81R6621 JGH-D
  By: McClendon H.R. No. 423
         WHEREAS, An outstanding Texas educator, Dr. Lanier Byrd,
  reached an important milestone in his life with his retirement from
  St. Philip's College in San Antonio on May 11, 2007, after 35 years
  of service to that historic institution; and
         WHEREAS, A 1966 graduate of St. Philip's, Dr. Byrd received a
  bachelor's degree and a master's degree in biology/chemistry from
  Prairie View A&M University in 1969 and 1973, respectively, and
  earned a Ph.D. in science education from The University of Texas at
  Austin in 1995; and
         WHEREAS, After beginning his career at Sidney Lanier High
  School in San Antonio, where he taught biology and physics and
  coached the girls' volleyball team from 1969 to 1972, Dr. Byrd
  joined the faculty of St. Philip's College as a biology instructor;
  granted tenure in 1978 and promoted to professor in 1984, he
  provided strong guidance to the Department of Natural Sciences
  during a highly successful stint as departmental chair; and
         WHEREAS, From 1996 to 2007, Dr. Byrd served the college as
  vice president of academic affairs; challenged to meet the demands
  of a rapidly growing enrollment, he helped the college earn one of
  the highest site review ratings ever accorded a community college
  by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, with 28 of the
  school's technical programs being rated as "exemplary" and three of
  the arts and sciences programs identified as "outstanding"; and
         WHEREAS, The capstone of Dr. Byrd's many contributions to the
  college was his creation of the Lanier Byrd Endowed Scholarship,
  which is designed to help lower-income students receive an
  education at St. Philip's; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Lanier Byrd's energy, dedication, and
  commitment to excellence greatly benefited the students, faculty,
  and staff of St. Philip's College, and he may indeed reflect with
  pride on a career well spent; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Dr. Lanier Byrd on his retirement
  from St. Philip's College and extend to him sincere best wishes for
  continued fulfillment; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Byrd as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.