H.R. No. 727
         WHEREAS, The long and productive life of an esteemed Texan
  drew to a close with the passing of Donald Devaughn Whitefield of
  Houston on July 25, 2008, at the age of 86; and
         WHEREAS, Born on December 11, 1921, in Bellaire, Ohio, Mr.
  Whitefield was educated in Ohio and Michigan and was active in
  school debate and band organizations during his youth; in the
  dramatic years of World War II, he answered his nation's call to
  duty and completed training as a navigator for B-24 aircraft at
  Ellington Air Force Base in Houston, where he met his future bride;
         WHEREAS, This brave airman was sent to England and undertook
  the perilous duty of flying bombing runs over Europe with the 492nd,
  45th, and 445th Bomb Groups; he ultimately survived 30 missions,
  including one of the most disastrous aerial raids of the war, in
  which 31 of 35 Allied planes were lost; in recognition of his
  exemplary service, he received two Distinguished Flying Crosses,
  the Air Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters, and the Croix de Guerre;
  his skill as an aviator was also recognized during the Korean War,
  when he was recalled to active duty as a navigation instructor; and
         WHEREAS, When his service in World War II ended, Mr.
  Whitefield worked with his father in Ohio before he and his wife,
  Billie, moved back to Houston; a self-taught chemist, he began
  experimenting with polyurethane in his home laboratory and
  developed a method of casting the substance for use in oil field
  equipment; this development led to the founding of Whitefield
  Plastics, which is now run by his son, Bill; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Whitefield was deeply interested in the civic
  affairs of the Lone Star State and was active in promoting the
  Republican Party; in 1974, he won his party's nomination for the
  District 8 seat in the United States House of Representatives and
  ran unsuccessfully against the Democratic incumbent; he also
  devoted time to a number of other organizations, including the
  Houston Highlander Bagpipe Band, which he served as president and
  drum major, the Heather and Thistle Society, Veterans of Foreign
  Wars Post No. 8790 in Spring Branch, and the Second Air Division
  Association; and
         WHEREAS, A member of the generation that faced the challenges
  of World War II and helped to build a prosperous nation in the
  decades that followed, Donald Whitefield had an enduring impact on
  the world around him, and his many achievements will continue to be
  a source of inspiration for all who had the pleasure of knowing him;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Donald D. Whitefield
  and extend deepest condolences to the members of his family: to his
  wife of 65 years, Billie Whitefield; to his children, Patricia
  Schwertner and her husband, Ron, and William H. Whitefield and his
  wife, Janeal; to his grandchildren, Ryan Schwertner and his wife,
  Rachael, Erin Schwertner, Adam Schwertner, Nickolas Currie and his
  wife, Laura, Patrice Currie, Laura Currie, Diana Currie, and Dr.
  Jenks Currie and his wife, Erica; to his great-grandchildren,
  Allison and Samuel Schwertner and Ann Katherine and Garner Currie;
  and to his other relatives and friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Donald
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 727 was unanimously adopted by a
  rising vote of the House on March 19, 2009.
  Chief Clerk of the House