By: Anchia H.B. No. 4720
  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 4720By:  West By:  West
         (In the Senate - Received from the House May 6, 2009;
  May 6, 2009, read first time and referred to Committee on
  Intergovernmental Relations; May 18, 2009, reported adversely,
  with favorable Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 5,
  Nays 0; May 18, 2009, sent to printer.)
  relating to the creation of the Trinity River West Municipal
  Management District; providing the authority to impose an
  assessment, impose a tax, and issue bonds.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 4, Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 3871 to read as follows:
         Sec. 3871.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Board" means the district's board of directors.
               (2)  "City" means the City of Dallas.
               (3)  "District" means the Trinity River West Municipal
  Management District.
               (4)  "Improvement project" means a project authorized
  by Section 3871.102:
                     (A)  inside the boundaries of the district; and
                     (B)  in areas outside but adjacent to the
  boundaries of the district if the project is for the purpose of
  extending public infrastructure improvements beyond the district's
  boundaries to a logical terminus.
         Sec. 3871.002.  CREATION AND NATURE OF DISTRICT. The
  district is a special district created under Section 59, Article
  XVI, Texas Constitution.
         Sec. 3871.003.  PURPOSE; LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS. (a) The
  creation of the district is essential to accomplish the purposes of
  Sections 52 and 52-a, Article III, and Section 59, Article XVI,
  Texas Constitution, and other public purposes stated in this
  chapter. By creating the district and in authorizing the city and
  other political subdivisions to contract with the district, the
  legislature has established a program to accomplish the public
  purposes set out in Section 52-a, Article III, Texas Constitution.
         (b)  The creation of the district is necessary to promote,
  develop, encourage, and maintain employment, commerce,
  transportation, housing, tourism, recreation, the arts,
  entertainment, economic development, safety, the public welfare in
  the district, and educational scholarships for college-bound
  students residing in or out of the district.
         (c)  The district is created to supplement and not to
  supplant city services provided in the district.
         Sec. 3871.004.  FINDINGS OF BENEFIT AND PUBLIC PURPOSE. (a)
  The district is created to serve a public use and benefit.
         (b)  All land and other property included in the district
  will benefit from the improvements and services to be provided by
  the district under powers conferred by Sections 52 and 52-a,
  Article III, and Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and
  other powers granted under this chapter.
         (c)  The creation of the district is in the public interest
  and is essential to further the public purposes of:
               (1)  developing and diversifying the economy of the
               (2)  eliminating unemployment and underemployment;
               (3)  developing or expanding transportation and
  commerce; and
               (4)  providing quality residential housing.
         (d)  The district will:
               (1)  promote the health, safety, and general welfare of
  residents, employers, potential employees, employees, visitors,
  and consumers in the district, and of the public;
               (2)  provide needed funding for the district to
  preserve, maintain, and enhance the economic health and vitality of
  the district territory as a residential community and business
               (3)  promote the health, safety, welfare, and enjoyment
  of the public by providing pedestrian ways and by landscaping and
  developing certain areas in the district, which are necessary for
  the restoration, preservation, and enhancement of scenic beauty;
               (4)  provide educational scholarships for
  college-bound students residing in or out of the district.
         (e)  Pedestrian ways along or across a street, whether at
  grade or above or below the surface, and street lighting, street
  landscaping, vehicle parking, and street art objects are parts of
  and necessary components of a street and are considered to be an
  improvement project that includes a street or road improvement.
         (f)  The district will not act as the agent or
  instrumentality of any private interest even though the district
  will benefit many private interests as well as the public.
         Sec. 3871.005.  DISTRICT TERRITORY. (a) The district is
  composed of the territory described by Section 2 of the Act creating
  this chapter, as that territory may have been modified under
  Section 3871.106.
         (b)  A mistake in the field notes of the district contained
  in Section 2 of the Act creating this chapter or in copying the
  field notes in the legislative process does not in any way affect:
               (1)  the district's organization, existence, or
               (2)  the district's right to contract, including the
  right to issue any type of bond or other obligation for a purpose
  for which the district is created;
               (3)  the district's right to impose or collect an
  assessment, tax, or any other revenue; or
               (4)  the legality or operation of the board.
  (a) All or any part of the area of the district is eligible to be
  included in:
               (1)  a tax increment reinvestment zone created by the
  city under Chapter 311, Tax Code;
               (2)  a tax abatement reinvestment zone created by the
  city under Chapter 312, Tax Code; or
               (3)  an enterprise zone created by the city under
  Chapter 2303, Government Code.
         (b)  If the city creates a tax increment reinvestment zone
  described by Subsection (a), the city and the board of directors of
  the zone, by contract with the district, may grant money deposited
  in the tax increment fund to the district to be used by the district
  for the purposes permitted for money granted to a corporation under
  Section 380.002(b), Local Government Code, including the right to
  pledge the money as security for any bonds issued by the district
  for an improvement project. A project may not receive public funds
  under Section 380.002(b), Local Government Code, unless the project
  has been approved by the governing body of the city by the adoption
  of a resolution.
         (c)  A tax increment reinvestment zone created by the city in
  the district is not subject to the limitations provided by Section
  311.006(b), Tax Code.
  [Sections 3871.007-3871.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 3871.051.  GOVERNING BODY; TERMS. (a) The district is
  governed by a board of nine directors composed of:
               (1)  six directors appointed by the governing body of
  the city; and
               (2)  three city employees appointed by the governing
  body of the city.
         (b)  Directors serve staggered terms of four years, with four
  or five directors' terms expiring July 1 of each odd-numbered year.
  (a) Directors appointed under Section 3871.051(a)(1) must meet at
  least one of the qualifications prescribed by Section 3871.053.
         (b)  A person may not be appointed to the board if the
  appointment of that person would result in fewer than:
               (1)  four of the directors being residents of the city
  and meeting the qualifications prescribed by Section
  3871.053(a)(2), (3), (4), or (5); and
               (2)  two of the directors meeting the qualifications
  prescribed by Section 3871.053(a)(1).
         (c)  The governing body of the city may remove a member of the
  board with or without cause at any time by a majority vote.
         (d)  The board shall hold meetings at a place accessible to
  the public. The board shall file a copy of the notice of a meeting
  with the city's secretary. The city's secretary shall post the
  notice at Dallas City Hall.
         (e)  The board may not create an executive committee to
  exercise the powers of the board.
         Sec. 3871.053.  QUALIFICATIONS OF DIRECTORS. (a) To be
  qualified to serve as a director appointed under Section
  3871.051(a)(1), a person must be at least 18 years old and must be:
               (1)  a resident of the district who is also a registered
  voter of the district or a registered voter who lives within a
  two-mile radius of the district;
               (2)  an owner of property in the district;
               (3)  an owner of stock, whether beneficial or
  otherwise, of a corporate owner of property in the district;
               (4)  an owner of a beneficial interest in a trust that
  owns property in the district; or
               (5)  an agent, employee, or tenant of a person covered
  by Subdivision (2), (3), or (4).
         (b)  Section 49.052, Water Code, does not apply to the
         Sec. 3871.054.  VACANCY. The governing body of the city
  shall fill a vacancy on the board by appointing a person who meets
  the qualifications prescribed by Section 3871.051(a) or 3871.053 to
  serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
         Sec. 3871.055.  DIRECTOR'S OATH OR AFFIRMATION. A
  director's oath or affirmation of office shall be filed with the
  district and the district shall retain the oath or affirmation in
  the district records. A copy of each director's oath or affirmation
  of office shall be filed with the city's secretary.
         Sec. 3871.056.  OFFICERS. The board shall elect from among
  the directors a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary. The offices
  of chair and secretary may not be held by the same person
  FOR DIRECTORS. (a) The district may compensate each director in an
  amount not to exceed $50 for each board meeting. The total amount
  of compensation for each director in one year may not exceed $2,000.
         (b)  Directors are entitled to reimbursement for necessary
  and reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out the duties and
  responsibilities of the board.
