H.R. No. 307
         WHEREAS, June 15, 2009, marks 21 years since the passing of
  William C. Velasquez, founder of the Southwest Voter Registration
  Education Project, and this solemn anniversary offers a fitting
  opportunity to pay tribute to the achievements of this voting
  rights pioneer and revered son of the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, Born in 1944, Willie Velasquez graduated from
  Central Catholic High School in San Antonio and then attended St.
  Mary's University; his dedication to furthering the civil rights of
  Hispanic Americans was already evident in his college years; he
  helped found the Mexican American Youth Organization while at St.
  Mary's and also worked as an organizer for the United Farm Workers
  Union in 1966 and 1967; and
         WHEREAS, Prominent in a number of groundbreaking Latino
  political organizations of the late 1960s and early 1970s, Mr.
  Velasquez helped lay the groundwork for the Raza Unida Party, a
  political party championing the rights of Mexican Americans, and
  for the National Council of La Raza, which has become an important
  civil rights and advocacy group; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Velasquez focused on Latino participation in
  elections as part of his work for the council, and this led to the
  founding of the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project in
  1974; uniting behind the slogan Su Voto es Su Voz, "Your Vote is
  Your Voice," SVREP set out to educate Hispanics about the
  democratic process and urge them to take part in elections, and this
  vital work has continued for more than three decades; by conducting
  thousands of nonpartisan voter registration and get-out-the-vote
  campaigns, SVREP has helped bring about a dramatic increase in
  Latino voters, with the number of registered Hispanics rising from
  2.4 million in the year the organization was founded to 9.8 million
  in 2006; the number of Latino elected officials has also greatly
  increased, with more than 6,000 Hispanics now holding office
  throughout the country; and
         WHEREAS, Willie Velasquez also realized the need for an
  organization that could gauge Hispanic public opinion and share
  those views with elected leaders; toward that end, he founded the
  Southwest Voter Research Institute in 1984; now renamed the William
  C. Velasquez Institute, it collects and distributes information on
  public policy issues that impact Latino citizens, thereby
  amplifying their voice in the dialog of American politics; and
         WHEREAS, The untimely death of Mr. Velasquez in 1988 at the
  age of 44 was a loss deeply felt throughout the country, but his
  legacy lives on; in 1995, President Bill Clinton posthumously
  awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest
  civilian honor, and he was one of the civil rights figures whose
  names were attached to the U.S. Senate version of the Voting Rights
  Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006; and
         WHEREAS, Willie Velasquez is a figure of great importance for
  all Americans committed to the concept of representative democracy;
  his efforts to expand the electorate and educate the citizens of the
  United States about a range of civic issues were a great and
  influential contribution that continues to benefit the State of
  Texas and the other states of the Union; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of William C. Velasquez
  on June 15, 2009, the 21st anniversary of his death, and commemorate
  his record of achievement in furthering the nation's democratic
Straus Gattis Menendez
Allen Geren Merritt
Alonzo Giddings Miklos
Alvarado Gonzales Miller of Comal
Anchia Gonzalez Toureilles Miller of Erath
Anderson Guillen Moody
Aycock Gutierrez Morrison
Berman Hamilton Naishtat
Bohac Hancock Oliveira
Bolton Hardcastle Olivo
Bonnen Harless Orr
Branch Harper-Brown Ortiz, Jr.
Brown of Kaufman Hartnett Otto
Brown of Brazos Heflin Parker
Burnam Hernandez Patrick
Button Herrero Paxton
Callegari Hilderbran Peña
Castro Hochberg Phillips
Chavez Hodge Pickett
Chisum Homer Pierson
Christian Hopson Pitts
Cohen Howard of Fort Bend Quintanilla
Coleman Howard of Travis Raymond
Cook Hughes Riddle
Corte Hunter Rios Ybarra
Crabb Isett Ritter
Craddick Jackson Rodriguez
Creighton Jones Rose
Crownover Keffer Sheffield
Darby Kent Shelton
Davis of Harris King of Parker Smith of Tarrant
Davis of Dallas King of Taylor Smith of Harris
Deshotel King of Zavala Smithee
Driver Kleinschmidt Solomons
Dukes Kolkhorst Strama
Dunnam Kuempel Swinford
Dutton Laubenberg Taylor
Edwards Legler Thibaut
Eiland Leibowitz Thompson
Eissler Lewis Truitt
Elkins Lucio III Turner of Tarrant
England Madden Turner of Harris
Farabee Maldonado Vaught
Farias Mallory Caraway Veasey
Farrar Marquez Villarreal
Fletcher Martinez Vo
Flores Martinez Fischer Walle
Flynn McCall Weber
Frost McClendon Woolley
Gallego McReynolds Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 307 was unanimously adopted by a
  rising vote of the House on February 26, 2009.
  Chief Clerk of the House