By: Burnam, Kent (Senate Sponsor - Carona) H.C.R. No. 22
         (In the Senate - Received from the House May 20, 2009;
  May 21, 2009, read first time and referred to Committee on
  Jurisprudence; May 23, 2009, reported favorably by the following
  vote:  Yeas 5, Nays 0; May 23, 2009, sent to printer.)
         WHEREAS, Farhat Chishty as next friend for her son, Haseeb
  Chishty, alleges that:
               (1)  Haseeb Chishty was a disabled adult resident of
  the Denton State School, which is under the jurisdiction of the
  Department of Aging and Disability Services;
               (2)  Kevin Miller was a direct care aide employed at the
  Denton State School;
               (3)  the Department of Aging and Disability Services
  and the Denton State School had prior knowledge of Kevin Miller's
  inappropriate behavior toward mentally retarded and physically
  handicapped residents;
               (4)  although Kevin Miller was not terminated for his
  inappropriate behavior, he was placed on decision making leave;
               (5)  when Kevin Miller returned from decision making
  leave, the Denton State School transferred him to the housing unit
  in which Haseeb Chishty resided;
               (6)  the Denton State School also had prior knowledge
  of illicit drug use by direct care aides and other Denton State
  School employees;
               (7)  the Denton State School failed to remove Kevin
  Miller from the environment in which Haseeb Chishty resided and
  failed to have or to enforce policies to protect Haseeb Chishty and
  allowed Haseeb Chishty to reside in a dangerous environment;
               (8)  some time before September 27, 2002, Kevin Miller
  physically abused Haseeb Chishty and as a result, Haseeb Chishty
  sustained life-threatening injuries to his lower abdomen and pelvic
  area which have left him unable to eat on his own, speak, walk, or
  interact with his family;
               (9)  Kevin Miller may have been in a drug-induced state
  at the time he abused Haseeb Chishty;
               (10)  the Department of Aging and Disability Services
  and the Denton State School attempted to conceal the source of
  Haseeb Chishty's injuries by asserting they were caused by a
  vehicle safety belt in August 2002;
               (11)  on or about January 27, 2003, the Department of
  Aging and Disability Services and the Denton State School informed
  Farhat Chishty that her son may have been physically abused by an
  employee who was, at the time the information was provided, on leave
  of absence status;
               (12)  Kevin Miller was on leave of absence in January
  2003, and when he returned to the Denton State School from his leave
  of absence, he was permitted to work with Haseeb Chishty, even
  though the Denton State School knew that Kevin Miller may have been
  responsible for Haseeb Chishty's abuse;
               (13)  the Chishty family is entitled to an award for
  damages, including actual medical expenses, attorney's fees, and
  interest on any amounts due as may be authorized by law; and
               (14)  damages may not exceed the limitation on damages
  provided by Section 101.023(a), Civil Practice and Remedies Code,
  for state agencies, excluding past and future medical bills and
  attorney's fees; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That
  Farhat Chishty as next friend for her son, Haseeb Chishty, is
  granted permission to sue the State of Texas, the Department of
  Aging and Disability Services, and the Denton State School subject
  to Chapter 107, Civil Practice and Remedies Code; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the commissioner of aging and disability
  services and the superintendent of the Denton State School be
  served process as provided by Section 107.002(a)(3), Civil Practice
  and Remedies Code.
  * * * * *