H.R. No. 221
         WHEREAS, Delegates from the American Council of Young
  Political Leaders are visiting the State Capitol on February 2,
  2009, and this occasion provides a fitting opportunity to honor the
  council for its efforts to promote cultural understanding among the
  world's future policy makers; and
         WHEREAS, A nonprofit, educational exchange organization,
  ACYPL cultivates lasting political, economic, and cultural
  relationships between young leaders through educational forums,
  foreign policy and democracy conferences, election study programs,
  and leadership training; this bipartisan group introduces rising
  politicians to international affairs and issues, while encouraging
  mutual respect and friendship; since 1966, ACYPL has conducted
  exchanges in 20-25 countries around the world, and it has alumni in
  more than 90 nations; and
         WHEREAS, Council delegates are selected based on their
  current leadership roles and potential for future achievement;
  during the program, they tour several cities that highlight the
  cultural, geographic, economic, and political diversity of the host
  country, and they gain unique access to its decision-making
  processes and electoral dynamics; they also meet numerous
  government officials and corporate and community leaders; this
  interaction provides a platform for exploring common concerns and
  points of difference, debating ideas, and sharing experiences, and
  the participants emerge with enhanced leadership and public
  diplomacy skills; and
         WHEREAS, The diverse group of delegates who are visiting
  Texas represent various municipal, regional, and national
  government entities and multiple political parties, while others
  are involved in such fields as economic development, journalism,
  and campaign management; the delegation from Argentina includes
  Fernando De Andreis, Mario Joaquin Losada, Carolina Marsella,
  Matias Alejandro Mendez, Alejandro Ramos, and Javier Van Houtte,
  and the delegation from Uruguay includes Sebastian Cervino Delgado,
  Matias Rodriguez, Marcelo Debernardi Caponi, Diego Pazos Rosado,
  Juan Martin Jorge, and Maria Alejandra Romeo Rondan; and
         WHEREAS, The ACYPL is dedicated to fostering relationships
  among promising young individuals throughout the world, and it is
  indeed a pleasure to welcome members of the next generation of
  international political leaders to the Lone Star State; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the American Council of Young Political
  Leaders for its contributions to education and diplomacy around the
  world and extend to the delegations from Argentina and Uruguay
  sincere best wishes for a memorable visit; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the council as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 221 was adopted by the House on
  February 2, 2009, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House