By: Dunnam H.R. No. 1383
         WHEREAS, Each Member of the Texas House of Representatives
  feels great pride in being citizens of the United States of America,
  which includes the right of citizens to petition their government
  for redress of grievances; and,
         WHEREAS, All Texans have benefited from this State's
  participation in the unique experience in democracy that first
  began on a field in Lexington, Massachusetts, and called The United
  States of America;
         WHEREAS, Countless Texans have served in the Armed Forces of
  the United States with the brave sons and daughters of all our
  sister States to protect our State, our Nation, our Union and many
  of them gave the last full measure of devotion by offering their
  lives to preserve that Union; and
         WHEREAS, Each member of the Texas House of Representatives
  has sworn a solemn oath to defend our National Union; and
         WHEREAS, Each day, millions of Texans assemble in churches,
  synagogues, schools, arenas, fields, and homes to pledge allegiance
  to the Flag of the United States of America and the one nation,
  indivisible, for which that Flag stands; and
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the State of
  Texas reaffirms the pride of all Texans in both our one and
  indivisible National Union and in our one and indivisible State and
  the common heritage of both; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives expresses its
  complete and total disagreement with any fringe element advocating
  the "secession" of Texas or any other state from our one and
  indivisible Union; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the House of
  Representatives is directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the
  President of the United States of America, the Vice President of the
  United States of America, the Speaker of the House of
  Representatives of the United States of America, and the governor
  of each sister State as an expression of the affection of the people
  of Texas for our one National and Indivisible Union.