H.B. No. 4818
  relating to the Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 628, Acts of the 68th Legislature,
  Regular Session, 1983, is amended by adding Section 4C to read as
         Sec. 4C.  (a)  In this section:
               (1)  "City" means the City of Irving, Texas.
               (2)  "FEMA" means the Federal Emergency Management
               (3)  "The letter" means the letter dated July 31, 2008,
  and executed by mitigation director Frank Pagano from FEMA to Mayor
  Herbert Gears approving the city's proposed amendments to FEMA's
  proposed amendments to the 2007 Preliminary Digital Flood Insurance
  Rate Map and Flood Insurance Study.
         (b)  The district initially constructed and maintained
  levees pursuant to a state-approved plan of reclamation consistent
  with all state and federal requirements. In 2007 FEMA proposed
  certain amendments to its Preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate
  Map and Flood Insurance Study. The proposed amendments to the flood
  insurance rate map, if adopted, would have severely limited planned
  development within the district adjacent to the levees. The city
  and the district timely protested the proposed amended map and
  submitted an alternate set of proposed amendments to FEMA prepared
  by the city. FEMA reviewed the city's alternate proposed
  amendments and accepted those amendments, as evidenced by the
         (c)  The city, the district, and the affected adjacent
  landowners accepted and agreed to the map revisions addressed and
  approved by the letter. The letter has been relied on and actions
  were taken or will be taken based on that reliance, namely:
               (1)  levee protection easements were executed, or will
  be executed, and filed by all of the affected landowners;
               (2)  financing was obtained, or will be obtained, for
  development in the area of the levees; and
               (3)  development in the area of the levees has begun and
  will continue.
         (d)  Because of the governmental actions and the reliance on
  those actions described by this section, the legislature determines
  and declares that those governmental actions, including the letter
  and the actions taken in reliance on the letter, are valid and
  binding and may not be revoked, rescinded, or altered by any party,
  including this state or any local government, without the written
  consent of:
               (1)  all the affected adjacent landowners who executed
  the easements or their respective heirs, successors, or assigns;
               (2)  the city council of the city; and
               (3)  the board of directors of the district.
         SECTION 2.  Section 5, Chapter 628, Acts of the 68th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1983, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 5.  All powers of the district shall be exercised by a
  board of five directors. Each director shall serve for his term of
  office as herein provided and thereafter until his successor shall
  be appointed and qualified. If any director ceases to possess the
  qualifications prescribed herein, his office shall be declared
  vacant by the board of directors and his successor shall be
  appointed by the City Council of the City of Irving. Each director
  shall be at least 18 years of age and possess one of the following
  qualifications: own land within the district subject to taxation;
  be a qualified voter residing within the district at the time of his
  qualification as a director; be an agent, employee, officer, or
  director of any individual, corporation, trust, or partnership that
  owns or leases real property within the district; or be a resident
  of the City of Irving and shall qualify by subscribing the
  constitutional oath of office and by giving bond in the amount of
  $5,000 for the faithful performance of his duties. At least three
  of the five directors shall be qualified as directors under Section
  49.052(a), Water Code, without consideration of any exceptions from
  that subsection provided by other provisions of Section 49.052,
  Water Code. Section 49.052, Water Code, applies to the extent of
  this section and for no other purpose. All directors' bonds shall
  be approved by the district's board of directors and recorded in the
  official bond records of the County Clerk of Dallas County. The
  five directors serving on the effective date of this Act shall
  continue as directors of the district and shall remain as directors
  until their successors are duly appointed and take office on
  October 1, 1999. Beginning with the first day of October, 1999, the
  City Council of the City of Irving shall appoint three directors for
  terms of four years and two directors for terms of two years. On the
  first day of October of each odd-numbered year thereafter, the
  directors whose terms expire shall be appointed by the City Council
  of the City of Irving and shall serve for a term of four years and
  until their successors are appointed and take office. All
  vacancies on the board of directors shall be filled by appointment
  to the unexpired term by the City Council of the City of Irving. The
  city by its appointment of directors and any other action taken,
  except the action to dissolve the district under state law or any
  other specific action taken by the city, which action must be
  evidenced in writing, directly relating to any bond, note,
  financial obligation, or contractual obligation of the district,
  does not assume, agree to pay, or guarantee the payment of any bond,
  note, or other financial obligation or undertaking of the district,
  whether in the form of securities or in other contractual forms,
  including the district's bonds. The directors shall establish in
  the district's bylaws what shall constitute a quorum for any
  meeting, and a concurrence of a majority of the quorum shall be
  necessary in all district matters. The board of directors shall
  prescribe the method of execution of all contracts, the signing of
  checks, and the handling of any other matters approved by the board
  of directors as shown in the official minutes of the district.
  Annually in the month of October, the board shall reorganize and
  elect new officers as soon as practicable. The board of directors
  may designate one or more assistant secretaries and an assistant
  treasurer, who may but need not be a member of the board of
  directors. The secretary of the board of directors or one of the
  assistant secretaries shall be responsible for keeping the minutes
  of the meetings of the board of directors and all official records
  of the board and may certify to any action taken by the board of
  directors. Section 49.060, Water Code, relating to the fees of
  office and reimbursement of expenses to which a district director
  is entitled, applies to the district, and the board of directors
  shall establish fees in accordance with that section. [Each
  member of the board of directors shall receive a per diem payment of
  $50 for each regular or special board or committee meeting and shall
  be reimbursed for actual expenses approved by the board of
  directors.] The board of directors shall hold regular and special
  meetings at such times and on such dates as the board shall
  determine upon giving of notice as required by the district's
         SECTION 3.  (a) All governmental and proprietary actions of
  the Dallas County Utility and Reclamation District taken before the
  effective date of this Act are validated, ratified, and confirmed
  in all respects as if the actions had been taken as authorized by
         (b)  This section does not apply to any matter that on the
  effective date of this Act:
               (1)  is involved in litigation if the litigation
  ultimately results in the matter being held invalid by a final court
  judgment; or
               (2)  has been held invalid by a final court judgment.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
  ______________________________ ______________________________
     President of the Senate Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.B. No. 4818 was passed by the House on May
  15, 2009, by the following vote:  Yeas 144, Nays 0, 1 present, not
  Chief Clerk of the House   
         I certify that H.B. No. 4818 was passed by the Senate on May
  26, 2009, by the following vote:  Yeas 31, Nays 0.
  Secretary of the Senate    
  APPROVED:  _____________________