest population in a metropolitan area.
               (8)  "Transit authority system" means property:
                     (A)  owned, rented, leased, controlled, operated,
  or held for mass transit purposes by an authority; and
                     (B)  situated on property of the authority for
  mass transit purposes, including:
                           (i)  for an authority created before 1980 in
  which the principal municipality has a population of less than 1.2
  million, public parking areas and facilities; and
                           (ii)  for an authority in which the
  principal municipality has a population of more than 1.5 million,
  the area in boundaries in which service is provided or supported by
  a general sales and use tax.
               (9)  "Transportation disadvantaged" means the elderly,
  persons with disabilities, and low-income individuals.
               (10)  "Advanced transportation district" means a
  district created or operating under Subchapter O.
         Sec. 451.902.  LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION. This subchapter shall
  be liberally construed to carry out its purposes.
         Sec. 451.903.  NATURE OF AUTHORITY
         (a)  Subchapter R applies to authorities created after 1985
  in which the principal municipality has a population of more than
  3.3 million.
         SECTION 2.  Section 451.07, Transportation Code, is amended
  by adding Section 451.073 to read as follows:
  AUTHORITIES.  (a)  This section applies only to an authority created
  in 1978, in which the principal municipality has a population of 3.3
         (b)  The authority may hold a referendum on whether the
  authority may expand or increase operations of a fixed rail transit
         (c)  The notice of an election called under this section must
  include a general description of the form of the fixed rail transit
  system, including the general location of any proposed routes.
         (d)  If a majority of the votes cast are in favor of the
  proposition, the authority may build and operate the system as
  provided in the notice for the election.  If less than a majority of
  the votes cast are in favor of the proposition, the authority may
  not expend funds of the authority to purchase, acquire, construct,
  operate, or maintain any form of a fixed rail transit system unless
  the system is approved by a majority of the votes cast as a
  referendum held by the authority for that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  Section 451.058, Transportation Code, is amended
  as follows:
         SECTION 4.  Section 451.059, Transportation Code, is amended
  as follows:
         Sec. 451.059.  EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS.
         (a)  An eminent domain proceeding by an authority in which
  the principal municipality has a population of 3.3 million
  initiated by the adoption by the board of a resolution that:
         (a) (b)  An eminent domain proceeding by an authority is
  initiated by the adoption by the board of a resolution that:
               (1)  describes the property interest to be acquired by
  the authority;
               (2)  declares the public necessity for and interest in
  the acquisition; and
               (3)  states that the acquisition is necessary and
  proper for the construction, extension, improvement, or
  development of the transit authority system.
         (b) (c)  At least 30 days before the date of the adoption of a
  resolution under Subsection (a), the board shall hold a public
  hearing on the question of the acquisition.  The hearing must be
  held at a place convenient to the residents of the area where the
  property to be acquired is located.
         (c) (d)  The board shall publish notice of the hearing in a
  newspaper of general circulation in the county where the property
  is located at least once each week for two weeks before the date of
  the hearing.
         (d) (e)  A resolution adopted under this section is
  conclusive evidence of the public necessity for the acquisition
  described in the resolution and that the property interest is
  necessary for public use.
         (e) (f)  Except as otherwise provided by this chapter,
  Chapter 21, Property Code, applies to an eminent domain proceeding
  by an authority.
         SECTION 5.  Section 451.054, Transportation Code, is amended
  as follows:
         Sec. 451.054.  GENERAL POWERS OF AUTHORITY
         SECTION 6.  Section 451.056, Transportation Code, is amended
  as follows: