81R15492 MDM-D
  By: Kolkhorst H.R. No. 1039
         WHEREAS, Teacher Becky Bader has been named the 2008 Citizen
  of the Year by the Bellville Lions Club; and
         WHEREAS, Beginning her career in education as a first-grade
  instructor at O'Bryant Primary School in 1990, Mrs. Bader moved to
  the sixth grade at Bellville Junior High School two years later; she
  has taught at Bellville High School since 1998, focusing on
  Pre-Advanced Placement English; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to the myriad responsibilities inherent
  in her role as an educator, Becky Bader has lent her time and
  talents to a host of extracurricular endeavors; she has served as
  the UIL academic coordinator, literary criticism coach, and ready
  writing coach, and one of her students won the 2006 Class 3A state
  championship in ready writing; she has also sponsored the BHS
  Writing Club and the VFW Voice of Democracy contest, and she
  continually encourages her students to participate in such
  competitions as the Lions Club speech and essay contests; moreover,
  on the state level, she fulfilled a four-year term on the Texas
  Education Agency development and review committee for the Texas
  Assessment of Knowledge and Skills; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. Bader has been recognized by a number of other
  organizations as well as by her students; she was named the Wal-Mart
  Teacher of the Year in 2005, received the Bellville ISD Golden Bell
  and Starfish Awards, has been nominated yearly to Who's Who Among
  American Teachers, and was presented an Academic Excellence Award
  by the 2007 graduating seniors; and
         WHEREAS, In all her endeavors, she enjoys the love and
  support of her husband, Ian Bader, who was named Citizen of the Year
  in 1998; and
         WHEREAS, For nearly two decades, this esteemed professional
  has been dedicated to educating, inspiring, and encouraging young
  Texans, and her receipt of this prestigious award demonstrates the
  high regard in which she is held by her fellow citizens; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Becky Bader on her selection as the
  2008 Citizen of the Year by the Bellville Lions Club and extend to
  her sincere best wishes for continued success and happiness; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mrs. Bader as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.