81R28301 BPG-D
  By: Kuempel H.C.R. No. 220
         WHEREAS, The diversity of the Texas economy has helped the
  state weather the turbulence of the recession, but as the national
  downturn deepens and as prudent planning for the future becomes
  more vital, communities in the Lone Star State are seeking ways to
  ensure that they have sufficient resources to continue to provide
  necessary services; economic studies indicate that the gaming
  industry has the potential to bring billions of tax dollars into
  Texas while creating jobs and boosting local economies; and
         WHEREAS, Estimates of Texans' annual discretionary spending
  for gaming range from $3 billion to $6 billion, but the tax dollars
  generated currently accrue to Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and
  other states with highly developed gaming industries; and
         WHEREAS, Calculations of the annual tax revenues that Texas
  could earn from gaming are between $3 billion and $4.5 billion when
  factoring in the construction of upscale casinos, the licensing of
  gambling at the state's Indian reservations, and the installation
  of slot machines at existing licensed horse and greyhound
  racetracks; the annual economic impact of such development could
  reach $50 billion; and
         WHEREAS, Communities with racetracks are presently losing
  business to other states where racetracks offer consumers
  alternative gaming opportunities, and the state's racehorse
  industry is losing business to competitors in states where income
  from video lottery terminals supports breeding programs and higher
  purses; and
         WHEREAS, Development of resort casinos would exert an
  economic stimulus in surrounding communities initially through
  construction employment and later through employment not only at
  the casinos but also in the retail, restaurant, recreation, and
  other tourist businesses that would soon flourish; and
         WHEREAS, In order to maximize the economic benefits of the
  gaming industry to the state and to local communities, Texas must
  develop a comprehensive and coherent strategy that considers such
  aspects as the areas of the state that would be most suitable for
  specific types of gaming facilities, the types of gaming that would
  be of economic benefit to individual communities, and the types of
  gaming that would provide maximum financial benefit to the state;
         WHEREAS, The vast potential for new tax revenue streams and
  economic stimulus demands a careful evaluation of the business
  environments in individual communities and of the direct and
  indirect benefits of the gaming industry to those communities and
  to the state; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 81st Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby respectfully request the lieutenant governor and the speaker
  of the house of representatives to create a joint interim committee
  to study the gaming industry in Texas and its potential direct and
  indirect economic impact on specific markets and on the state as a
  whole; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the committee's proceedings and operations be
  governed by such general rules and policies for joint interim
  committees as the 81st Legislature may adopt; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the committee submit a full report, including
  findings and recommendations, to the 82nd Texas Legislature when it
  convenes in January 2011.