81R14322 JH-D
  By: Gonzales H.R. No. 983
         WHEREAS, During his many decades as an elected official and
  community business leader in McAllen, the Honorable Othal E.
  Brand, Sr., has had a lasting . . . and lasting . . .  and lasting
  influence on the city of McAllen; and
         WHEREAS, The mayor of McAllen from 1977 until 1997, this
  tireless public servant helped guide the city through two eventful
  decades that witnessed great economic and civic progress in South
  Texas; while Mayor Brand may not have succeeded in his valiant
  campaign to rid the city of grackles, there is no denying that his
  efforts have made an indelible mark on his adopted hometown; and
         WHEREAS, Othal Brand was born on August 12, 1919, in Grayson,
  Georgia, and began his love affair with vegetables soon after his
  mother fed him his first spoonful of mushy peas; a born
  entrepreneur, he entered the business world at a young age, and he
  and his brother Bill established Brand Brothers Produce in Atlanta,
  the city where he grew up; and
         WHEREAS, Opting to put his budding fruit and vegetable empire
  on hold during World War II, he enlisted in the United States Marine
  Corps and served his nation in the South Pacific; he returned
  stateside at war's end, and he and his wife, Kathryn Louise, were
  joined in matrimony in 1945; whether it was due to Mrs. Brand's good
  sense or some other factor, the couple moved in the mid-1950s to
  McAllen, a town Mr. Brand had first visited in the late 1930s; and
         WHEREAS, Warm weather makes most people slow down a step or
  two, but Othal Brand is not most people; once settled beneath the
  South Texas sun, he went to work, teaming with Jack Griffin to found
  Griffin & Brand of McAllen; the company grew into one of the
  nation's largest vegetable producers, processors, and shippers,
  and Mr. Brand became a titan of agriculture, eventually earning a
  place in the Texas Heritage Hall of Honor for his contributions to
  farming and ranching; in time, he sought elective office, serving
  as a member of the school board and as a city commissioner in
  addition to his 20 years as McAllen's mayor; and
         WHEREAS, Juggling numerous business and governmental
  responsibilities was apparently not enough of a challenge for Mayor
  Brand, so he found other jobs that needed doing; he played a key
  role in establishing organizations such as the Boys and Girls Clubs
  of McAllen and the McAllen Economic Development Corporation, and he
  has been a member of numerous boards and committees; all in all,
  this mover and shaker has proven himself capable of excelling in
  darn near anything he sets his mind to, and McAllen has become a
  better place as a result; and
         WHEREAS, Through the years, Mayor Brand has also cultivated a
  fine family; he and his wife have four children and also relish the
  time they spend with their numerous grandchildren and
  great-grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, In his many decades as a community leader, Othal
  Brand has time and again demonstrated an unwavering determination
  to follow his convictions and to bring others along for the ride,
  and he has become a legendary figure whose achievements will
  continue to resonate in South Texas for decades to come; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the Honorable Othal E. Brand, Sr., for
  his dedicated service to the city of McAllen and extend to him
  sincere best wishes for continued success and happiness; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Brand as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.