         (c)  The district may obtain and pay for comprehensive
  general liability insurance coverage from a commercial insurance
  company or other source that protects and insures a director
  against personal liability and from any and all claims relating to:
               (1)  actions taken by the director in the director's
  capacity as a member of the board;
               (2)  actions and activities taken by the district; or
               (3)  the actions of others acting on behalf of the
         Sec. 3871.058.  CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. (a) A director,
  including a director who qualifies under Section 3871.053(a)(2),
  (3), (4), or (5), may participate in all board votes and decisions
  if the director complies with the requirements of Subsection (b).
         (b)  A director shall comply with Section 171.004, Local
  Government Code, including the disclosure and abstention
  requirements of that section. A director must file a copy of the
  director's disclosure affidavit required by Section 171.004, Local
  Government Code, with the city's secretary before participating in
  a board discussion or vote.
         Sec. 3871.059.  INITIAL DIRECTORS. (a) The initial board
  consists of the following directors:
               (1)  Place 1:  a director who qualifies under Section
  3871.053(a)(2), (3), (4), or (5);
               (2)  Place 2:  a director who qualifies under Section
  3871.053(a)(2), (3), (4), or (5);
               (3)  Place 3:  a director who qualifies under Section
  3871.053(a)(2), (3), (4), or (5);
               (4)  Place 4:  a director who qualifies under Section
               (5)  Place 5:  a director who qualifies under Section
               (6)  Place 6:  a director who qualifies under Section
  3871.053(a)(2), (3), (4), or (5);
               (7)  Place 7:  a city employee;
               (8)  Place 8:  a city employee; and
               (9)  Place 9:  a city employee.
         (b)  Not later than September 1, 2009, the owner or owners of
  a majority of the appraised value of the real property in the
  district, or the majority of the record owners of real property in
  the district subject to taxation, may submit a petition to the
  governing body of the city requesting that the governing body
  appoint as initial directors the persons named in the petition to
  serve in Places 1-6. If the persons named in the petition meet the
  qualifications prescribed by Sections 3871.052 and 3871.053, the
  governing body may appoint those persons as initial directors under
  Subsection (a) to serve in Places 1-6.
         (c)  If a petition is not submitted under Subsection (b), the
  governing body of the city shall appoint as initial directors six
  persons who meet the qualifications prescribed by Sections 3871.052
  and 3871.053 to serve in Places 1-6.
         (d)  Of the initial directors, the terms of directors
  appointed for Places 1, 2, 3, and 4 expire July 1, 2011, and the
  terms of directors appointed for Places 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 expire
  July 1, 2013.
         (e)  This section expires September 1, 2013.
  [Sections 3871.060-3871.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 3871.101.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. The district has
  the powers and duties provided by this chapter and by:
               (1)  the general laws relating to conservation and
  reclamation districts created under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas
  Constitution, including Chapters 49 and 54, Water Code;
               (2)  Chapter 441, Transportation Code, except that:
                     (A)  the district may exercise any power granted
  by this chapter without regard to any provision or requirement of or
  procedure prescribed by Chapter 441, Transportation Code; and
                     (B)  the district may not build or operate a toll
               (3)  Subchapter A, Chapter 372, Local Government Code,
  in the same manner as a municipality or a county;
               (4)  Chapter 1371, Government Code;
               (5)  Chapter 375, Local Government Code; and
               (6)  Chapter 311, Tax Code.
         Sec. 3871.102.  IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. (a) The district may
  provide, or it may enter into contracts with a governmental or
  private entity to provide, the following types of improvement
  projects located in the district or activities in support of or
  incidental to those projects:
               (1)  a supply and distribution facility or system to
  provide potable and nonpotable water to the residents and
  businesses of the district, including a wastewater collection
               (2)  a paved, macadamized, or graveled road or street,
  inside and outside the district, to the full extent authorized by
  Section 52, Article III, Texas Constitution;
               (3)  the planning, design, construction, improvement,
  and maintenance of:
                     (A)  landscaping;
                     (B)  highway right-of-way or transit corridor
  beautification and improvement;
                     (C)  lighting, banners, and signs;
                     (D)  a street or sidewalk;
                     (E)  a hiking and cycling path or trail;
                     (F)  a pedestrian walkway, skywalk, crosswalk, or
                     (G)  a park, lake, garden, recreational facility,
  community activities center, dock, wharf, sports facility, open
  space, scenic area, or related exhibit or preserve;
                     (H)  a fountain, plaza, or pedestrian mall; or
                     (I)  a drainage or storm-water detention
               (4)  protection and improvement of the quality of storm
  water that flows through the district;
               (5)  the planning, design, construction, improvement,
  maintenance, and operation of:
                     (A)  a water or sewer facility; or
                     (B)  an off-street parking facility or heliport;
               (6)  the planning and acquisition of:
                     (A)  public art and sculpture and related exhibits
  and facilities; or
                     (B)  an educational facility, and a cultural
  exhibit or facility;
               (7)  the planning, design, construction, acquisition,
  lease, rental, improvement, maintenance, installation, and
  management of and provision of furnishings for a facility for:
                     (A)  a conference, convention, or exhibition;
                     (B)  a manufacturer, consumer, or trade show;
                     (C)  a civic, community, or institutional event;
                     (D)  an exhibit, display, attraction, special
  event, or seasonal or cultural celebration or holiday;
               (8)  the removal, razing, demolition, or clearing of
  land or improvements in connection with improvement projects;
               (9)  the acquisition and improvement of land or other
  property for the mitigation of the environmental effects of an
  improvement project if those costs are incurred in accordance with
  a development agreement and reimbursement of those costs is
  conditioned on the completion of substantial vertical development,
  or the costs are related to a transit or mobility project;
               (10)  the acquisition of property or an interest in
  property in connection with one or more authorized improvement
  projects, including a project authorized by Subchapter A, Chapter
  372, Local Government Code;
               (11)  a special or supplemental service for the
  improvement and promotion of the district or an area adjacent to the
  district or for the protection of public health and safety in or
  adjacent to the district, including:
                     (A)  advertising;
                     (B)  promotion;
                     (C)  tourism;
                     (D)  health and sanitation;
                     (E)  public safety;
                     (F)  security;
                     (G)  fire protection or emergency medical
                     (H)  business recruitment;
                     (I)  elimination of traffic congestion, including
  by use of rail services;
                     (J)  recreational, educational, or cultural
  improvements, enhancements, and services; and
                     (K)  creation and financing of a higher education
  scholarship fund for students attending Mountain View College or
  the University of North Texas (Dallas Campus); or
               (12)  any similar public improvement, facility, or
         (b)  The district may not undertake an improvement project
  under this section unless the board determines the project to be
  necessary to accomplish a public purpose of the district and has
  received the approval of the city under Section 3871.160.
         (c)  An improvement project must comply with any applicable
  codes and ordinances of the city.
         (d)  The district may not provide, conduct, or authorize an
  improvement project on the city streets, highways, rights-of-way,
  or easements without the consent of the governing body of the city.
         (e)  Subject to an agreement between the district and the
  city, the city may:
               (1)  by ordinance, order, or resolution require that
  title to all or any portion of an improvement project vest in the
  city; or
               (2)  unless prohibited by Subsection (h), by ordinance,
  order, resolution, or other directive, authorize the district to
  own, encumber, maintain, and operate an improvement project,
  subject to the right of the city to order a conveyance of the
  improvement project to the city on a date determined by the city.
         (f)  The district shall immediately comply with any city
  ordinance, order, or resolution adopted under Subsection (e).
         (g)  For the purposes of this section, planning, design,
  construction, improvement, and maintenance of a lake includes work
  done for drainage, reclamation, or recreation.
