H.R. No. 878
         WHEREAS, Texas is home to seven hubs of Honor Flight Network,
  which pays tribute in a most remarkable way to veterans who have
  served in this nation's wars; and
         WHEREAS, This exceptional program had its origins in 2004,
  when Earl Morse, a physician assistant with the U.S. Department of
  Veterans Affairs, observed the conversations among his World War II
  veteran patients regarding the new World War II Memorial in
  Washington, D.C.; in the months after its dedication, Mr. Morse
  came to realize how many veterans of that conflict wanted to see the
  monument but would be unable to do so, for physical or financial
  reasons; and
         WHEREAS, A retired air force captain and a private pilot, Mr.
  Morse approached his aero club with a proposal for volunteer pilots
  to fly World War II veterans to Washington to see their memorial;
  the response was so favorable that a board was soon formed and funds
  raised; in May 2005, six planes flew 12 veterans to the nation's
  capital, where they visited the memorial and were escorted on a tour
  around the city; and
         WHEREAS, That flight made a profound impression on both the
  veterans who participated and on their pilots, and other trips were
  soon arranged; by the end of the year, the program began using
  commercial airliners to accommodate more veterans; word of the
  project spread, and similar programs were instituted in various
  parts of the country; in 2006, Honor Flight Network was organized in
  Washington, D.C., at a meeting attended by more than 100 people;
  today, HFN has 71 hubs in 30 states; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas hubs of HFN are located in Amarillo,
  Dallas, Ennis, Houston, Midland, San Antonio, and Waxahachie; like
  all HFN groups, these hubs arrange for veterans to visit the World
  War II Memorial and Washington, D.C., free of charge; countless
  hours go into planning the trips, raising funds, and coordinating
  logistics; and
         WHEREAS, In the future, HFN plans to extend its service to
  veterans of subsequent conflicts; already, terminally ill veterans
  of any war are given priority on its flights; by the end of 2009, HFN
  hubs collectively will have transported more than 42,000 World War
  II and Korean and Vietnam War veterans to see the memorials erected
  in their honor; and
         WHEREAS, This country owes an immeasurable debt of gratitude
  to the veterans of all of its wars, and the men and women of Honor
  Flight Network are performing a deeply meaningful service in
  recognition of their sacrifice; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the Texas hubs of Honor Flight Network
  for their exceptional efforts in behalf of this country's veterans
  and extend to them sincere best wishes for continued success in
  their endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
  for the Texas hubs of Honor Flight Network as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 878 was adopted by the House on March
  26, 2009, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House