81R39051 KSD-D
  By: Branch H.C.R. No. 288
         WHEREAS, Tuition and fees at the state's public four-year
  universities have increased materially in recent years; and
         WHEREAS, Texas families, already struggling to meet the costs
  of higher education, now see college slipping further from their
  reach as the global recession takes a toll on state and local
  economies; and
         WHEREAS, A college education is directly linked to one's
  future employment opportunities; people with a college education
  earn larger salaries and see greater financial benefits over their
  lifetimes, in turn contributing significantly to the state's
  economic base; unpredictable tuition hikes, however, make it much
  more difficult for young people to plan for their education, and as
  a result, many will delay college or skip it altogether, while those
  who enroll will carry larger debt loads than ever; and
         WHEREAS, The current economic crisis is limiting students'
  access to additional funds from loans, family assistance, and
  part-time jobs, but the continuing vitality of Texas depends on an
  educated population and workforce; temporarily limiting tuition
  and student fees at our state universities will help ensure that
  students are able to obtain a college education, thereby
  contributing to a diverse and robust economy throughout the state,
  both now and in the future; and
         WHEREAS, The importance of higher education to the economic
  and cultural vitality of this state dictates that any limitation on
  increases in tuition and student fees be implemented in a manner
  that does not unduly restrict the quality and excellence of the
  state's universities; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 81st Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby direct the governing board of each general academic teaching
  institution to make every effort to ensure that the total academic
  costs, including tuition, mandatory academic fees, and any other
  academic-related general fees and college course fees, charged to a
  resident undergraduate student for the 2010-2011, 2011-2012, or
  2012-2013 academic year do not exceed the total academic costs that
  the institution would have charged such a student enrolled in the
  same courses in the preceding academic year by more than the greater
  of 3.95 percent or $280; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the legislature hereby direct those governing
  boards to make every effort to ensure that the total academic costs
  charged to a resident undergraduate student for the 2013-2014
  academic year do not exceed the total academic costs the
  institution would have charged such a student enrolled in the same
  courses in the 2012-2013 academic year by more than the greater of:
               (1)  3.95 percent; or
               (2)  the average of the following:
                     (A)  the average percentage increase, if any, in
  the consumer price index for each of the three preceding calendar
  years as compared to the consumer price index for the year preceding
  each of those years; and
                     (B)  the average percentage increase, if any, in
  an appropriate higher education price index for each of the three
  preceding calendar years as compared to that higher education price
  index for the year preceding each of those years; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the secretary of state forward an official
  copy of this resolution to the commissioner of higher education and
  to the presidents and members of the boards of regents of general
  academic teaching institutions throughout Texas.