81R8810 JNC-D
  By: Miklos H.R. No. 484
         WHEREAS, Residents of Sunnyvale are gathering at the State
  Capitol on February 17, 2009, to gain further insight into the
  workings of state government; and
         WHEREAS, This Dallas County community has a rich history that
  can be traced back to when the area was inhabited by various Native
  American tribes; it fell under the rule of Spain in the 18th
  century, and in 1821 became a possession of Mexico; after the Texas
  Revolution, the area was part of the Republic of Texas, and it was
  during this period, in 1845, that settlers first migrated to the
  region; and
         WHEREAS, The town was a thriving community until it was
  ravaged by a devastating storm in 1921; incorporated in 1953,
  Sunnyvale was formed by the merging of four rural hamlets, New Hope,
  Tripp, Hattersville, and Long Creek; today, visitors can learn
  about the area's past at the Tripp First Baptist Church, built in
  1882, and the Long Creek Cemetery, where the oldest grave on record
  dates back to 1855 and where Civil War veterans from both the Union
  and Confederate armies are buried; and
         WHEREAS, With the 81st Legislative Session well under way,
  the Capitol Complex is a source of great activity, offering
  visiting Sunnyvale residents an excellent opportunity to see state
  government in action and to form a stronger partnership with their
  state legislators; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 17, 2009, as Sunnyvale
  Government Day at the State Capitol and extend best wishes to the
  members of the visiting delegation for an enjoyable and memorable
  stay in Austin.