H.R. No. 189
         WHEREAS, Citizens from Karnes County are celebrating their
  community's contributions to the Lone Star State with a special day
  at the State Capitol on January 29, 2009; and
         WHEREAS, Located in the Rio Grande plain region, Karnes
  County was first inhabited by hunter-gatherer Indians of the
  Coahuiltecan linguistic family, thousands of years before the
  arrival of the first European settlers; eventually named for Henry
  Wax Karnes, a Texas revolutionary war hero, the county was
  officially organized on February 4, 1854, when the legislature
  passed a measure recognizing its establishment; and
         WHEREAS, This fine Texas county prospered with the arrival of
  the railroads in the mid-1880s, which provided improved access to
  markets and brought the beginnings of the diversified farming,
  livestock, and ranching economy that has supported the county ever
  since; and
         WHEREAS, Today, the region's leading industries include not
  only farming and ranching, but also oil and gas production, uranium
  mining and milling, guar processing, and fiberglass products; and
         WHEREAS, Karnes County is home to Panna Maria, the nation's
  oldest Polish settlement, and the historic Old Helena, a restored
  courthouse; additional attractions in the area include the church
  of Czestochowa and various annual events, such as the Lonesome Dove
  Fest held in Karnes City and community fairs across the region;
  Kenedy, Falls City, Gillett, Hobson, and Runge are just a few of the
  unique towns that may be found inside the county's borders; and
         WHEREAS, Residents of Karnes County are working to preserve
  the character and history of their vibrant region while building an
  exciting and prosperous future, and it is a pleasure to honor them
  on this special day; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize January 29, 2009, as Karnes County Day
  at the State Capitol and extend to those present today sincere best
  wishes for an enjoyable visit to Austin.
  Gonzalez Toureilles
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 189 was adopted by the House on
  January 29, 2009, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House