81R18814 JKB-D
  By: Leibowitz H.R. No. 1214
         WHEREAS, Roland Sandoval of Sandra Day O'Connor High School
  was inducted as a member of the international bandmasters'
  fraternity Phi Beta Mu on February 14, 2009; and
         WHEREAS, Candidates for Phi Beta Mu must have at least 10
  years of successful teaching experience and must direct a
  consistently outstanding public school band program; Mr. Sandoval
  served previously as bandmaster at schools in Kingsville, Hondo,
  and San Antonio before beginning his 11-year tenure at O'Connor
  High in Helotes; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Sandoval was sponsored by three active members
  of Phi Beta Mu, Ronnie Rios, Rolando Molina, and Jim Cain, and he
  underwent a yearlong evaluation of his contributions to his
  students and to music education before his election as a member; and
         WHEREAS, School band programs are a vital part of the public
  education system of the Lone Star State, and Roland Sandoval
  continues to provide exemplary inspiration and direction to those
  students who have the good fortune to participate in the band
  program at O'Connor High School; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Roland Sandoval on his election to
  Phi Beta Mu and extend to him sincere best wishes for the future;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Sandoval as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.