81R13713 MG-D
  By: Gallego H.R. No. 782
         WHEREAS, Citizens of Del Rio are observing National Athletic
  Training Month in March 2009, and it is a pleasure to join with them
  in recognizing this vital health care discipline; and
         WHEREAS, The purpose of National Athletic Training Month is
  to raise public awareness of the significance of the athletic
  training profession and to emphasize quality health care within the
  diverse settings where this beneficial vocation is employed;
  certified athletic trainers have a long history of providing
  quality health care for athletes and those engaged in physical
  activity, based on the knowledge and skills they have acquired
  through nationally regulated educational institutions; and
         WHEREAS, The National Athletic Trainers' Association
  represents and supports 30,000 members of the athletic training
  profession who work in such varied areas as professional sports,
  colleges and universities, high schools, clinics and hospitals,
  corporate and industrial settings, and military branches; in
  addition to administering health care and rehabilitative services,
  these dedicated professionals provide athletes with education and
  guidance on injury prevention and on the best forms of treatment
  when injuries do occur; and
         WHEREAS, National Athletic Training Month is an opportunity
  to encourage the improvement of health care for athletes and
  individuals engaged in physical activity and to support the work of
  certified athletic trainers, whose efforts greatly contribute to
  the well-being of the residents of Del Rio and beyond; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 2009 observance of National
  Athletic Training Month in Del Rio and encourage all Texans to learn
  more about the benefits of athletic training.