81R6909 KO-D
  By: Eiland H.R. No. 335
         WHEREAS, The Honorable Jimmy Sylvia has been selected as the
  2008 Person of the Year by the West Chambers County Chamber of
  Commerce; and
         WHEREAS, Each year, the West Chambers County Chamber of
  Commerce honors those individuals who have worked to further the
  goals of the chamber, and the Person of the Year award is selected
  by the entire membership of the organization in recognition of his
  or her contributions to the community; and
         WHEREAS, A longtime resident of Old River, Judge Sylvia is a
  graduate of Barbers Hill High School and Sam Houston State
  University; he served as commissioner of Precinct 3 for four years
  before his election as county judge; and
         WHEREAS, In that role, Judge Sylvia serves as the executive
  officer and chief administrator of Chambers County and as the
  presiding officer of the commissioners court; other official duties
  include certifying elections, serving on the county juvenile board,
  acting as county school superintendent ex officio, and providing
  executive oversight to the emergency management coordinator; in his
  nomination for the chamber's award, Judge Sylvia was particularly
  commended for the leadership he demonstrated in protecting citizens
  and businesses during and after Hurricane Ike as well as for the
  sound business practices he has employed that have enabled Chambers
  County to maintain strength and stability in a period of economic
  recession; and
         WHEREAS, Jimmy Sylvia has greatly contributed to the
  betterment of life in Chambers County over the course of his tenure
  as a public servant, and he may take justifiable pride in his
  exemplary record of achievement; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Judge Jimmy Sylvia on his selection
  as the 2008 Person of the Year by the West Chambers County Chamber
  of Commerce and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued
  success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Judge Sylvia as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.