81R8345 JH-D
  By: Farabee H.R. No. 439
         WHEREAS, In the course of his long and accomplished career in
  the field of mental health, Roddy Atkins has offered vital
  assistance to residents of North Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Raised in Wichita Falls, Mr. Atkins first became
  interested in psychology while attending Texas Tech University; he
  later transferred to Midwestern State University, where he earned
  an undergraduate degree and a master's degree in counseling; and
         WHEREAS, His professional career began at the Wichita Falls
  Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center in 1980, and
  he became a caseworker at the Vernon Drug Dependent Youth Project a
  year later; beginning in 1988, he spent three years working as an
  associate psychologist with the Community Services division of the
  Wichita Falls State Hospital; and
         WHEREAS, Deciding he could make a further contribution in the
  administrative ranks, Mr. Atkins accepted a position supervising
  clinics in several North Texas communities and then became a
  community services director; in the mid-1990s, he played an
  instrumental role in the effort to merge state operated mental
  health and mental retardation services in the region, and he
  ultimately oversaw the incorporation of existing facilities into
  the Helen Farabee Regional MHMR Centers; he has held the position of
  executive director for the organization since 1998; and
         WHEREAS, This skilled administrator is responsible for MHMR
  and substance abuse services for a 19-county area; his astute
  management has allowed the Farabee centers to do an outstanding job
  in serving their clients, many of whom are at-risk individuals who
  lack insurance and are of limited financial means; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout his career, Roddy Atkins has dedicated
  himself to helping individuals to overcome and cope with issues of
  mental health and mental retardation, and his success in this
  admirable undertaking has enabled numerous North Texas residents to
  establish happier and more productive lives; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Roddy Atkins for his achievements as a
  mental health administrator and clinician and extend to him sincere
  best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Atkins as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.