81R13439 JKB-D
  By: Smith of Harris H.R. No. 759
         WHEREAS, Members of the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce are
  working to promote a business climate that encourages economic
  growth and development in this Harris County community; and
         WHEREAS, Under the able direction of president Sharon McLean,
  the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce renders valuable services such as
  distributing newcomer packages to raise awareness of local
  businesses, serving as an information resource on governmental
  issues that affect local commerce, and performing ribbon cuttings
  and ground-breaking ceremonies; in addition, it holds membership
  luncheons and publishes a monthly newsletter that offers
  information on area events and provides members with a forum to
  promote their products and services; and
         WHEREAS, The chamber also undertakes a range of vital civic
  initiatives to benefit Deer Park citizens; in the area of
  education, the organization encourages young people to excel by
  offering $1,000 scholarships to two deserving seniors in the Deer
  Park Independent School District, and it recognizes educators with
  its Salute to Education/New Teacher Luncheon; moreover, the
  organization's desire to give back to the community is reflected in
  myriad other ways as well, from providing awards for beautification
  projects to supporting local cultural arts institutions; and
         WHEREAS, The guidance and united vision of the Deer Park
  Chamber of Commerce have helped make this proud Texas community an
  even better place to live and work, and it is indeed a pleasure to
  recognize this esteemed organization; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce for its
  outstanding work in behalf of the community it serves and extend to
  its members sincere best wishes for continued success in their
  endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the chamber as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.