81R4843 JGH-D
  By: Raymond H.R. No. 149
         WHEREAS, The City of Laredo is celebrating the life of one of
  this nation's most revered leaders when it hosts the 112th
  Washington's Birthday Celebration from January 22 to February 22,
  2009; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Virginia on February 22, 1732, President
  George Washington left an indelible legacy as this nation's first
  commander in chief and president; admired for his courage, vision,
  and integrity, he remains one of the most influential and respected
  United States presidents of all time; and
         WHEREAS, The special Laredo celebration of Washington's
  birthday dates back to February 22, 1898, when the tribe of the
  Improved Order of Red Men, a patriotic fraternal organization
  descended from the Sons of Liberty, and the defenders of City Hall
  staged a spirited mock battle, representing the colonial struggle
  against the British; when the Red Men emerged victorious and the
  mayor presented the key to the City of Laredo to the "Great Chief
  Sachem," "Sachem" being a code name used by George Washington
  during the American Revolution, a tradition was born; and
         WHEREAS, This monthlong extravaganza combines elements of
  both Hispanic and Anglo cultures and features parades, concerts, a
  carnival, fireworks, and an air show, as well as such notable events
  as the Colonial Pageant and the International Bridge Ceremony; the
  largest festival of its kind in the United States, Laredo's tribute
  to George Washington attracts approximately 400,000 participants
  each year; and
         WHEREAS, Overseeing this extensive program is the
  Washington's Birthday Celebration Association of Laredo, Inc.,
  which was established in 1923; through its support of this popular
  yearly attraction, the association strives to foster a greater
  understanding between the people of the Americas, to promote Laredo
  as one of the state's most patriotic and culturally vibrant cities,
  and to encourage a greater sense of civic and national pride within
  the community and region; and
         WHEREAS, The citizens of Laredo have done much to advance
  these worthy goals through their city's celebration of this
  legendary founding father, and it is appropriate to take this
  opportunity to recognize and commend all who make such an
  outstanding event possible; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 2009 Washington's Birthday
  Celebration in Laredo and extend to its organizers and participants
  sincere best wishes for another successful and memorable
  observance; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the members of the Washington's Birthday Celebration
  Association of Laredo, Inc., as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.