By: Thompson H.R. No. 1490
         WHEREAS, Autism Spectrum Disorders are complex lifelong
  developmental disabilities that typically appear during the first
  three years of life and result from neurological disorders that
  affect different functions of the brain; and
         WHEREAS, Autism Spectrum Disorders affect the normal
  development of the brain in the areas of social interactions,
  communication skills and restricted, repetitive and stereotyped
  patterns of behavior, interest and activity; and
         WHEREAS, Autism Spectrum Disorders are one of the fastest
  growing serious developmental disabilities in the United States and
  affects up to as many as 1 in 150 individuals, more than 2,000,000
  individuals nationally, and over 23,000 children in Texas; and
         WHEREAS, The number of children under the age of 21 with
  Autism Spectrum Disorders in Texas is projected to increase to
  62,000 by 2028; and
         WHEREAS, Autism Spectrum Disorders have a wide range of
  implications on the entire family of the diagnosed individual and
  knows no racial, ethnic, geographical, or socio-economic boundary;
         WHEREAS, Autism Spectrum Disorders require early detection,
  intervention, more diagnostic research, professional educational
  training, and therapy to aid in reducing the effects of Autism
  Spectrum Disorders, not only for the individual diagnosed, but for
  their families; and
         WHEREAS, The State of Texas needs educators, parents,
  doctors, service providers, caregivers, first respondents,
  legislators, and the public to better understand this disability
  and continue to address this growing problem; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize the month of April 2009 as Autism
  Awareness Month.