81R6917 JKB-D
  By: McClendon H.R. No. 526
         WHEREAS, The 75th anniversary of the founding of Phillis
  Wheatley High School in San Antonio is being celebrated on February
  27, 2009, and this noteworthy milestone provides a welcome
  opportunity to pay tribute to the history of this landmark
  educational institution; and
         WHEREAS, Phillis Wheatley High School was originally
  established in 1933 on the east side of San Antonio, and it was at
  that time the only area high school for African American students;
  the building closed its doors in 1970; and
         WHEREAS, Numerous people protested the loss of the iconic
  school, and as a result, the campus previously known as
  Brackenridge High School was renamed Phillis Wheatley High School
  when that institution was rebuilt in the 1970s; meanwhile, the
  original Phillis Wheatley school building reopened as Emerson
  Middle School; and
         WHEREAS, Interest in the historic home of the school
  increased after the Phillis Wheatley Alumni Association was formed
  in 1983 and began holding all-school reunions every two years; in
  1986, the Phillis Wheatley association joined forces with the
  Brackenridge Alumni Association to petition the board of the San
  Antonio Independent School District to restore the original names
  of the historic school buildings; ultimately, this plan was
  approved by the board, staff, and students, and Emerson Middle
  School, the original site of Phillis Wheatley High School, became
  Phillis Wheatley Middle School; in addition, the Brackenridge title
  was reapplied to the high school that had originally held that name;
         WHEREAS, Designated as an official landmark by the San
  Antonio Historical Society, the original Phillis Wheatley school
  building on Gabriel Street is a true piece of Texas history that
  continues its mission of preparing young people for the future, and
  the rich and significant heritage of this esteemed institution is
  indeed deserving of recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the 75th anniversary of the founding of
  Phillis Wheatley High School and extend best wishes to its alumni
  and to the current students and staff of the middle school; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the school as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.