         (h)  Waterworks and sanitary sewer improvements may be
  undertaken by the district inside or outside the boundaries of the
  district, subject to the following conditions:
               (1)  the city shall request that waterworks or sanitary
  sewer improvements be funded by the district;
               (2)  the city shall construct, own, operate, and
  maintain the improvements; and
               (3)  the district shall comply with Sections 3871.152,
  3871.157, and 3871.160 as a condition for the district to fund the
         Sec. 3871.103.  GENERAL POWERS REGARDING CONTRACTS. (a)
  The district may:
               (1)  contract with any person to accomplish any
  district purpose, including a contract for:
                     (A)  the payment, repayment, or reimbursement of
  costs incurred by that person on behalf of the district, including
  all or part of the costs of any improvement project and interest on
  the reimbursed cost; or
                     (B)  the use, occupancy, lease, rental,
  operation, maintenance, or management of all or part of a proposed
  or existing improvement project; and
               (2)  apply for and contract with any person to receive,
  administer, and perform a duty or obligation of the district under a
  federal, state, local, or private gift, grant, loan, conveyance,
  transfer, bequest, or other financial assistance arrangement
  relating to the investigation, planning, analysis, study, design,
  acquisition, construction, improvement, completion,
  implementation, or operation by the district or others of a
  proposed or existing improvement project.
         (b)  A contract the district enters into to carry out a
  purpose of this chapter may be on any terms and for any period the
  board determines, including a negotiable or nonnegotiable note or
  warrant payable to the city, Dallas County, or any other person.
         (c)  Any person may contract with the district to carry out
  the purposes of this chapter without further statutory or other
         (d)  The district must follow Resolution 08-2826, adopted by
  the city on October 22, 2008, for construction, procurement, and
  professional services contracts related to the use of historically
  underutilized businesses and minority contracting in the
  implementation of its district plan.
         Sec. 3871.104.  RULES; ENFORCEMENT. (a) The district may
  adopt rules:
               (1)  to administer or operate the district;
               (2)  for the use, enjoyment, availability, protection,
  security, and maintenance of the district's property and
  facilities; or
               (3)  to provide for public safety and security in the
         (b)  The district may enforce its rules by injunctive relief.
         (c)  To the extent a district rule conflicts with a city
  rule, order, or regulation, the city rule, order, or regulation
         (d)  The district shall provide the city with written notice
  not later than the 30th day before the date of a meeting at which the
  board will adopt rules. The district may not adopt a rule affecting
  the use of a municipally owned asset, such as a public park, street,
  sidewalk, transit facility, or public right-of-way, unless the
  governing body of the city has approved the rule by ordinance,
  order, or resolution.
         Sec. 3871.105.  NAME CHANGE. The board by resolution may
  change the district's name. The board shall give written notice of
  the change to the city.
         Sec. 3871.106.  ADDING OR REMOVING TERRITORY. The board may
  add or remove territory under Subchapter J, Chapter 49, Water Code,
  and Section 54.016, Water Code, except that:
               (1)  the addition or removal of the territory must be
  approved by:
                     (A)  the governing body of the city by ordinance,
  order, or resolution; and
                     (B)  the owners of the territory being added or
               (2)  a reference to a tax in Subchapter J, Chapter 49,
  Water Code, or Section 54.016, Water Code, means an ad valorem tax;
               (3)  territory may not be removed from the district if
  bonds or other obligations of the district payable wholly or partly
  from ad valorem taxes or assessments levied or assessed on the
  territory are outstanding.
         Sec. 3871.107.  ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. (a) The district may
  create economic development and other programs under Section 52-a,
  Article III, Texas Constitution, and may impose and collect ad
  valorem taxes for those purposes. The district has the economic
  development powers that Chapter 380, Local Government Code,
  provides to a municipality with a population of more than 100,000.
  Each economic development program and each project that will
  receive public funds under an economic development program must be
  approved by the governing body of the city by ordinance, order, or
         (b)  The district shall provide the city written notice not
  later than the 30th day before the date of a meeting at which the
  board will adopt terms of an economic development program. The
  district may not adopt an economic development program or
  improvement project to be funded under an economic development
  program unless the governing body of the city has approved the
  program or improvement project by ordinance, order, or resolution.
         Sec. 3871.108.  NO EMINENT DOMAIN POWER. The district may
  not exercise the power of eminent domain.
         Sec. 3871.109.  TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT; COMPENSATION. The
  board may employ and establish the terms of employment and
  compensation of an executive director or general manager and any
  other district employees the board considers necessary. An
  employee may not receive annual compensation of more than $150,000
  from public funds of the district.
         Sec. 3871.110.  NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. (a) The board
  shall annually provide owners of real property in the district
  written notice that specifies the tax of the district for the
  district's next fiscal year in sufficient clarity to describe the
  tax rate for the operation and maintenance of the district and the
  tax rate for the payment of debt service of obligations issued or
  incurred by the district. The written notice must be sent by first
  class United States mail, postage prepaid, to the current address
  of the property owner as reflected on the tax rolls of the appraisal
         (b)  The notice must clearly state that the tax rates on real
  property imposed in the district are in addition to the ad valorem
  taxes imposed by other taxing units that tax real property in the
  boundaries of the district.
         (c)  The district shall generate and implement a program to
  provide notification to a prospective purchaser of property in the
  district of the rates of tax and assessments that have been approved
  and are imposed by the district.
  [Sections 3871.111-3871.150 reserved for expansion]
  (a) Except as provided by Section 3871.160, the district may:
               (1)  impose an ad valorem tax on all taxable industrial
  and commercial property in the district to pay for any improvement
  projects of the types authorized by Section 52(b), Article III, and
  Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and to secure the
  payment of bonds issued for those purposes;
               (2)  impose an assessment on property in the district
  to pay the cost of any authorized improvement project and the cost
  of the maintenance of the project in the manner provided for:
                     (A)  a district under Subchapters A, E, and F,
  Chapter 375, Local Government Code; or
                     (B)  a municipality or county under Subchapter A,
  Chapter 372, Local Government Code;
               (3)  provide or secure the payment or repayment of any
  bond, note, or other temporary or permanent obligation or
  reimbursement or other contract with any person, the costs and
  expenses of the establishment, administration, and operation of the
  district, and the district's costs or share of the costs or revenue
  of an improvement project or district contractual obligation or
  indebtedness by or through:
                     (A)  the imposition of an ad valorem tax,
  assessment, user fee, concession fee, or rental charge; and
                     (B)  any other revenue or resources of the
  district, or other revenue authorized by the city, including
  revenue from a tax increment reinvestment zone created by the city
  under applicable law;
               (4)  establish user charges related to the operation of
  storm-water facilities, including the regulation of storm water for
  the protection of water quality in the district;
               (5)  establish user charges for the use of nonpotable
  water for irrigation purposes, subject to the approval of the
  governing body of the city;
               (6)  undertake separately or jointly with other
  persons, including the city or Dallas County, all or part of the
  cost of any improvement project, including an improvement project:
                     (A)  for improving, enhancing, and supporting
  public safety and security, fire protection and emergency medical
  services, and law enforcement in and adjacent to the district; or
                     (B)  that confers a general benefit on the entire
  district or a special benefit on a definable part of the district;
               (7)  enter into a tax abatement agreement in accordance
  with the general laws of this state authorizing and applicable to
  tax abatement agreements by municipalities.
         (b)  The district may not impose an ad valorem tax to pay for
  an improvement project under this chapter unless the imposition is
  approved by the voters of the district voting at an election held
  for that purpose. The board may call an election to approve the
  imposition of an ad valorem tax to pay for an improvement project
  under this chapter only if the board receives a petition requesting
  the election signed by:
               (1)  more than 65 percent of the record owners of real
  property in the district subject to taxation; or
               (2)  owners representing more than 65 percent of the
  appraised value of real property in the district subject to
  taxation, as determined by the tax rolls of the appraisal district.
         Sec. 3871.152.  BORROWING MONEY. (a) The district may
  borrow money for a district purpose by issuing or executing bonds,
  notes, credit agreements, or other obligations of any kind found by
  the board to be necessary or appropriate for any district purpose.
  The bond, note, credit agreement, or other obligation may be
  secured by and payable from ad valorem taxes, assessments, a
  combination of ad valorem taxes and assessments, or other district
  revenue. The governing body of the city must approve the issuance
  of bonds, notes, credit agreements, or other obligations of the
  district, in general terms before the preparation of preliminary
  official statements or loan closing documents, as provided by the
  development and operating agreement approved by the city in
  accordance with Section 3871.160, or by separate action.
