81R25703(36) JNC-D
  By: Crabb H.R. No. 1464
         WHEREAS, Members of the Combined Law Enforcement
  Associations of Texas are holding their 12th biennial Texas Peace
  Officers' Memorial Ceremony on May 4, 2009, and this solemn event
  provides a fitting opportunity to honor those heroic public
  servants who placed themselves in harm's way to safeguard the lives
  and property of their fellow Texans; and
         WHEREAS, Citizens throughout the state appreciate the brave
  officers who, by their selfless dedication to the public welfare,
  enable us to enjoy the benefits of a peaceful and orderly society;
         WHEREAS, These men and women willingly risk their lives each
  day in order to investigate crimes and to patrol our roadways,
  communities, prisons, parks, and borderlands; moreover, they
  respond in times of crisis, and they also work to educate the public
  about crime prevention, adherence to the law, and safety awareness;
         WHEREAS, Game Warden George Harold Whatley of the Texas Parks
  and Wildlife Department exemplified in his professional conduct the
  virtues of courage, dedication, and fortitude throughout his year
  of service with the department; and
         WHEREAS, On October 10, 2008, George Harold Whatley was
  killed in the line of duty, and his untimely death represents a
  tragic loss to his family, to his fellow officers, and to the
  entire community; and
         WHEREAS, The heroism of George Harold Whatley has earned this
  esteemed Texan our deepest gratitude, which the passage of time can
  never diminish; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Game Warden George
  Harold Whatley of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and
  extend deepest sympathy to his loved ones; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas House
  of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of George
  Harold Whatley.