81R11418 JRD-D
  By: Homer H.J.R. No. 120
  proposing a constitutional amendment providing that a person who
  holds elective office, other than a municipal office with a term of
  two years or less, automatically vacates the office held on
  announcing a candidacy or becoming a candidate for another elective
  office when the unexpired portion of the person's term of office
  exceeds one year.
         SECTION 1.  Section 11(a), Article XI, Texas Constitution,
  is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A Home Rule City may provide by charter or charter
  amendment, and a city, town or village operating under the general
  laws may provide by majority vote of the qualified voters voting at
  an election called for that purpose, for a longer term of office
  than two [(2)] years for its officers, either elective or
  appointive, or both, but not to exceed four [(4)] years. This
  subsection does not affect [; provided, however, that] tenure under
  Civil Service. City [shall not be affected hereby; provided,
  however, that such] officers, elective or appointive, whose terms
  exceed two years are subject to Section 65 [65(b)], Article XVI, of
  this Constitution, providing for automatic resignation in certain
  circumstances [, in the same manner as a county or district officer
  to which that section applies].
         SECTION 2.  Section 65, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 65.  (a)  [This section applies to the following
  offices: District Clerks; County Clerks; County Judges; Judges of
  the County Courts at Law, County Criminal Courts, County Probate
  Courts and County Domestic Relations Courts; County Treasurers;
  Criminal District Attorneys; County Surveyors; County
  Commissioners; Justices of the Peace; Sheriffs; Assessors and
  Collectors of Taxes; District Attorneys; County Attorneys; Public
  Weighers; and Constables.
         [(b)]  If a person holding an elective public office created
  under this constitution or other law of this state announces the
  person's [any of the officers named herein shall announce their]
  candidacy, or [shall] in fact becomes [become] a candidate, in any
  General, Special or Primary Election, for any office of profit or
  trust under the laws of this State or the United States other than
  the office then held, at any time when the unexpired term of the
  office then held exceeds [shall exceed] one [(1)] year, such
  announcement or such candidacy constitutes [shall constitute] an
  automatic resignation of the office then held. The [, and the]
  vacancy [thereby] created by the automatic resignation shall be
  filled pursuant to law in the same manner as other vacancies for
  such office are filled.
         (b)  Subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a
  person who holds a municipal office with a term of two years or
         SECTION 3.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
  submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 3, 2009.
  The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
  proposition: "The constitutional amendment providing that a
  person who holds elective office, other than a municipal office
  with a term of two years or less, automatically vacates the office
  held on announcing a candidacy or becoming a candidate for another
  elective office when the unexpired portion of the person's term of
  office exceeds one year."