         (b)  The governing body of the city must approve the final
  terms of the bond issuance, note, or credit facility, including the
  principal amount, note amount, interest rate or rates, redemption
  provisions, and other terms and conditions relating to the
         (c)  The district shall file annual audited financial
  statements with the city's secretary.
         Sec. 3871.153.  ASSESSMENTS; EXEMPTION. (a) The district
  may impose an assessment on property in the district, including an
  assessment on commercial, industrial, or office property, only in
  the manner provided by Subchapter A, Chapter 372, Local Government
  Code, or Subchapter F, Chapter 375, Local Government Code, for a
  municipality, county, or public improvement district, according to
  the benefit received by the property.
         (b)  An assessment on property must be for the limited
  purpose of providing capital funding for:
               (1)  public water and wastewater facilities;
               (2)  drainage and storm-water facilities;
               (3)  streets and alleys; and
               (4)  any authorized purpose under Chapter 372, Local
  Government Code.
         (c)  An assessment, a reassessment, or an assessment
  resulting from an addition to or correction of the assessment roll
  by the district, penalties and interest on an assessment or
  reassessment, an expense of collection, and reasonable attorney's
  fees incurred by the district:
               (1)  are a first and prior lien against the property
  assessed; and
               (2)  are superior to any other lien or claim other than
  a lien or claim for county, school district, or municipal ad valorem
         (d)  A lien of an assessment against property under this
  chapter runs with the land, and the portion of an assessment payment
  obligation that has not yet come due is not eliminated by the
  foreclosure of an ad valorem tax lien. Any purchaser of property in
  a foreclosure of an ad valorem tax lien takes the property subject
  to the assessment payment obligations that have not yet come due and
  to the lien and terms of payment under the applicable assessment
  ordinance or order.
         (e)  The board may make a correction to or deletion from the
  assessment roll that does not increase the amount of assessment of
  any parcel of land without providing notice and holding a hearing in
  the manner required for additional assessments.
         (f)  The district shall file notice of any tax or assessment
  imposed by the district with the county clerk of Dallas County and
  post the notice on the district's Internet website.
         Sec. 3871.154.  RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY EXEMPT. The district
  may not impose taxes, assessments, fees, or any other requirement
  for payment, construction, alteration, or dedication on
  single-family detached residential property, residential
  condominiums, duplexes, triplexes, and quadruplexes.
  (a) The district may impose a tax for maintenance and operation
  purposes, including for:
               (1)  planning, constructing, acquiring, maintaining,
  repairing, and operating all improvement projects, including land,
  plants, works, facilities, improvements, appliances, and equipment
  of the district; and
               (2)  paying costs of services, engineering and legal
  fees, and organization and administrative expenses, including
  expenses of the city payable under the terms of the project
  development agreement described by Section 3871.160.
         (b)  The district may not impose a maintenance and operation
  tax for improvement projects under this chapter unless the
  imposition of the tax is approved by the voters of the district
  voting at an election held for that purpose. An election may be
  called only on receipt of a petition as provided by Section
         (c)  A maintenance and operation tax election may be held at
  the same time and in conjunction with any other district election.
  The election may be called by a separate election order or as part
  of any other election order.
  MONEY. If the district has surplus maintenance and operation tax
  money that is not needed for the purposes for which it was
  collected, the money may be used for any authorized purpose.
         Sec. 3871.157.  BONDS AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS. (a) Subject to
  the requirements of Sections 3871.159 and 3871.160, the district
  may issue by public or private sale bonds, notes, or other
  obligations payable wholly or partly from ad valorem taxes, or by
  assessments in the manner provided by Subchapter A, Chapter 372,
  Local Government Code, or Subchapter J, Chapter 375, Local
  Government Code.
         (b)  In exercising the district's borrowing power, the
  district may issue a bond or other obligation in the form of a bond,
  note, certificate of participation or other instrument evidencing a
  proportionate interest in payments to be made by the district, or
  any other type of obligation.
         (c)  In addition to the sources of money described by
  Subchapter A, Chapter 372, Local Government Code, and Subchapter J,
  Chapter 375, Local Government Code, district bonds may be secured
  and made payable wholly or partly by a pledge of any part of the
  money the district receives from system or improvement project
  revenue or from any other source.
         Sec. 3871.158.  BOND MATURITY. Bonds may mature not more
  than 40 years from their date of issue.
  the time bonds or other obligations payable wholly or partly from ad
  valorem taxes are issued:
               (1)  the board shall impose a continuing direct annual
  ad valorem tax for each year that all or part of the bonds are
  outstanding; and
               (2)  the district annually shall impose an ad valorem
  tax on all taxable property in the district in an amount sufficient
                     (A)  pay the interest on the bonds or other
  obligations as the interest becomes due; and
                     (B)  create a sinking fund for the payment of the
  principal of the bonds or other obligations when due or the
  redemption price at any earlier required redemption date.
  REQUIRED. (a) After the district's board is organized, but before
  the district may undertake any improvement project, issue bonds,
  impose taxes, levy assessments or fees, or borrow money, the
  district and the city must negotiate and execute a mutually
  approved and accepted development and operating agreement,
  including any limitations imposed by the city, regarding the plans
  and rules for:
               (1)  the exercise of the powers granted to the district
  under this chapter, including the organization, development, and
  operation of the district;
               (2)  the selection and description of improvement
  projects that may be undertaken and financed by the district and the
  ownership, operation, and maintenance of those projects;
               (3)  the terms, conditions, methods, means, and amounts
  of financing authorized by this chapter that the district may use in
  providing improvement projects; and
               (4)  the amounts, methods, and times of reimbursement
  to the city for costs and expenses, if any, incurred by the city
  with respect to the development and operation of the district and
  the financing of improvement projects by the district.
         (b)  An agreement authorized by this section is not effective
  until its terms and execution are approved by the board and the
  governing body of the city by resolution.
  [Sections 3871.161-3871.250 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 3871.251.  DISSOLUTION BY CITY ORDINANCE. (a) The city
  by ordinance may dissolve the district.
         (b)  The city may not dissolve the district until the
  district's outstanding indebtedness or contractual obligations
  that are payable from ad valorem taxes have been repaid or
  discharged, or the city has affirmatively assumed the obligation to
  pay the outstanding indebtedness from the city's lawfully available
         (c)  The city may not dissolve the district until the
  agreement under Section 3871.160 has been executed and the
  district's performance under the agreement has been fulfilled,
  including any right or obligation the district has to reimburse a
  developer or owner for the costs of improvement projects.
  (a) If the dissolved district has bonds or other obligations
  outstanding secured by and payable from assessments or other
  revenue, other than ad valorem taxes, the city shall succeed to the
  rights and obligations of the district regarding enforcement and
  collection of the assessments or other revenue.
         (b)  The city shall have and exercise all district powers to
  enforce and collect the assessments or other revenue to pay:
               (1)  the bonds or other obligations when due and
  payable according to their terms; or
               (2)  special revenue or assessment bonds or other
  obligations issued by the city to refund the outstanding bonds or
         Sec. 3871.253.  CONCURRENCE ON ADDITIONAL POWERS. If the
  legislature grants the district a power that is in addition to the
  powers approved by the initial resolution of the governing body of
  the city consenting to the creation of the district, the district
  may not exercise that power unless the governing body of the city
  consents to that change by resolution.
         Sec. 3871.254.  ASSUMPTION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. (a)
  After the city dissolves the district, the city assumes, subject to
  the appropriation and availability of funds, the obligations of the
  district, including any bonds or other indebtedness payable from
  assessments or other district revenue.
         (b)  If the city dissolves the district, the board shall
  transfer ownership of all district property to the city.
