81R12136 BPG-D
  By: Craddick H.R. No. 818
         WHEREAS, Ruth and John Alan Hord of Midland shared a life rich
  with family, faith, and community, and they are deeply missed since
  the passing of Mr. Hord on May 11, 2008, and of Mrs. Hord on November
  27, 2008, both at the age of 91; and
         WHEREAS, The former Ruth Waldrop was born in Gilmer County on
  December 30, 1916, and lived with her family in San Antonio, Dallas,
  Washington, D.C., Tennessee, Mexico, and New York City before
  enrolling in Oak Cliff High School, where she met her future
  husband; and
         WHEREAS, A Dallas native, J. A. Hord was born on February 21,
  1917, not far from where his great-grandparents had settled during
  the Texas Republic; he and his future wife both began studying
  geology at North Texas Agricultural College in Arlington, and Mrs.
  Hord later worked her way through The University of Texas at Austin,
  while he did the same at Oklahoma University; the couple married in
  1938, and Mrs. Hord graduated magna cum laude with a degree in
  geology the following year; Mr. Hord earned his bachelor's degree
  in geological engineering in 1940, and they both pursued graduate
  studies at OU until Gulf Oil offered Mr. Hord a position as a
  geologist in the Permian Basin; and
         WHEREAS, The couple became the parents of three children, and
  Mr. Hord's field work and positions of increasing responsibility
  took the family to Dallas, Fort Worth, Pittsburgh, and Wichita
  Falls, and then back to Midland; Mrs. Hord served as a homeroom
  mother, PTA member, Sunday school teacher, and Girl Scout leader,
  and not only supported her children's participation in numerous
  activities but also turned picnics into fossil-hunting expeditions
  and car trips into lessons on history, geography, and natural
  science; and
         WHEREAS, In 1960, Mr. Hord became general manager of
  exploration for Gulf's Southwest Division, a position he held until
  his retirement in 1979; he subsequently built a successful
  independent practice on his strong record of oil and gas
  discoveries; a member of several professional associations, he
  served on the advisory council for the OU School of Geology and
  Geophysics for many years and was a member of the industry committee
  that assisted Texas Tech University in obtaining certification for
  its petroleum engineering department; and
         WHEREAS, This adventurous couple traveled widely after their
  children were grown, visiting many countries in Europe and in
  Central and South America; in addition, they joined a 4,000-mile
  geological expedition to the major oil fields of China; Mrs. Hord
  was a member of the Texas Historical Association, the Midland
  County Historical Society, the Midland Genealogical Society, and
  the Daughters of the American Revolution, and in his retirement,
  Mr. Hord joined in her research efforts in county courthouses
  across the South; and
         WHEREAS, Valued members of the First Presbyterian Church of
  Midland, the Hords both gave generously of their time and talents to
  their community and church; Mrs. Hord was an International House
  hostess and member of the church women's circle; Mr. Hord was an
  elder and served on the board of Midland Park and on municipal
  committees for school curricula, the city water supply, and other
  matters; moreover, he was on the Midland Salvation Army board and
  the executive and advisory boards of the local Boy Scouts of America
  council; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout their seven decades together, Ruth and
  John Alan Hord shared a zest for  life and a curiosity about the
  world around them, and they will long be remembered for their
  devotion to their family and to each other; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the lives of Ruth and John Alan
  Hord and extend sincere sympathy to the members of their family: to
  their daughters, Elaine Hutchinson and her husband, Frederick, and
  Melinda Reaves and her husband, Charles; to their son, Thomas Alan
  Hord and his wife, Nancy; to their grandchildren, David and Paul
  Hutchinson, Arianna Reaves, Bonnie Gillespie, Susan Herman, Mary
  Tucker, and John Alan Hord II; to their seven great-grandchildren;
  to Mrs. Hord's sister and brother, Molly Lara and Thomas Waldrop,
  and to their other relatives and friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for their family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Ruth and
  John Alan Hord.