H.R. No. 1382
         WHEREAS, Representatives of the East End Chamber of Commerce
  in Houston are visiting the State Capitol on April 16, 2009, to
  celebrate the rich heritage and bright prospects of a notable
  corner of the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, The Houston East End encompasses the former city of
  Harrisburg, which was platted in 1826, 10 years before the founding
  of Houston itself; a shipping center for the early Texas colonies,
  Harrisburg became the seat of government for Harrisburg
  Municipality in December 1835, and it served as the capital of the
  Republic of Texas from March 22 to April 13, 1836; burned shortly
  thereafter by the Mexican Army, the town was rebuilt and
  incorporated in 1837; Harrisburg enjoyed the distinction of being
  the site of the first steam sawmill, grist mills, and railroad
  terminal in Texas; the community was annexed by Houston in 1926; and
         WHEREAS, Today the East End is the proud home of the Port of
  Houston, one of the largest ports in the world; the Port of Houston
  is ranked first in foreign waterborne tonnage and second in total
  tonnage in the United States; and
         WHEREAS, In 2006, the East End Chamber of Commerce, in
  partnership with the Greater East End Management District and with
  the input of nearly 300 stakeholders, completed the Strategic
  Vision, a program to guide the development of the East End over the
  following decade; the Strategic Vision identified six priorities to
  be addressed: the area's economic development, educational
  resources, history, image, infrastructure, and parks and
  neighborhoods; and
         WHEREAS, The chamber of commerce and its partners have made
  great strides already toward realizing the goals of this ambitious
  plan; major achievements include the initiation of a National
  Engineering Academy at Chavez High School, the creation of two Port
  of Houston Maritime Academies, scheduled to open at Austin High
  School and Yates High School in August 2009, and the establishment
  of an Economic Development Division to retain current businesses
  and attract new enterprises to the East End; and
         WHEREAS, Together with the residential community, the East
  End Chamber of Commerce is striving to ensure that development in
  the area is conducive to enhancing the quality of life of all who
  live there, and it is a privilege to commend this dynamic
  organization for its forward-looking leadership and civic
  engagement; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize April 16, 2009, as East End Chamber of
  Commerce Day at the State Capitol and extend to all the chamber
  members who have traveled to Austin best wishes for an enjoyable and
  memorable visit; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the East End Chamber of Commerce as an expression of
  high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
Straus Gattis Menendez
Allen Geren Merritt
Alonzo Giddings Miklos
Alvarado Gonzales Miller of Comal
Anchia Gonzalez Toureilles Miller of Erath
Anderson Guillen Moody
Aycock Gutierrez Morrison
Berman Hamilton Naishtat
Bohac Hancock Oliveira
Bolton Hardcastle Olivo
Bonnen Harless Orr
Branch Harper-Brown Ortiz, Jr.
Brown of Kaufman Hartnett Otto
Brown of Brazos Heflin Parker
Burnam Hernandez Patrick
Button Herrero Paxton
Callegari Hilderbran Peña
Castro Hochberg Phillips
Chavez Hodge Pickett
Chisum Homer Pierson
Christian Hopson Pitts
Cohen Howard of Fort Bend Quintanilla
Coleman Howard of Travis Raymond
Cook Hughes Riddle
Corte Hunter Rios Ybarra
Crabb Isett Ritter
Craddick Jackson Rodriguez
Creighton Jones Rose
Crownover Keffer Sheffield
Darby Kent Shelton
Davis of Harris King of Parker Smith of Tarrant
Davis of Dallas King of Taylor Smith of Harris
Deshotel King of Zavala Smithee
Driver Kleinschmidt Solomons
Dukes Kolkhorst Strama
Dunnam Kuempel Swinford
Dutton Laubenberg Taylor
Edwards Legler Thibaut
Eiland Leibowitz Thompson
Eissler Lewis Truitt
Elkins Lucio III Turner of Tarrant
England Madden Turner of Harris
Farabee Maldonado Vaught
Farias Mallory Caraway Veasey
Farrar Marquez Villarreal
Fletcher Martinez Vo
Flores Martinez Fischer Walle
Flynn McCall Weber
Frost McClendon Woolley
Gallego McReynolds Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1382 was adopted by the House on April
  16, 2009, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House