         SECTION 2.  The district shall include the land described in
  Subsections (a) and (b), below:
         (a)  A 192 acre tract of land situated west of the Dallas
  Central Business District along the western bank of the Trinity
  River Floodway in Dallas County, Texas, with said tract of land
  being more particularly described (in a clockwise manner around the
  boundary) by the following:
         The POINT OF BEGINNING being the northernmost point of the
  District on the northern right of way of Continental Avenue,
  eastern bank of the Trinity River Floodway and the Union Pacific
  Rail Corridor;
         THEN in a southeast direction to the southern right-of-way of
  Continental Avenue;
         THEN in a southwest direction along the southern right-of-way
  of Continental Avenue / Singleton Boulevard across the Trinity
  River to the intersection with the Continental Via Connector;
         THEN in a south by west direction along the eastern
  right-of-way of the Continental Via Connector;
         THEN in a south southeast direction along the eastern
  right-of-way of the Continental Via Connector;
         THEN in a south southeast direction along the eastern
  right-of-way of the Continental Via Connector, N. Beckley
         THEN in a south southeast direction along the eastern
  right-of-way of N. Beckley Boulevard across the Union Pacific Rail
  Corridor to the northwest corner of 0.38 acre parcel (Block 6824,
  Lot 1, Account: 00000633508000000);
         THEN in an easterly direction along the northern edge (to the
  northeast corner) of 0.38 acre parcel (Block 6824, Lot 1, Account:
         THEN in a south southeast direction along the eastern edge
  (to the southeast corner) of 0.38 acre parcel (Block 6824, Lot 1,
  Account: 00000633508000000);
         THEN in a southeast direction along the eastern edge (to the
  southeast corner) of 0.63 acre parcel (Lot 2, Account:
         THEN in a southerly direction along the eastern edge (to the
  southeast corner) of 0.23 acre parcel (Block 6824, Tract 3,
  Account: 00000633514000000);
         THEN in a south southwest direction to the southern
  right-of-way of Commerce Street;
         THEN in a west southwest direction along the southern
  right-of-way of West Commerce Street to the intersection of Fort
  Worth Avenue;
         THEN in a due west direction for along the southern
  right-of-way of West Commerce Street to the western right-of-way of
  Sylvan Avenue;
         THEN in a northerly direction along the western right-of-way
  of Sylvan Avenue across Singleton Boulevard to the southwest corner
  of 0.15 acre parcel (Tiptons No 3, Block 3/71701 Lot 1, Account:
         THEN in a due east direction along the northern right-of-way
  of Pueblo Street to the eastern right-of-way of Topeka Avenue;
         THEN in a due south direction along the eastern right-of-way
  of Topeka Avenue to the northern right-of-way of Singleton
         THEN in a due east direction along the northern right-of-way
  of Singleton Boulevard to the western right-of-way of Bataan
         THEN in a due north direction approximately 529 feet along
  the western right-of-way of Bataan Street to the southeast corner
  of 0.13 acre parcel (7093, N Pt of Lots 54-58, Account:
         THEN in a due north direction for approximately 13 feet along
  the western right-of-way of Bataan Street and the eastern edge of
  0.13 acre parcel (7093, N Pt of Lots 54-58, Account:
         THEN in a due east direction across the right-of-way of
  Bataan Street to the northwest corner of 0.13 acre parcel (7093, S
  Pt Lots 49-52, Account: 00000672565000000);
         THEN in a due east direction for approximately 90 feet along
  the northern edge (to the northeast corner) of 0.13 acre parcel
  (7093, S Pt Lots 49-52, Account: 00000672565000000);
         THEN in an east by north direction for approximately 29 feet
  across the right-of-way of Pueblo alley way to the southwest corner
  of 4.59 acre parcel (7092, Block 3, Tr 4, S Pt Account:
         THEN in a due east direction along the northern right-of-way
  of Pueblo alley way and Pueblo Street to the eastern right-of-way of
  Gulden Avenue;
         THEN in a due south direction along the eastern right-of-way
  of Gulden Avenue to the intersection with the north access road from
  Singleton Boulevard;
         THEN in a southeast direction along the northern right-of-way
  of the north access road from Singleton Boulevard to the
  intersection with Singleton Boulevard;
         THEN in a northeasterly direction along the northern
  right-of-way of Singleton Boulevard / Continental Avenue to the
  point of beginning;
         Save and except CITY BLOCK 4004 100X125 W COMMERCE & TOPEKA LT
  14 ;
         Save and except CITY BLOCK 4004 50X125 W COMMERCE 64FR
         Save and except BLK 4004 TR 1 & PT BLK 6818 & BLK 6819 LTS
  27-32 ACS 1.6806 INT20080175384 DD05212008 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 4004 LOT 12 64X125 W COMMERCE & EVANSTON
  VOL98002/6015 DD123197 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 4004 N 36FT LT 2 TOPEKA VOL2002092/7333
  DD05092002 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 4004 S 29FT LOT 3 & N 6FT LOT 4
  VOL2003255/3697 DD12162003 CO-DC;
         Save and except J W STONEHAMS SUBD BLK 4004 S 14FT 2 & N 20FT 3
  21FT LOT 3 VOL2003254/7651 DD12182003 CO-DA;
         Save and except J W STONEHAMS ADDN BLK 4004 S 36FT LT 4
  VOL94249/2739 DD120594 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 4004 LTS 5 & 6 TOPEKA VOL83222 PG2749
         Save and except BLK 4004 S 37.5' LOT 7 VOL93070/1997 EX040793
         Save and except BLK 4004 N 25 FT 8 & S 13 FT 9 EVANSTON
  VOL86222/5346 VOL2004177/12448 DD09072004 CO-DC;
         Save and except 7 & 25 FT LT 8 04004 N 12.5FT7 AND 25FT8
  EVANSTON VOL2004059/8111 DD03082004 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 4004 37' LOT 9 & 1' LOT 10 INT20070370953
  DD10181997 CO-DC;
         Save and except 04004 N 38FT 10 EVANSTON VOL2002023/2452
         Save and except BLK 4005 LOT 10 ACS 0.1435 50X125 COMMERCE &
  EVANSTON VOL2003255/3832 DD12152003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 4005 LT 7 50X100X5.82X51.99X72.1
  EVANSTON 125FR COMMERCE VOL2003255/3832 DD12152003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 4005 LT 6 50X42.86X56.94X72.1 EVANSTON
  175FR COMMERCE VOL2003255/3832 DD12152003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 4005 LT 5 50X42.86X53.68X22.86 EVANSTON
  225FR W COMMERCE VOL2003255/3832 DD12152003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 4005 LT 9 50X125 W COMMERCE 50FR EVANSTON
  VOL2003255/3832 DD12152003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 4005 LT 8 44.9X131.93X3.12X125 W
  COMMERCE 100FR EVANSTON VOL2003255/3832 DD12152003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 4005 LT 4 50X10.66X51.36X22.86 EVANSTON
  325FR COMMERCE VOL2003255/3785 DD12182003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6818 TR 6 ACS 0.1338 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6818 TR 6.1 ACS 0.0949 VOL98247/5660
  DD093098 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except LOT 5 50X188X53X119X103X307 COMMERCE TO
         Save and except BLK 6818 TR 3 50X103 TOPEKA AND ALLEY TOPEKA &
  ALLEY VOL97100/0344 DD051497 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6818 TR 4 50X103 TOPEKA 50FR ALLEY
  VOL97100/0344 DD051497 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6819 TR 33A 40X100 W MAIN CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6819 LOT 1 ACS 0.033 INT20070136081
  DD03292007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6819 LOTS 2 3 & S 5FT4 ACS 0.209
  INT20070136081 DD03292007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6819 N PT 4 45X100 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6819 LOT 5 GUEST INT20070136081
  DD03302007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6819 LT 6 GUEST ACS 0.118
