81R31934 MMS-D
  By: Davis of Harris H.C.R. No. 228
         WHEREAS, Ralph Parr is stepping down from the Clear Creek
  Independent School District Board of Trustees in May 2009, after
  four outstanding terms as a member of that body; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Parr began his association with the CCISD as a
  youngster: he attended schools in the district from the first grade
  on and graduated from Webster High School in 1954; after college, he
  returned to devote 33 years to the district as a teacher and
  administrator; during that time, he taught English and journalism
  at Clear Creek High School for 11 years, served as an assistant
  principal at Clear Lake High School for 11 years, and then accepted
  the post of principal at Clear Creek High School, where he served
  another 11 years before retiring in 1994; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Parr ran successfully for the CCISD school board
  in 1996 and was subsequently reelected three times; his deep
  experience, exceptional knowledge of the district, and passionate
  commitment to providing the best possible education to every child,
  regardless of his or her background, have helped the district to
  achieve a "recognized" ranking by the Texas Education Agency; and
         WHEREAS, In recognition of all that Ralph Parr has done for
  the district over the years, a new elementary school in League City
  has recently been named in his honor; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan is the husband of Claudia Parr
  and father of Richard Parr; with his latest retirement, he will now
  have more time for the travel that he and his wife so enjoy; Mr. Parr
  is also an avid reader and sports fan and an ardent supporter of the
  Clear Creek Wildcats; moreover, he is a valued member of the ROMEOs,
  whose fanciful acronym stands for Retired Old Men Eating Out; and
         WHEREAS, Ralph Parr has dedicated a lifetime to equipping
  students with the skills they will need to help them build
  fulfilling and productive lives, and it is indeed a privilege to
  recognize him for his immeasurable service to the League City
  community and beyond; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 81st Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby honor Ralph Parr on the occasion of his retirement from the
  Clear Creek Independent School District and extend to him sincere
  best wishes as he embarks on the next exciting chapter of his life;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Parr as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives and Senate.