H.R. No. 279
         WHEREAS, The House of Representatives is pleased to join the
  proud citizens of Victoria in celebrating Victoria Day at the State
  Capitol on February 11, 2009; and
         WHEREAS, The city of Victoria traces its origins to 1824, the
  year that the Republic of Mexico approved a request for a large land
  grant on the lower Guadalupe River for Don Martin DeLeon, a highly
  respected Mexican citizen; as part of the grant, permission was
  given to found a town at a site known earlier as Cypress Grove; the
  community was established with 41 families and was named after
  Guadalupe Victoria, the president of Mexico; and
         WHEREAS, The Victoria thoroughfare now known as Main Street
  was originally named La Calle de los Diez Amigos, or The Street of
  the Ten Friends; the town was incorporated under the Republic of
  Texas in 1839, and the first property taxes were assessed in 1843;
         WHEREAS, Ranching was the first major enterprise in the area,
  and it brought in capital needed for development; commercial
  ventures became successful, and paved streets were becoming common
  in the late 1910s; by the end of World War II, Victoria had become
  one of the fastest growing cities in Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Today, the city has a symphony orchestra, a fine
  arts association, museums, libraries, and the National Zoo of
  Texas, which is home to more than 150 native Texas animals and
  plants; and
         WHEREAS, Railroads, commercial airlines, and three major
  highways make Victoria easily accessible to businesses; it is also
  located on a barge canal that is connected to the Gulf Intracoastal
  Waterway; as the Victoria County seat, the city serves as the
  commercial center of this thriving area; and
         WHEREAS, Victoria is home to excellent public schools, a
  number of major employers, a university, and a community college;
  the city offers first-rate medical care, and it is an inviting city
  with an expanding economy; and
         WHEREAS, The largest city in the "Golden Crescent Region,"
  Victoria serves as the health, education, government, and retail
  service center for a seven-county market area with a population of
  more than 200,000; the city thrives on the area's petrochemical
  industry, oil and gas exploration, retail trade, and agriculture;
         WHEREAS, Combining big-city convenience and small-town
  friendliness, Victoria offers a high quality of life, an exciting
  art scene, and numerous commercial opportunities; this notable
  Texas community is an excellent place in which to live, work, and
  raise a family, and it is a pleasure to pay tribute to its many
  exceptional achievements; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 11, 2009, as Victoria Day at
  the State Capitol and extend a warm welcome to the city residents
  who have traveled to Austin to take part in this observance.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 279 was adopted by the House on
  February 11, 2009, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House