  INT20070136081 DD03292007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6819 LT 7 GUEST ACS 0.1172
  INT20070136081 DD03292007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6819 LT 8 GUEST ACS 0.112
  INT20070136081 DD03292007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6819 BLK 6819 TR 33D 50X100 W MAIN
  INT20070274154 DD07312007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6819 TR 33E 50X100 W MAIN CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except GUESTS WEST DALLAS BLK 6819 TR 33B 50X100
  PROB SE04247-P/2 DD10182004 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6819 TR 33C 50X100 MAIN VOL79172/0982
  DD082879 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6819 LOT 34B 50X100 W MAIN CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6819 LTS 43 & 44 COMMERCE & YUMA
  VOL98247/5630 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6819 N 1/2 LT 45-50X50 YUMA ;
         Save and except S PT 45-50X50 YUMA VOL85245 PG3602;
         Save and except BLK 6819 LT 46 YUMA & ALLEY VOL97100/0344
  DD051497 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK B/6820 LT 1 COMMERCE & BEAVER
  INT200600195865 DD05222006 CO-DC;
  PROB94-1974-P2 CO-DC;
  PROB94-1974-P2 CO-DC;
         Save and except ROBERTS & WRIGHT-WEST DALLAS E PT LOT
  4-33X170X25.4X170 COMMERCE ;
         Save and except ROBERTS & WRIGHTS BLK B/6820 LOT 8 ACS 0.1951
  VOL91096/3159 EX040991 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except ROBERTS & WRIGHT BLK B/6820 W PT LOT 9 ACS
  0.1718 VOL91096/3159 EX040991 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except ROBERTS & WRIGHT-WEST DALLAS E PT 9 ALL
  10-53.5X170X58.3X170 BLK B/6820 INT20070303241 DD06282007 CO-DC;
         Save and except ROBERTS & WRIGHT-WEST DALLAS BLK B/6820 LOT
  11 INT20070303241 DD06282007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK B/6820 LOT 12 YUMA CTS PROB94-1974-P2
         Save and except ROBERTS & WRIGHT-WEST DALLAS LOTS 13 AND 14
         Save and except BLK 6821 LTS 43 THRU 46 ACS 0.275 W COMMERCE &
  PITTMAN INT20070136081 DD03292007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6821 LT 47 PITTMAN VOL87234 PG4061
         Save and except BLK 6821 LT 62 PITTMAN VOL87234 PG4061
         Save and except BLK 6821 LOT 63 ACS 0.110 PITTMAN & GC & SF RR
         Save and except BOMARS WEST COMMERCE BLK E/6823 LOT 4 & BLK
  6821 PT LOT 72 ACS 3.1632 INT20070304216 DD08062007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BOMARS WEST COMMERCE BLK 6819 LOT 4.1 ACS
  1.8255 INT20070304216 DD08062007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LT 1 W MAIN VOL2005024/1424
  DD01312005 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LTS 2 & 3 W MAIN VOL2005024/1424
  DD01312005 CO-DC;
         Save and except 06822 LOT 7 W MAIN ;
         Save and except WEST WE GO BLK 6822 ALL LT 8 & LT 9 LESS 3.5FT
  TRI ADJ LOT 10 VOL2005042/2535 DD02222005 CO-DC;
         Save and except WEST WE GO BLK 6822 LOTS 10 & 11 & W3.5'TRI
  LOT 9 VOL83069 PG0717 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LTS 12 13 & 14 W MAIN INT20070083883
  DD03052007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LTS 15 AND 16 MAIN INT20070083883
  DD03052007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 17 & 18 W MAIN INT20070083884
  DD03062007 CO-DC;
         Save and except 06822 LOTS 19 AND 2O W MAIN VOL2005070/3341
  DD03292005 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LTS 23 24 & PT LTS 22 & 25 W MAIN
         Save and except BLK 6822 PT LOT 25 AND ALL 26 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LT 27 VOL98226/2670 DD102695
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 33 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except WEST WE GO ADDITION BLK 6822 LT 32 VOL84173
         Save and except 06822 LT 34 BLK 6822 VOL2003255/3697
  DD12162003 CO-DC;
         Save and except 06822 LT 35 BLK 6822 VOL2003255/3697
  DD12162003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LTS 36 THRU 39 W MAIN
  VOL2000148/2996 DD08012000 CO-DA;
         Save and except 06822 LOTS 4O AND 41 W MAIN VOL2005069/8115
  DD03092005 CO-DC;
         Save and except WEST WE GO BLK 6822 LT 46 INT20080047274
  DD02052008 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 49 W MAIN VOL2003224/1305
  DD10312003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 50 & 51 W MAIN VOL2003224/1305
  DD10312003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 52 & 53 W MAIN CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 54 W MAIN CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 55 & 56 W MAIN VOL2004139/1159
  DD07011993 CO-DA;
         Save and except LOTS 57 & 58 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LTS 59 & 60 W MAIN CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except 06822 LOTS 64 AND 65 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 66 W MAIN VOL88097/3298
         Save and except 06822 LOTS 80 & 81 W MAIN VOL2003255/3832
  DD12242003 CO-DC;
         Save and except 06822 LT 82 BLK 6822 VOL2003255/3832
  DD12152003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 83 & 84 W MAIN INT20080147440
  DD11012007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 85 W MAIN INT200600470194
  DD01032006 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 PT LT 86 69.3X17X71 VOL86251/2660
  DD123086 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except WEST WE GO BLK 6822 LOTS 103 & 104 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 105 & 106 W MAIN CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except WEST WE GO BLK 6822 LTS 107-109 ACS 0.213
  VOL2000153/1706 DD11261985 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 110 & 111 W MAIN CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LTS 112 & 113 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 114 W MAIN VOL2003224/1305
  DD10312003 CO-DC;
         Save and except WEST WE GO BLK 6822 LOTS 115 & 116
  VOL2003224/1305 DD10312003 CO-DA;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 117 AND 118 W MAIN CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 119 & 120 W MAIN
  VOL2005091/3746 DD04282005 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 121 & 122 WEST MAIN
  VOL2003057/3971 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 123 WEST MAIN VOL2003057/3974
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 124 W MAIN VOL2003057/3974
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 125 & 126 VOL93037/5813
  EX021493 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except WEST WE GO ADDN BLK 6822 LOTS 127 & LOT 128 W
  MAIN ST VOL91228/3099 EX112191 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 129 AND 7FT LT 13 W MAIN
  PROB06-146-P DD01012006 CO-DC;
         Save and except LOT 131 AND 18FT13O W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 132 & 133 VOL99076/2723
  DD041499 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 134 W MAIN VOL98252/5553
  DD122398 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 135 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 136 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 137 AND 138 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 139 W MAIN ;
         Save and except 50X137 AVG. LOTS 140 & 141 W MAIN CITY BLOCK
  6822 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except 50X137.4 AVG. LOTS 142 & 143 W MAIN CITY BLOCK
  6822 ;
         Save and except 50X137.5 AVG. LOTS 144 & 145 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 146 & 147 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 148 AND W18 FT 149 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 E 7FT LOT 149 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 150 AND 151 W MAIN ;
         Save and except WEST WE GO BLK 6822 LOTS 152 & 153
  VOL91138/0509 EX071291 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except 50X139.9 LOTS 154 & 155 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOT 156 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 S PT LTS 157 & 158 VOL84052 PG0284
