81R10050 BGU-D
  By: King of Taylor H.R. No. 677
         WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor
  the Parent Association for the Retarded of Texas, Incorporated, for
  its outstanding work on behalf of persons with mental retardation
  and is pleased to recognize March 4, 2009, as Parent Association for
  the Retarded of Texas Day at the State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, The Parent Association for the Retarded of Texas is
  an organization of volunteers who are dedicated to preserving,
  improving, and expanding services for persons with mental
  retardation in our state; the association promotes quality services
  for state school residents, the mentally retarded in the state
  center system, and mentally retarded residents in the community;
         WHEREAS, The dedicated members of the Parent Association for
  the Retarded of Texas present the parents' viewpoint to the
  Department of Aging and Disability Services, the state legislature,
  Congress, and the general public; and
         WHEREAS, This association is well known for the support it
  offers to state school employees and its advocacy of new programs to
  meet the unique needs of the retarded; and
         WHEREAS, Members of the Parent Association for the Retarded
  of Texas have been prominently involved in the development of
  programs for persons with mental retardation since the 1950s, and
  they have fought vigorously for improved state schools, state
  centers, special education, and community mental health and mental
  retardation centers; and
         WHEREAS, Today, the Parent Association for the Retarded of
  Texas continues to protect the mentally retarded people of Texas
  and tenaciously places responsibility on caregivers to maintain
  standards for quality care; the organization addresses such issues
  as fiscal accountability and special population needs; and
         WHEREAS, The services provided by the Parent Association for
  the Retarded of Texas have been vital to the welfare of both
  children and adults with mental retardation in our state, and
  members of the association are truly worthy of legislative
  recognition for their exceptional efforts and outstanding
  accomplishments; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize March 4, 2009, as Parent Association
  for the Retarded of Texas Day at the State Capitol as an expression
  of appreciation for the association's valuable contributions to the
  people of Texas; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Parent Association for the Retarded of Texas,
  Incorporated, as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of