H.R. No. 353
         WHEREAS, Former Texas governor Dolph Briscoe, Jr., has
  dedicated his life to public service and philanthropy, and in
  November 2008, he was selected to receive the Santa Rita Award by
  the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System; and
         WHEREAS, The highest honor bestowed by the UT Regents, the
  Santa Rita Award is presented to individuals who have demonstrated
  concern for the principles of higher education, as well as deep
  commitment to furtherance of the purposes and objectives of The
  University of Texas System; and
         WHEREAS, Born on April 23, 1923, in Uvalde, Dolph Briscoe,
  Jr., graduated as valedictorian from Uvalde High School and
  subsequently attended The University of Texas at Austin, where he
  was a member of the Friar Society and served as editor-in-chief of
  the Cactus yearbook; he earned a bachelor's degree in 1942, the same
  year he married a fellow Longhorn, the former Janey Slaughter;
  following a tour of duty with the army in the China-Burma-India
  theater during World War II, he returned with his wife to his
  hometown and his family's ranching business; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Briscoe began his service in the Texas House of
  Representatives in 1949 and quickly made his mark with the
  Colson-Briscoe Act, a measure that appropriated $15 million a year
  to build farm-to-market and ranch-to-market roads and radically
  enhanced the way of life for farmers and rural Texans; during four
  terms of service, he also successfully advocated for bills that
  improved statewide public education and brought telephone service
  to thousands of rural residents; and
         WHEREAS, After his father's death in 1954, Mr. Briscoe became
  the owner and manager of one of the largest and most diverse ranches
  in the state; he went on to serve as president of the Texas and
  Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association and was instrumental in the
  development of the Southwest United States screwworm eradication
  program, which is still considered one of the most important and
  beneficial in the history of livestock; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan reentered the political arena in
  1972 as the Democratic candidate for governor and impressed voters
  with his platform of honesty and integrity in government; his
  tenure spanned six years and included such achievements as passage
  of open meetings and open records legislation and an extensive
  ethics and financial disclosure bill; moreover, he added some $4
  billion in public funds for secondary and higher education; in
  addition, Governor Briscoe distinguished himself as chair of the
  Southern Governors' Association, as president of the Interstate Oil
  Compact Commission, as a member of the National Petroleum Council,
  and as an executive committee member of the National Governors
  Association; and
         WHEREAS, Since leaving public office in the late 1970s, he
  has continued to benefit the Lone Star State through his
  exceptional support of UT System institutions, including the UT
  Health Science Center at San Antonio, UT M. D. Anderson Cancer
  Center, and UT Southwestern Medical Center; Mr. Briscoe's most
  recent gift in 2008 of $15 million to the Center for American
  History at UT Austin reflects both his passion for history and his
  enthusiasm for his alma mater, and the center was fittingly renamed
  in his honor; and
         WHEREAS, Equally committed to making a positive difference in
  the lives of Texans was Mrs. Briscoe, who worked in behalf of
  children, senior citizens, and the developmentally disabled before
  her death in 2000; Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe raised three children, Janey
  Briscoe Marmion, Dolph Briscoe III, and Cele Briscoe Carpenter, and
  inspired others with their long and devoted union; and
         WHEREAS, The University of Texas System and its institutions
  realize great achievements year after year, thanks in part to the
  generosity and vision of people such as Dolph Briscoe, and his
  immeasurable contributions to higher education will continue to
  resonate well into the future; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby honor former governor Dolph Briscoe, Jr., on his
  receipt of the Santa Rita Award and extend to him sincere
  appreciation for his outstanding dedication to his fellow Texans;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Briscoe as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 353 was adopted by the House on April
  23, 2009, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House