         Save and except BLK 6822 N PT LTS 157.1 & 158.1 WEST WE GO ADDN
  VOL 84052/0284 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6822 PT LTS 159 & 160 ACS 0.0568 ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 PT LTS 159 & 160 ACS 0.1096
  INT20080047275 DD02052008 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LTS 161 & 162 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LOTS 163 AND 164 W MAIN CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except WEST WE GO BLK 6822 LOTS 165 & 166 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except 50X102.5 AVG. LOTS 167 & 168 W MAIN ;
         Save and except BLK 6822 LTS 169 & 170 W MAIN ;
         Save and except 62X105.5X103X115.5 LOTS 171 & 172 W MAIN ;
         Save and except PT LOTS 174 AND 175 BECKLEY ;
         Save and except LOTS 176 & 177 BECKLEY & W MAIN ;
         Save and except LOTS 180 181 & 182 BECKLEY AVE
  VOL2005024/1424 DD01312005 CO-DC;
         Save and except TRACT 1 2.6 ACRES N BECKLEY TO END OF BLK E
  6823 ;
         Save and except LOT 2 50X453 N BECKLEY ADJ BLK 6822 ;
         Save and except BOMARS L H BLK C/6823 LTS 1,2 & E 25FT LT 3 ACS
  0.331 VOL99033/2664 DD021599 CO-DC;
         Save and except BOMARS L H BLK C/6823 LOT 4 & 37-1/2' LOT 3 W
  COMMERCE & WALES INT20070241282 DD06272007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BOMARS L H BLK C/6823 LTS 5-8 ACS 1.1139
  VOL99033/2664 DD02151999 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK D/6823 LOT 1 COMMERCE & WALES
  VOL2005131/10121 DD06292005 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK D/6823 LOT 2 COMMERCE VOL2005131/10121
  DD06292005 CO-DC;
         Save and except BOMARS L H LOTS 3 4 & 5 COMMERCE & HARDWICK
  VOL2005131/10121 DD06292005 CO-DC;
         Save and except BOMARS L H LOT 6 HARDWICK VOL2005131/10121
  DD06292005 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK D/6823 LOT 7 WALES VOL2005131/10121
  DD06292005 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK D/6823 LOT 8 WALES VOL2005131/10121
  DD06292005 CO-DC;
         Save and except L H BOMARS WEST COMMERCE BLK E/6823 LOT 1
  99.25X62.5X99.09X62.5 VOL89179/0883 EX080189 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except LK H BOMARS WEST COMMERCE BLK E/6823 LT 2
  99.25X62.5X99.25X62.5 VOL2005045/10126 DD03042005 CO-DC;
         Save and except LOT 2 345.9X138.7X232.4X95 N BECKLEY
  VOL2000246/1241 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 6824 TR 3 ACS 0.2234 VOL96210/0364
  DD040596 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 7084 LOT 1 SINGLETON & AMONETTE
         Save and except MCNEIL W PT LOT 2-47X110 MCPHERSON 60FR AKRON
         Save and except MCNEIL LOT 3 MCPHERSON INT200503577263
  DD06102005 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK A/7085 LOT 4 INT20080027122 DOD05162006
         Save and except MCNEIL LOT 5 POE PROB06-3257-P;
         Save and except MCNEIL BLK A/7085 LT 6 PROB 02-2756-P2
         Save and except MCNEIL BLK A/7085 LOT 7 VOL93182/2226
  DD09181993 CO-DC;
         Save and except MCNEIL BLK B/7085 LOT 2 VOL93105/2124
  EX052793 CO-DLALAS;
         Save and except BLK B/7085 LOT 3 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except MCNEIL LOT 4 POE VOL75210/0017 DD05131973
         Save and except MCNEIL BLK B/7085 LOT 5 VOL2002230/10785
  DD11062002 CO-DC;
         Save and except MCNEIL LOT 6 POE ;
         Save and except MCNEIL LOTS 1 2 AND 3 MCPERSON
  VOL2002154/5575 DD07112002 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK C/7085 LOT 4 VOL2002154/5575 DD07112002
         Save and except BLK C/7085 LOT 5 VOL2002154/5575 DD07112002
         Save and except TR 3 100X100 AKRON 332.8FR BEEVILLE
  INT20080180513 DD05292008 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 7087 LOT 1A BEDFORD & AMONETTE CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except 07087 EPT3-42X115 BEDFORD VOL86020 PG2269
         Save and except BLK 7087 NWPT 3 AND 4 58X65 BEDFORD ST
  VOL2000109/5762 DD06022000 CO-DC;
         Save and except 07087 LOT 13 BEDFORD & HERBERT
  INT20070360634 DD09282007 CO-DC;
         Save and except 07087 LOT 16 BEDFORD ST ;
         Save and except BLK 7087 LOT 17 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except REEVES & KIRKPATRICK CEDAR GLADE BLK 7087 PT
  LT 48 ACS 0.1169 VOL83114/3104 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 7087 LTS 50-53; ABND ALLEY & LT 49 LESS
  ROW ACS 0.6369 VOL2002232/0058 DD09302002 CO-DC;
         Save and except WELLINGTONS BLK A/7091 PT LTS 6-8 ACS 0.2968
  INT20070206569 DD06042007 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK B/7091 LOT 8 TORONTO VOL02083/0594
  DD072338 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except WELLINGTONS BLK B/7091 LT 9 7500 SF
  VOL99184/4416 DD092199 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except WELLINGTONS LOT 2 TORONTO ;
         Save and except WELLINGTONS BLK C/7091 LT 4 VOL2005074/03650
  DD04082005 CO-DC;
         Save and except WELLINGTONS BLK C/7091 LOT 5 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except WELLINGTONS BLK C/7091 LT 6 VOL2005074/03650
  DD04082005 CO-DC;
         Save and except WELLINGTONS BLK C/7091 LT 7 VOL2005074/03650
  DD04082005 CO-DC;
         Save and except WELLINGTONS LOT 2 TORONTO ;
         Save and except WELLINGTONS BLK D/7091 LT 7 VOL96237/6844
  DD120396 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except VALLEY PARK BLK 7093 LTS 3 & 4 50X106 VOL
  82114 PG 0309;
         Save and except VALLEY PARK BLK 7093 S PT LTS 21 & 22 & 14'
  ABDN ALLEY ACS 0.0769 CALC VOL95117/0357 DD061295 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 7093 LOTS 25 THRU 28 BATAAN & TORONTO
  VO99113/4611 DD06101999 CO-DC;
         Save and except VALLEY PARK BLK 7093 LOT 45 INST200503556093
  DD09292005 CO-DC;
         Save and except VALLEY PARK BLK 7093 LOT 46 INST200503556093
  DD09292005 CO-DC;
         Save and except VALLEY PARK BLK 7093 LOT 47 INST200503556093
  DD09292005 CO-DC;
         Save and except VALLEY PARK BLK 7093 LOT 48 INST200503556093
  DD09292005 CO-DC;
         Save and except THRU 52 53.33X100 07093 S PT 49 THRU 52
         Save and except CLOSE IN BLK 7094 LT 14 LESS ROW
  VOL2001177/05892 DD09072001 CO-DC;
         Save and except CLOSE IN BLK 7094 LTS 15,16 & 17
  VOL2001177/5892 DD09072001 CO-DC;
         Save and except CLOSE IN BLK 7094 LT 18 VOL2001177/5892
  DD09072001 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 7094 LTS 19 THRU 26 PROB#10-050-
  VOL2004097/10681 DD05182004 CO-DC;
         Save and except TIPTON LOT 6 SYLVAN VOL2002160/2621
         Save and except TIPTON LOT 7 SYLVAN 7560 SF VOL2002160/2621
         Save and except TIPTON BLK 4/7101 LOT 8 VOL90043/2762
  EX021490 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except TIPTON LOTS 11 & 12 SYLVAN VOL2002119/2177
         Save and except BLK 7266 TR 2 ACS 0.3371 VOL95037/1963
  DD123194 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 7266 TR 3 125X150 SEC SINGLETON @TOPEKA ;
         Save and except BLK 7266 TR 1 ACS 0.4523 VOL95037/1958
  DD123194 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 7266 TR 5 & 7 ACS 2.006 VOL93166/4300
  EX082393 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 7266 TR 4 ACS 0.7496 VOL99194/1601
  DD092999 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 1/7267 LT 1 FABRICATION & SYLVAN
  VOL99230/4227 DD111699 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 1/7267 LT 2 VOL99230/4227 DD111699
         Save and except CANAL LOT 3 FABRICATION ;
         Save and except CANAL LOT 4 FABRICATION CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 1/7267 LT 5 INT200600292324
  DD08042006 CO-DC;
         Save and except CANAL LOT 6 FABRICATION ;
         Save and except CANAL LOT 7 FABRICATION & TOPEKA ;
         Save and except CANAL LOT 1 SYLVAN AND FABRICATION
  VOL2001183/3502 D09042001 CO-DC;
         Save and except CANAL LOT 2 SYLVAN VOL2001183/3502 D09042001
