81R21676 CBE-D
  By: McReynolds H.R. No. 1193
         WHEREAS, Our esteemed colleague, Delwin L. Jones, is
  celebrating his birthday on April 2, and this occasion provides a
  welcome opportunity to recognize his years of outstanding service
  to his constituents in House District 83 and to all Texans; and
         WHEREAS, A graduate of Lubbock High School, Delwin Jones
  served his country as a member of the U.S. Air Force during World
  War II before earning a bachelor's degree in accounting from Texas
  Tech University; he has enjoyed a long career in business and
  farming, while remaining active in numerous community
  organizations, including the Lubbock Lions Club, the Lubbock County
  Farm Bureau, the Caprock American Business Club, and the Plains
  Cotton Growers Association; and
         WHEREAS, Representative Jones first served in the Texas
  Legislature from 1965 to 1973, and voters returned him to office in
  1988; now in his 15th term, he serves as chair of the House
  Committee on Redistricting, which he has twice previously led, and
  is a member of the state affairs and the licensing and
  administrative procedures committees; and
         WHEREAS, This notable public servant has authored
  legislation that created the Texas Tech University Health Sciences
  Center, the Lubbock County Hospital District, the 137th District
  Court, the Lubbock County Criminal District Attorney's Office, the
  Buffalo Lakes Water District, and the Texas Tech Board of Regents;
  drawing on his agricultural expertise, he also authored legislation
  establishing the current Boll Weevil Eradication Program, as well
  as statewide standards for eggs and fruit; and
         WHEREAS, Representative Jones has been recognized for his
  achievements by such groups as the National Association of Social
  Workers, the Texas Classroom Teachers Association, the Mexican
  American Legislative Caucus, the Lubbock County Bar Association,
  the Lubbock Independent School District Board of Trustees, and the
  South Plains Association of Governments; moreover, he was named
  Outstanding Member of the 74th Legislative Session; and
         WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, Delwin Jones is supported
  by his wife, Reta, and their two children, Lanny and Melodie, and
  his beloved family also includes a son-in-law, Harry, and two
  grandsons, Greg and Scott; and
         WHEREAS, Representative Jones has benefited countless people
  with his leadership and dedication, and he may indeed take pride in
  the significant role he has played in shaping state government;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable Delwin L. Jones on
  the occasion of his birthday and extend to him heartfelt good wishes
  for all the best in the coming year; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Representative Jones as an expression of high regard
  by the Texas House of Representatives.