81R9200 KO-D
  By: Pitts H.R. No. 503
         WHEREAS, Proud residents of Hill County are gathering in
  Austin to celebrate Hill County Day at the State Capitol on February
  18, 2009; and
         WHEREAS, This scenic region of prairie and gently rolling
  hills east of the Brazos River was first inhabited 700 years ago; in
  the early 1700s hunting camps were established by the Wichita
  people, and in the 1820s and 1830s Indians of the Comanche and
  Taovaya tribes moved through the area; and
         WHEREAS, Hill County was established by the state legislature
  on February 7, 1853, and named for Dr. George Washington Hill, the
  secretary of war for the Republic of Texas under President Sam
  Houston; Hillsboro was founded in 1853 as the county seat; and
         WHEREAS, Cattle and cotton were the mainstays of the economy
  in the early days, and by the early 1900s the county was the
  second-largest cotton-producing county in the nation; and
         WHEREAS, Hill County has grown with the changing times while
  still maintaining the charm and friendliness of a small rural
  county; the county's courthouse, which was nearly destroyed by fire
  in 1993, was restored to its 1890s grandeur and continues to
  function as the hub for all county business; Hill College provides
  for the educational needs of the county's citizens and further
  serves the county with its Performing Arts Series; the campus also
  houses the Harold B. Simpson History Center, home of the Texas
  Heritage Museum with its famous Audie Murphy exhibit and the
  Historical Research Center with its 10,000-volume library on the
  Civil War; and
         WHEREAS, Recreational opportunities for the county's
  residents and visitors are provided by Lake Whitney State Park, a
  prime destination for camping, hiking, boating, and bird-watching,
  with over 194 species of birds spotted so far; additionally, Hill
  County native Willie Nelson, born in Abbott, has opened Willie's
  Place at Carl's Corner; and
         WHEREAS, Each year the communities of Hill County host a
  number of gala events such as the Hill County Fair and the Go
  Texan/Cotton Pickin' Fair in Hillsboro, Pioneer Days in Whitney,
  and the Hubbard Trade Days, all of which showcase the county's
  hospitality, agricultural heritage, and scenic beauty; and
         WHEREAS, The residents of Hill County are justifiably proud
  of their heritage and the many qualities that make their county an
  outstanding place in which to live, work, and raise a family, and it
  is most fitting that Hill County be honored on this special day;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 18, 2009, as Hill County Day
  at the State Capitol and extend to its citizens sincere best wishes
  for an informative and enjoyable stay in Austin.