         Save and except CANAL LOT 3 SYLVAN ;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 2/7267 LT 4 VOL72213/1782
  DD10301972 CO-DC;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 2/7267 LOT 5 INT20070042002
  DD01262007 CO-DC;
         Save and except CANAL LOT 6 SYLVAN & MUNCIE INT200600157597
  DD04242006 CO-DC;
         Save and except CANAL LOT 7 GILMER & MUNCIE ;
         Save and except CANAL LOT 8 GILMER ;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 2/7267 LOT 9 INT200600399981
  DD10202006 CO-DC;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 2/7267 LOT 10 GILMER
  INT20070311860 DD08132007 CO-DC;
         Save and except CANAL LOT 11 GILMER VOL2001183/3502
  D09042001 CO-DC;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 2/7267 LOT 12 GILMER & FABRICATION
  VOL95031/1515 DD020995 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 3/7267 LOTS 1,2,3,4 & 5 GILMER &
         Save and except CANAL BLK 4/7267 LOTS 1-5 TOPEKA &
         Save and except CANAL N PT LOT 1 42.5X86 YUMA & FABRICATION
  INT200600117279 DD03011993 CO-DC;
         Save and except CANAL S PT LOT 1 42.5X86 YUMA ;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 5/7267 LOTS 2-3 & 4 INT200600117278
  DD03011993 CO-DC;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 5/7267 LOT 5 PARVIA AVE
  VOL90074/3060 EX041390 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except CANAL BLK 5/7267 LOT 8 VOL90067/3068
  EX032390 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 1/7268 PT LTS 2 & 3 LESS ROW
  VOL86097 PG4052 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 1/7268 PT LTS 3 & 4 LESS ROW
  VOL86106 PG5575 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 2/7268 PT LOT 10 & PT ABND
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 3/7268 PT LT 1 LESS ROW
  VOL2000070/1607 DD03232000 CO-DA;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 3/7268 LT 3 ACS 0.055
  VOL2002014/5008 DD12202001 CO-DC;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 3/7268 LT 5 VOL2004154/9641
  DD08042004 CO-DC;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 3/7268 LTS 6 & 7 ACS 0.3144
  INT20070321764 CO-DC;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 3/7268 LT 8 INT20070321764
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 3/7268 LT 9 INT20070321764
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 3/7268 LT 10
  VOL2001141/8301 DD07112001 CO-DC;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 3/7268 LT 11
  VOL2001141/8301 DD07112001 CO-DC;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 3/7268 LT 12
  VOL2001141/8301 DD07112001 CO-DC;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 3/7268 LT 13
  VOL2001141/8301 DD07112001 CO-DC;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 3/7268 LT 14 S 1/2
  VOL2000093/5568 DD05052000 CO-DC;
         Save and except ADDISON PARK BLK 5/7268 LTS 4 & 5 BEDFORD &
  PARVIA VOL96252/5842 DD122396 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except TR 2 230X274.2 FABRICATION 141FR TOPEKA
  VOL98197/0863 DD09011998 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 7269 TR 29K BEEVILLE & FABRICATION
         Save and except BLK 7269 TR 29-I LESS N 2.5FT BATAAN ;
         Save and except TR 29 G BATAAN VOL88013/3721 EX011888
         Save and except BLK 7269 TR 29-L 0.158 AC VOL95218/3609
  DD110395 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except ABST 290 PG 265 BLK 7269 LOT 29H
  VOL87050/3226 DD030687 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 7269 TR 29 PROB00-3032-P CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 7269 TR 29F BATAAN & FABRICATION
  VOL2004033/1146 DD02062004 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 7269 TR 29N BEEVILLE CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except BLK 7270 TR 1.1 ACS 0.0711 FABRICATION
         Save and except BLK 2/7270 PT BLK - 45X150 FABRICATION 85.8FR
  BATAAN VOL93151/7047 EX080493 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except C H BROOKS W DALLAS BLK 2/7270 PT LTS 2 & 3 ACS
  0.32 VOL2004074/00502 DD03222004 CO-DC;
         Save and except CH BROOKS WEST DALLAS BLK 2/7270 PT LTS 2&3
  ACS 0.1021 37FT FROM BATAAN VOL93151/7053 DDD08041993 CO-DC;
         Save and except CH BROOKS WEST DALLAS BLK 2/7270 PT LT 3 ACS
  0.1679 VOL2004005/6618 DD11242003 CO-DC;
         Save and except BLK 7270 PT LTS 5-10-11 & 12 VOL99105/0813
  DD05201999 CO-DC;
         Save and except C H BROOKS BLK 7270 LT 6 VOL99105/0813
  DD05271999 CO-DC;
         Save and except JACK SCOTT HOMESTEAD BLK 7270 LT 7 AT BURR
  VOL95087/1323 DD042595 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except JACK SCOTT HOMESTEAD BLK 2/7270 LOT 8
  INT200600163089 DD04272006 CO-DC;
         Save and except JACK SCOTT HOMESTEAD BLK 2/7270 LOT 9
  FABRICATION & PARVIA INT200600163089 DD04272006 CO-DC;
         Save and except JACK SCOTT HOMESTEAD BLK 2/7270 LOT 13 BURR TO
  PARVIA INT20060016089 DD04272006 CO-DC;
         Save and except ROBERTS & WRIGHTS BLK B/6820 LT 5 & PT LTS 4,6 &
  7 ACS 0.6270 INT 200600445344 DD10172006 CO-DC;
         Save and except ROBERTS & WRIGHT BLK B/6820 LT 7 & PT LT 6 ACS
  0.1315 INT20080187701 DD06032008 CO-DC;
         Save and except WESTCOM SUBDIVISION BLK 6821 LT 22A ACS
  2.025 VOL85161 PG3409 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except WESTCOM SUBDIVISION BLK 6821 LT 23A ACS
  1.837 VOL87145 PG1691 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except WEST WE GO BLK 6822 LTS 28-30 & PT 31
  VOL94197/1276 DD100594 CO-DALLAS;
         Save and except HUGHES BLK 6822 LT 61A ACS 0.1988
  VOL2005091/1924 DD04072005 CO-DC;
         Save and except MIRZAIE LT 87A ACS 1.023 VOL2000198/3103
  DD09292000 CO-DC;
         Save and except WEST LEVEE SUBSTATION BLK 7084 LOT 2 ACS
  4.8904 ;
         Save and except TIPTON ADDITION BLK 4/7101 LT 9A ACS 0.296
  VOL2001177/5892 DD09072001 CO-DC;
         Save and except HUERTA BLK 4/7268 LT 1A ACS 0.4038
  VOL2000173/6749 DD08162000 CO-DC;
         Save and except HUERTA BLK 4/7268 LT 2A ACS 0.7762
  VOL2000173/6749 DD08162000 CO-DC;
         Save and except 5.43 MILES OF CORRIDOR DALLAS CITY ONLY 5.43
         (b)  The following separately described parcels are also
  included as a part of and within the District:
         ELHOGAR MEXICAN BLK 3/7089 W PT LT 3 40X74.8X48.5X44.3
  INT20070296211 DD08082007 CO-DC;
         ELHOGAR MEXICAN BLK 3/7089 W PT 4 40X103.2X48.5X74.8
  INT20070296211 DD08082007 CO-DC;
         ELHOGAR MEXICAN W PT 5 40X131X47.5X103.2 GULDEN
  INT20070144477 DD04202007 CO-DC;
         EL HOGAR-MEXICANA BLK 3/7089 W PT LOT 7 40X182X49X156 GULDEN
  INT20070012261 DD01042007 CO-DC;
         EL LUGAR MEXICNA LOT 11 PASTOR 11/70892 INT20080065923
  DD02182008 CO-DC;
         MAC ARTHUR HEIGHTS LOT 8 GUAM INT20080065904 DD02262008
         EL HAGAR MECICANA BLK 1/7089 LOT 16 INT20080065904
  DD02262008 CO-DC;
         BRANTLEY C M BLK A/7105 LOT 16 OBENCHAIN INT20070335018
  DD09122007 CO-DC;
         WEST END BY Z E COOMBS BLK 3/7265 LT 11 INT20080153903
  DD05082008 CO-DC;
         SECTION 3.  (a) The legal notice of the intention to
  introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
  Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
  copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
  officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
  under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
  Government Code.
         (b)  The governor, one of the required recipients, has
  submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality.
         (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
  its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor, the
  lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
  representatives within the required time.
         (d)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
  state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
  to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled
  and accomplished.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
  * * * * *