81R5365 JH-D
  By: Turner of Harris H.R. No. 264
         WHEREAS, Senior Day is taking place on February 10, 2009, at
  the State Capitol, and this occasion offers a welcome opportunity
  to pay tribute to the many contributions made by the senior citizens
  of the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, Sponsored by the Texas Senior Advocacy Coalition,
  this year's event is focused on the theme "Seniors--the Heart of
  Texas"; that sentiment is indeed a fitting tribute to the
  significant role these individuals play in communities across our
  state; and
         WHEREAS, Through the decades, they have helped Texas to
  achieve greatness in a broad range of fields, including industry,
  the arts, agriculture, education, information technology, space
  exploration, and more; and
         WHEREAS, Witnesses to monumental events during their
  lifetimes, many residents age 60 and older have served their nation
  in times of war, and they have also helped maintain the peace in
  postings around the globe; and
         WHEREAS, The experience and wisdom gained by senior Texans
  make them revered mentors and role models to younger generations;
  among the lessons they teach is the value of leading an active and
  healthy life well into the golden years, and their ongoing
  achievements are not only inspiring but also represent valuable
  contributions that greatly benefit their fellow citizens; and
         WHEREAS, Today, Texas has approximately three million
  residents over age 60, and that number is expected to grow to more
  than five million by the year 2020; strong in numbers and
  distinguished by their great endeavors, past and present, the
  seniors of the Lone Star State are a valuable resource for all
  Texans, and they are indeed deserving of respect and admiration;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 10, 2009, as Senior Day at
  the State Capitol and extend to all participants best wishes for an
  enjoyable and rewarding visit to Austin.