81R7848 MMS-D
  By: Gallego H.R. No. 492
         WHEREAS, The Lucy Rede Franco Middle School Band of Presidio
  is performing in the Capitol Rotunda on February 19, 2009, in
  celebration of STAR Day; and
         WHEREAS, Established in 1999, the State of Texas Anniversary
  Remembrance Day honors the occasion 163 years ago when the final act
  of Texas annexation was played out; on February 19, 1846, the newly
  elected members of the Texas Legislature gathered in Austin to
  witness Anson Jones, president of the Republic of Texas, lower the
  flag of the republic and raise the flag of the United States of
  America; declaring "The Republic of Texas is no more," President
  Jones formally transferred authority to the first governor of the
  State of Texas, James Pinckney Henderson; and
         WHEREAS, The band at Lucy Rede Franco Middle School has been
  named The Spirit of STAR DAY 2009 School Band by The STAR DAY
  Foundation of El Paso County; this outstanding group of young
  musicians is ably led by band director Lucy Ferguson and enjoys the
  enthusiastic support of the school's principal, Teresa Porras; and
         WHEREAS, In creating STAR Day, Texas lawmakers sought to
  foster an appreciation for the rich heritage of the Lone Star State
  and to encourage an awareness among young Texans that their own
  contributions will be vital to the continuing progress and
  prosperity of this great land; with their Capitol concert, the Lucy
  Rede Franco Middle School Band is bringing this important day to the
  attention of a large and appreciative audience and marking this
  special anniversary in truly memorable fashion; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Lucy Rede Franco Middle School
  Band on its selection as The Spirit of STAR DAY 2009 School Band and
  commemorate its performance at the Texas State Capitol on STAR Day
  2009; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Lucy Rede Franco Middle School Band as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.