81R5935 MG-D
  By: Dutton H.R. No. 197
         WHEREAS, The Missouri City/Houston Metro chapter of the
  National Women of Achievement, Incorporated, is honoring 16 Unsung
  Heroes at its Silver Anniversary Celebration on January 31, 2009;
         WHEREAS, NWOA is a service organization dedicated to youth,
  women, and senior citizens; by promoting philanthropy, political
  awareness, arts appreciation, and other outreach initiatives, its
  members strive to make a positive impact in their communities; and
         WHEREAS, The group is recognizing 16 individuals who have
  demonstrated exceptional effort in serving their fellow citizens
  and contributing to society as a whole; the Unsung Heroes are
  actively involved in numerous activities, devoting both time and
  resources to their service endeavors; these outstanding civic
  leaders represent a variety of industries and backgrounds, but they
  embody a common spirit of compassion and commitment; and
         WHEREAS, This year's honorees include: Dr. Mary M. Addison,
  Mrs. Carrie L. Allen, Mrs. Willie Belle Boone, Mrs. Gwendolyn
  Branch, Dr. Bente Gage, Mrs. Barbara Lange, Mr. James Little, Dr.
  Anna L. C. Mapp, Mr. LeRoy Mills, Jr., Dr. Sandy Murphy, Rev. Verna
  Powers, Mrs. Ida Reed, Mrs. Katie Roberson, Mrs. Carolyn Simples,
  Mrs. Dorothy Winn, and Mrs. Thessy N. Wachukwu; and
         WHEREAS, By commending the Unsung Heroes for their enduring
  commitment to community service, NWOA is encouraging others to
  follow the powerful example of social responsibility set by these
  remarkable individuals; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the 2009 honorees of the National
  Women of Achievement, Incorporated, Silver Anniversary Celebration
  on their selection as Unsung Heroes and extend to all those
  associated with this noteworthy organization sincere best wishes
  for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Missouri City/Houston Metro chapter of the
  National Women of Achievement as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.