81R6030 CBE-D
  By: Naishtat H.R. No. 285
         WHEREAS, Citizens of Travis County lost an admired community
  activist with the death of Green Party co-chair William Judson
  Holloway III on January 8, 2009, at the age of 44; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Oklahoma City on July 31, 1964, Bill
  Holloway was the only son of Judge William Judson Holloway, Jr., and
  Helen Hoehn Holloway; he developed a love of the outdoors during
  family vacations in the Rocky Mountains and as a camper and
  counselor at Cheley Colorado Camps, and he earned his Eagle Scout
  badge in 1980; a gifted student as well, he graduated cum laude from
  Casady School and went on to attend Bucknell University, where he
  was awarded the W. Norwood Lowry Prize for his achievements in
  physics; he subsequently earned a master of science degree in
  nonlinear physics from The University of Texas at Austin and
  pursued studies in meteorology at the University of Oklahoma; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Holloway began his career at National
  Instruments and later founded his own Internet consulting firm, but
  he is perhaps best remembered for his generous volunteer efforts in
  behalf of numerous organizations; he served as Texas director of
  the Northern Flyer Alliance, which is dedicated to the
  reintroduction of passenger rail, and he was involved in the Green
  Party at the local, state, and national levels, serving as co-chair
  of the Travis County group; moreover, he was active in the ACLU of
  Texas Central Texas Chapter, and he served as a counselor for a rape
  crisis hotline; and
         WHEREAS, Known for his heartfelt dedication to the causes he
  believed in, Bill Holloway strived to make a positive difference in
  the world around him, and his myriad contributions will continue to
  resonate for years to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of William Judson
  Holloway III and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his
  family: to his parents, the Honorable William Judson Holloway, Jr.,
  and Helen Hoehn Holloway; to his sister, Gentry Holloway; to his
  nephews, Jack and Josh Holloway; and to his other relatives and many
  friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Bill