81R23751 MG-D
  By: Leibowitz H.R. No. 1487
         WHEREAS, Vanessa Hernandez of San Antonio is receiving the
  Gold Award from the Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas in May 2009, and
  this notable achievement indeed merits special recognition; and
         WHEREAS, The highest honor bestowed by the Girl Scouts, the
  Gold Award is given to young women who have excelled in the areas of
  leadership, service, career planning, and personal development,
  and the award's rigorous standards ensure that those who attain the
  commendation are among scouting's elite; and
         WHEREAS, In the course of meeting the award's demanding
  criteria, Ms. Hernandez completed all of the requisite steps,
  including several interest project patches, an individual
  challenge, and a Gold Award project of benefit to her community;
  moreover, this fine young Texan has demonstrated outstanding
  initiative throughout her scouting career, winning the respect and
  admiration of both her leaders and fellow scouts; and
         WHEREAS, Vanessa Hernandez has distinguished herself through
  her dedication and perseverance in the pursuit of her goals, and she
  may reflect with great pride on a job well done; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Vanessa Hernandez on earning the
  Girl Scout Gold Award and extend to her sincere best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Hernandez as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.