H.R. No. 1604
         WHEREAS, For several generations, members of the family of
  Bailey H. Dunlap have contributed generously to the community of La
  Feria; and
         WHEREAS, The Dunlaps were among the first settlers of La
  Feria, and Bailey Dunlap served as the town's first mayor; in 1963,
  his family endowed the city's public library in his name; and
         WHEREAS, For more than 45 years, the Bailey H. Dunlap
  Memorial Library has been an invaluable resource for La Feria,
  providing access to books, magazines, and audiovisual materials; a
  focal point for the community, it has provided a place for various
  groups to meet and for students to do their homework as well as free
  access to computers and a children's summer reading program; and
         WHEREAS, Members of the Dunlap family have continued to
  support the library and the city with their time and contributions;
  Nina Dunlap served on the library board for many years, and today
  her daughter, Betty Jo Dunlap, carries on her family's civic
  engagement by remaining active with the library in addition to a
  number of other city boards and organizations; and
         WHEREAS, The family has recently provided another generous
  donation to help the library expand, continuing the tradition of
  service begun by Bailey H. Dunlap, and they may indeed take pride in
  all they have done over the years for their community; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 81st Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Dunlap family for their longtime
  service to the city of La Feria and extend to them sincere best
  wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Dunlap family as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.
  Rios Ybarra
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1604 was adopted by the House on May
  4, 2009, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House