81R12980 MG-D
  By: Martinez Fischer H.R. No. 1126
         WHEREAS, The year 2009 marks the 25th anniversary of the
  publication of the novel The House on Mango Street, and this
  occasion provides a fitting opportunity to pay tribute to its
  author, Sandra Cisneros of San Antonio; and
         WHEREAS, A native of Chicago, Sandra Cisneros was born in
  1954 and was the only daughter in a family of seven children; she
  went on to earn a bachelor's degree in English from Loyola
  University Chicago in 1976 and a master's degree in creative
  writing from the University of Iowa two years later; in addition to
  writing, she has worked as a teacher, counselor, college recruiter,
  and arts administrator; and
         WHEREAS, Developing a distinctive style and exploring issues
  of ethnic identification and feminism within the Mexican American
  community, Ms. Cisneros has published three books of poetry, a
  collection of stories, a children's book, two novels, and Vintage
  Cisneros, a compilation of her selected works; her first novel, The
  House on Mango Street, was released in 1984, and the following year,
  it was honored with an American Book Award from the Before Columbus
  Foundation; this vibrant coming-of-age story has been translated
  all over the world and has sold more than two million copies; the
  novel is read and studied in schools across the country, and in
  2009, Ms. Cisneros will be touring the United States to celebrate
  its 25th anniversary with her readers; her second novel, Caramelo,
  also received critical acclaim and was selected by the New York
  Times and other journals and newspapers as a notable book of the
  year; and
         WHEREAS, This talented author has been recognized with
  numerous honors, including the Texas Medal of the Arts and the
  prestigious MacArthur Foundation Fellowship; she has been invited
  to serve as a visiting writer at such institutions as the University
  of California at Berkeley, and she is currently the
  writer-in-residence at San Antonio's Our Lady of the Lake
  University; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Cisneros draws much inspiration from the Alamo
  City, and her collection Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories
  references a creek located east of San Antonio, as well as other
  areas such as the King William historic neighborhood, where she
  lives; intent on establishing the city as a literary center, she
  created the Macondo Foundation, a network of dedicated and
  compassionate writers who view their work and talents as part of a
  larger task of community-building and nonviolent social change;
  named after the sleepy town in the Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel One
  Hundred Years of Solitude, Macondo was established in 1995 and
  officially incorporated in 2006, and it has grown from 15 to 120
  members; participants gather each year at the foundation's home,
  Our Lady of the Lake University, for the weeklong Macondo Workshop,
  where they share ideas and critique each other's work; these poets,
  novelists, journalists, performance artists, and writers of all
  genres are united by their mission to advance creativity, foster
  generosity, and honor their communities; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to the workshop, the Macondo Foundation
  sponsors the Casa Azul Residency Program, provides health coverage
  to its members, and hosts events at The University of Texas at San
  Antonio, Trinity University, the Bexar County Juvenile Detention
  Center, and other community institutions; Ms. Cisneros has also
  established the Alfredo Cisneros Del Moral Foundation, a
  grant-giving organization serving Texas writers; and
         WHEREAS, With her authentic voice and her ability to reach a
  universal audience, Sandra Cisneros is an inspiration to her
  readers and fellow artists, and she has further distinguished
  herself by reaching beyond her work as a writer to serve the greater
  community and promote social engagement; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Sandra Cisneros on her renowned literary
  career, and on her contributions through the Macondo Foundation,
  and congratulate her on the 25th anniversary of the publication of
  The House on Mango Street; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Cisneros as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.