81R7195 JKB-D
  By: Gattis H.R. No. 535
         WHEREAS, The community of Round Rock has benefited greatly
  from the work done by the husband and wife team of Dr. Wade and Judy
  McLeod to enrich the lives of local citizens; and
         WHEREAS, Former residents of Nolan County, the couple met
  during high school; both earned bachelor's degrees from Abilene
  Christian University and postgraduate degrees from Texas A&M
  University; they spent time in New York State and in Austin, where
  they became the parents of two children, Holly and Lee, before
  deciding to make their home in Round Rock, where their third child,
  Scott, was born; and
         WHEREAS, Judy McLeod has been active in parent-teacher
  associations and numerous other organizations in Round Rock,
  including Little League and Pony-Colt Baseball, the YMCA, and the
  United Way, and she served as president of the school board from
  1993 to 1995; currently, she is a member of the board at Seton
  Medical Center Williamson and president of Seton Volunteers, and
  she played an important role in the campaign to bring the Round Rock
  Express minor-league baseball team to town in 2000; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Wade McLeod has operated McLeod Animal Clinic,
  for 35 years, having founded it in the mid-1970s; countless area
  residents have made use of his services through the decades, and his
  hard work has built the clinic into a well-known business; and
         WHEREAS, The dedicated efforts of Wade and Judy McLeod are
  helping to make Round Rock an even better place to live and work,
  and their actions are greatly appreciated by their fellow citizens;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Dr. Wade and Judy McLeod for their
  community involvement in Round Rock and extend to them sincere best
  wishes for continued success and happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the couple as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.